Chapter 35: Leaving? Going Back Home?

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"I've gotta go

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"I've gotta go..." I say, I walk out of Jordan's house and I go home. As I walk in the house I hear people talking and yelling. "Skylar?" I hear someone ask as I walk in the living room. Carter comes in behind me.

There sat my father, and a strange man. "Guys? What's going on?" I ask, the man gets up and shakes my hand. "Hi, I'm Peter. I'm here to-" He starts,

"He is here to take you back to your moms house! Apparently it's time for you to go back!" Dad says, "You're taking my sister again!? This is her home now!" Carter yells,

"Young man it's time for her to go back to her real home." Peter says, "This is her real home! I'm her father! I won't let you take her!" Dad yells, "Sir-"

"Don't sir me." Dad says, "Look, she needs to go home. There's nothing you can do about it." Peter says, Carter looks at me. "Leave. I don't want you in this house." Dad says to Peter.

"She leaves in two weeks." Peter says walking out of the house. "There is something you can do, right?" Carter asks, "No, even if she wants to stay...she can't." Dad says,

"Bullshit! She can't leave! She just got here not to long ago!" Carter yells, he runs to his room and slams the door. Dad looks at me. "You have to leave...but you can always come back when you turn 18. We'll always be here." He says, I smile.

"I'm happy that I can finally call you my dad." I say, he smiles at me. "I'm happy that I got to see the women that my daughter has grown into." I hug him. "I'm going to go check on Carter," I say, he nods.

I walk up the stairs and knock on my brothers bedroom door. "Carter...?" I ask, "What?" He asks, "Can I please come in?" I ask, the door opens.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah, I'll be fine. But are you fine? I know this isn't going to help...but I'm fine with you and Jordan dating." He says, I laugh.

"Don't you think it's a little to late for that?" I ask, he laughs. "I guess it is. I'm going to miss you." He says, "I'm going to miss you too..."

"How are you going to tell Jordan?" He asks, "I don't know...he's probably going to hate me." I say,

"He won't hate you." Carter says shaking his head. I sigh. "I don't know about that. I'll probably tell him next week." I say, "The sooner the better." Carter says,

"The sooner he knows...he might get mad...and I want to spend as much time as I can with him." I say, "You better spend time with me too." He says,

"Carter...who texted you?" I ask, he frowns. "This guy...his name is Daniel." Carter says sighing. "Daniel? Well why was he talking about my ex boyfriend Alan?" I ask,

"Because...Alan is actually one of my friends. I know about how he treated you wrong. So I wanted to keep him away from you." He says, "Oh," I say,

"Look, I'm sorry for not telling you." He says, I sigh and look at him. "There's a lot that you haven't told me." I said, I got up and walked out of his room. I shut the door behind me and take a deep breath.

So much has happened today. I walk into my room, shutting the door behind me. I don't want to go back home. I've made a life here.

I miss my mom...a lot. But I've built a life here. I don't want to go back to being...the old me. Here I actually feel happy. They say I can come back when I'm 18. But I'm 16! I'd have to wait 2 years! I don't want to wait that long!

Ughhh! Why is life so freaking hard? It's like once I got used to living here...I have to leave. Great, just great.

My phone buzzes. It's Jordan. Oh no! What am I going to tell him? What if I accidentally say I'm leaving? I gulp and answer the phone.

(S- Sky J- Jordan)

S- Hey Jordan!

J- Hey! I just got a call from Carter!

Oh my gosh. Did Carter tell him about me leaving? I mean I know that they are friends. But...seriously?

S- Look, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to hear this from me-

J- What are you talking about? Carter says that he's fine with us dating! We can be together!

S- Oh, haha! Yay!

J- Yeah...I just wanted to call and tell you the good news. I've gotta go. Bye!

S- Yeah...bye...

I hang up. I don't know how I'm going to tell him. He seemed so excited...

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