Chapter 24: Mystery Guy & Lamborghini

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This chapters song 😁

Song: O.D.D. (Omg I love this song so much 😜)

By: Hey Violet

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"WELL YOU DONT HAVE TO YELL!" I yell at Jordan. We've been driving for about 10 minutes. "If you're driving me somewhere to kill me...just know I will kick your ass." I say,

"Calm down! We are almost there." He says, I sigh. He turns up the radio and switches the station.

A few minutes later he pull up to McDonald's. "Are you fucking serious? There's a McDonald's next to the house! Why drive when we could literally walk to the other McDonald's?!" I ask,

"We didn't drive here just to get McDonald's." He says, "Oh?" I question, "Yep. We drove here to order icecream and we are gonna go throw it at a certain persons car." He says,

"Who's car?" I ask, "That's for me to know and you to-" he starts but I cut him off. "Find out. Yeah, yeah. Now just tell me who's car." I say,

"Some guy that I hate." He says, "Okay...wait what? I never knew you could hate someone." I say, "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks after entering the drive threw.

He orders four icecream cones. "It's supposed to mean that you don't seem like the type of guy that could hate someone." I say, he looks at me weirdly.

"I didn't know that there was a certain way guys act." He says grabbing the four icecream cones and paying.

"Well there is. There's the sweet guy, the fuck boy, the player, the clown, the badass, the mystery, the nerd, the shy guy...and so many more." I say, he chuckles.

"And what guy am I?" He asks, I've never really thought about what type of guy Jordan is...

"Ummm I don't know. I've never really thought about it." I say, "What type of guy is Carter?" Jordan asks laughing,

"Definitely the sweet guy." I say, he laughs but nods agreeing with me. "So how do you know where this guy you hate lives?" I ask, he shrugs.

"I just do." He says, "Oh." I say, I look out the window and see that we are now driving again. "So are we going to their house now?" I ask,

"No. First we are gonna go to the store and find some pink spray paint." He says, I look at him questionably. "We are gonna spray paint his car pink. Duh." He says rolling his eyes.

"Isn't that a little harsh? What did he do to make you so mad?" I ask, but he just ignores me. I just left the topic alone and stared out the window.

I wonder what this guy did to make him so mad. I also wonder who this guy is....

We pull up to this mystery guys house. "Ready to turn into a bad girl, babydoll?" He asks, "Ew! Don't call me that!" I say as we get out of his truck.

"Aww why not?" He asks handing me a spray can. "Because I said so." I say,

"Okay so here's the car." He says pointing to a black Lamborghini. I start tearing up. "It's so beautiful. I can't do it..." I say,

"Just do it." He says, "Can we steal the car instead?" I ask, he laughs. "Just spray the car." He says, I kiss the car. "I'm so sorry babe..." then I spray paint the car with Jordan.

"Something a little extra." He says throwing glitter and feathers on the car. We step back and look at the beautiful car...well the car that used to be beautiful.

"You have no idea how hard that was." I say, he laughs at me. "HEY! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" We hear, "Run!" Jordan yells,

We start running towards the car. I look and see there's a guy right behind me. Jordan gets in the car and open the door for me. I jump in and we drive off.

"WE COULD'VE WENT TO JAIL!" I yell, "But we didn't." He says, "But we could've." I say, he smiles at me. "But we didn't." He says, "Whatever." I say, he sighs.

"That was so close." He says, "Tell me about it." I say, he laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask, "Nothing." He says shaking his head. "Tell me." I say, "You're just so...there's no words to describe you." He says,

"Is that a good thing?" I ask, "Definitely. It means you're different...and different is good." He says, I slowly nod my head.

"So where to next?" I ask, he looks at me surprised. "What?" I ask, "I thought you were gonna yell at me and tell me to bring you home." He says,

"Are you kidding me!? This is the most fun I've had in...years!" I say, "Really? Well I'll make sure that we have an awesome day." He says, I smile at him.

"But seriously...where are we going next?" I ask, "Well...that's for me to know and for you to find out." He says glancing at me.

"You have no idea what we are doing next. Am I right?" I ask, he sighs. "Yeah..." He mumbles, "Oh my gosh did Jordan David just admit I'm right?" I gasp,

"Shut up- wait...who the hell told you my last name?" He asks glaring at me. "Well apparently it's our last name since we are husband and wife. Right?" I ask laughing, he blushes.

"Aww you're adorable when you blush." I say, "Shut up. Who told you about what happened at the hospital?" Jordan asks, "Well obviously my brother did." I say rolling my eyes.

"Have you ever thought about life?" He asks, "What do you mean?" I ask, "Well...have you ever thought about what you want to be in the future?" He asks,

"Yeah." I say, he looks at me expectingly. "Care to share?" He asks, "Oh, I don't really tell that many people. You just wouldn't understand." I say,

"Well what's the harm in trying? I might surprise you." He says, "Fine. I want to be a therapist. Yeah I's silly." I say,

"It's not silly. Why do you want to be a therapist?" He asks, should I tell him? I don't really tell people anything about me know. But I feel so comfortable around him.

"I wanna help people in the way nobody could help me." I say, he stares at me. "I knew it." He says,

"You knew what?" I ask,

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