Chapter 3: Why Can't I Be Pretty?

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Sad Song

By: We The Kings ft. Elena Coats

The next morning I woke up by a alarm clock going off. I grunt, falling off my bed I rub my side. Ow. Why does this happen too me?

I throw the alarm clock at the wall. Ugh I will just get a new one.

I grab the best locking T-shirt I could find. Which only had one hole in the bottom side. Then my best looking jeans that had holes in the knees.

I walked too the bathroom, looking at my self through the mirror. I look at my green eyes, my mom says that I got that from my dad.

I grumble, I look horrible. My hair is a rats nest, and my face looks like...well my face.

I. Look. Like. A. Zombie.

I brushed my light brown hair, and than brush teeth. Eh. I look...better. I sigh, why can't I be pretty? Like every other girl? I'm a mess. Who could love me?

Oh well I don't care.

That's what I tell my self everyday, 'Oh well I don't care'. That's what I tell everybody. But I do care. I care about what everybody thinks.

But I'm fine.

That's what I tell everybody 'I'm fine'. But really I'm not fine...I try too keep how I feel too myself. I don't want people too worry about me.

I don't want people too look down on me. I want too be treated the same as everybody else. But that's not how life works.

If your pretty and happy than you become famous. If your unhappy with life and ugly your looked down on.

I sigh walking out of my room and down the stairs. "What are you doing here still?" I ask Jordan,

"Well I come here after school, everyday. And before school, everyday." He says, "And why is that?" I ask, "Because I want too." He says,

"Well I don't want you too." I say, "Well too bad princess." He says, I snort. "I'm not a princess." I say,

"Ok than....peach. That's what I'll call you." He says smirking, "Peach? Do you know how stupid that sounds?" I ask,

"Another reason too call you it." He says, "Fuck you." I say, "You can later if you still want too." He says,

"No thank you." I say, "Too bad." He says, "For you." I say, "I would really like it if you two didn't flirt while I was here." Carter says,

"We are not flirting." I say, "I wouldn't flirt with her if she was the last person on earth." Jordan says, I'm that ugly? Yea, I am...

"Yea." I say, "Yea okay. Well we better go if you want too get there on time." Carter says, we all walked out the door yelling bye too Sarah.

"Sky this way." Carter says, I follow him too a truck. "This is my truck. Dad got it for my 16th birthday this year." He says,

I got in the back seat while the boys sat in the front.

They turned on some rap and listened too it the whole way too school, I don't mines though because I listened too it a lot back home.

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