Chapter 22: Alisa & Pizza

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Teenagers

By: My Chemical Romance

I decided to update a little early because...why not? So there will be no chapter Saturday. Anyways continue.

Alisa walks into the house shaking and with mascara all over her face...she was in a light pink dress. Honestly it was scary. She looks like a murderer.

"Alisa? Why do you look like a bride who just killed her husband?" Jordan asks, "Carter.." She whispers looking at Carter who had his arm around Emma.

"Who's that!" Alisa screeched, Carter raps his arms protectively around Emma. "That's Emma, Carters girlfriend." Jordan says, we all glare at him. I elbow him in the stomach.

"Ow." He whispers, "What about me? What about us Carter? Did it mean nothing to you?" Alisa asks,

"Carter, who is this girl?" Emma asks, "I'm Carters girlfriend you little bitch!" Alisa says walking closer to our little circle everyone was sitting in.

Everyone stands up. "Alisa calm down." I say, "No! I will not calm down!" Alisa says, "Alisa calm you're ass down." Trent says,

"Who is this girl?" Angelina asks, everyone just ignores Angelina. "Carter I love you! Why can't you just be with me?" Alisa asks,

"Because I stopped loving you when you fucked my dad." Carter says, "It meant nothing! It was a mistake!" Alisa says, "Dating you was a mistake." Carter says,

"Burn." Jordan says, "Not the time for you're stupidness." I say rolling my eyes, "Stupidness? I'm offended." Jordan says,

"It was meant to be offensive. So should be." I say, "Now isn't the time to flirt." Trent says glaring at us.

"How is me offending him flirting?" I ask rolling my eyes, "It just is! Now stop!" Trent says, "No." Jordan says glaring at Trent,

"Excuse me?" Trent asks, "Guys! Please don't do this right now!" Carter says, "Carter! You belong with me! Not her!" Alisa says pointing at Emma.

"Oh honey, no, what are you thing?" Jordan says, "Alisa, are you drunk or something?" I ask, "I'm drunk in love!" She says,

"Yeah, I think she's drunk." Trent says, I roll my eyes and step towards Alisa. "Look need to move on." I say, not in the nicest way but I mean...when am I ever nice?

"But I don't want nobody else!" She says, " and Carter can't be together. He's with Emma! You messed up Alisa! Get over it! You two will never get back together I'm sorry!" I say, I pick up a plate that was on the ground for some unknown reason.

"This plate is like you and Carters relationship." I say, everyone looks at me confused. "I think Sky is the drunk one." Jordan says, everyone ignores his stupid comment,

"How does a...plate describe our relationship?" Alisa asks, "Just wait, so you see this plate It's together." I say, "Well duh." She says,

"Well let's say one person messed up while making the plate." I drop the plate and it shatters into 6 different pieces, "Now the plate is broken, just like you and Carters relationship. You see one person-" I look at Alisa, "Messed up, that's all it takes...and now it's broken and will never go back together." I say,

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