Chapter 34: I Stole My Brother's Best Friend

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When I woke up I turn around and see no Jordan. I sigh. I get up and put my shirt and shorts I had yesterday on.

I walk down the stairs. I sit on the couch with Jordan, Logan, and May. A hour later there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Logan says opening the door.

"Hey, hey, hey!" A girl says walking in. "Lexie!" May says hugging her. "Well if it isn't the famous Skylar!" She says, "Uhhh sorry but am I supposed to know you?" I ask awkwardly.

"Well no. I'm Jordan's cousin. I've heard a lot about you. Oh and this is my sister Ammaarah." Lexie says, just then another girl walks in. She had brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Ammaarah!" She says, smiling at me. "I'm Sky." I say, smiling back.

"It's nice to meet you, Sky." Ammaarah says, "Its nice to meet you too." I say, "Okay so now that we've established that...I'm hungry." Lexie says, going to the kitchen. Me and Ammaarah follow her while everyone else stays in the kitchen.

" my cousin good to you?" Lexie asks getting some butter out of the fridge. "Yeah." I say,

"Sky, can you get some flour for me? It's in the pantry. I look in the pantry and see it's on the top shelf.

How am I supposed to get that when I'm so short? I'm 5'1! "Uhhhh, guys?" I say more of a question. "Yeah? Oh, I'll get that for ya." Ammaarah says, handing me the flour. I smile at her.

Lexie made some pancakes while we all talked about nothing yet everything. If that even makes sense.

A few hours later me, Ammaarah, Lexie, and Jordan were all banging out while May and Logan are upstairs. "Hey, I'm hungry. Like really hungry." Lexie says,

"I'm like..also hungry because like...I don't know! I'm like just very hungry! Like do you know what I mean?" Ammaarah says, making fun of her sister.

"Like I know right! Like I totally know like what you mean!" I say, "Okay, okay. I get it. You can stop now." Lexie says glaring at us.

"But like this is so much fun!" I say, "Like i know right girls!" Jordan says, we all stare at him stupidly. "No, just no."

"We've got to go. It was nice meeting you. We'll have to hangout soon!" Lexie says, "yeah, bye. It was nice meeting you, Sky!" Ammaarah says, they leave.

"Hey, uh, I need to ask something." I say, "What is it?" He asks,

"You remember when we went to that house and uhhh did that stuff to the Lamborghini..?" I ask, "Uhhh, yeah. What about it?"

I take a deep breath. "Was it Trent's Lamborghini...?" I ask, he froze and avoids eye contact with me. "Yes." He says, "What did Trent do to you to make you so mad at him?"

"He hurt you." He says,  looking at me like he's trying to find out if I'm mad or sad...or any emotion. "Oh," I say, I avoid making eye contact with him. "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" He asks, "For everything. Now stop being so lovey dovey! I'm cringing...really hard." I say, laughing.

"Sorry," He says, laughing. He looks at me seriously. "Ask me any questions. And I'll answer it as best as I can. All of them." He says,

"Okay first...Anna...what happened to her?" I ask, he takes a deep breath. "Anna, your old friend...also known as Carter's ex.." Jordan says, my jaw drops.

"Anna and Carter dated?" I ask, "Yeah, for two years...before all the drama went down." He says, "What drama?" I ask, "Well, one day...Anna, me, and Carter were going to hang out," He takes a deep breath.

"Anna was acting different, but of course we ignored it. So later that and Carter were taking Anna home. Carter walked Anna to her front door...but he came back crying," He says,

"Apparently, Anna had broken up with Carter-" He starts but I cut him off. "What!? Why!?" I ask, "Well, nobody knows." He says, "Oh." I say,

"Anyways, later that day I decided to spend the night with Carter know," He says, I nod. "We got a phone call, from the hospital. They told us that Anna was in a horrible car wreck." He says, By then there was tears on my cheeks.

"Anna died that night." He says, I hug him. I can't believe I missed that important part of my brother's life. And that he had to go through that all alone...well he had...his best friend...that I took. Oh no. I took the only person that helped him through all of this.

"Sky? Are you okay?" He asks, "I took you from Carter...and you're the only person that helped him through all of this..." I say crying. Wow, I can't believe I did that to my brother.

"I took my brothers best friend."

Hey y'all! I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry I've just been VERY busy lately. Anyways bye y'all! I'll see y'all next chapter!

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