Chapter 10: Seeing & Talking Too Him

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^^Thats my new puppy 😍 his name is Bubba! Isn't he the cutest?! *coughs awkwardly* anyways...

Song: Issues

By: Julia Michales

"Your so cute." Jordan says, it was the next day. I haven't talked to my brother, nor my dad and Sarah.

But they went off some where and Jordan came over. So he kind of just walked in my room and locked the door. We were just standing around doing nothing.

"I'm not cute." I say growling, "Yes, you are just look at your self." He says handing me a mirror. I grabbed it then slammed it on the wall making a crack on the mirror.

I looked at my self in the mirror. "Oh look, my ugliness killed it." I say rolling my eyes, I shoved the mirror to him.

He starts laughing, "I saw that. Don't lie to me." He says as we sat crisscross applesauce on my bed. I crossed my arms,

"I'm not lying." I say, "You know your prettier then you think." He says, I roll my eyes when we hear a knock on the door.

That's weird they aren't supposed too be back until late tonight. I opened the door too Trent. "Trent? What are you doing here?" I ask,

"Came too see Carter speaking off where is he?" Trent asks, "He's out." I say, "Oh, do you mind if I hang out with you for a while?" Trent asks,

"Of course not!" I say pulling him inside. He scratched the back of his neck. "Haha so uhh what do you want to do?" He asks, this is it! I can finally get to know him! EHHHHH!!!

"Well uh-" I start but got cut off. "What's he doing here?" Jordan asks glaring at Trent. "Should be asking the same thing." Trent says glaring back at Jordan.

"Jordan go do what ever you want." I say shooing him away, "What?" Jordan asks, "Jordan can I talk to you real quick?" I ask,

"Sure Peach." He says, I pulled him in the bathroom. "Wow Peach. If you wanted me that bad you could have just asked." He says smirking,

"Jordan please stop! I like Trent, can you please leave us alone?!" I ask whisper yelling, (Funny story when I was writing I accidentally wrote Jordans name as 'Hot daddy' and Trents as 'Player' but whatever continue!)

"Fine, it's what ever." He says walking out of the bathroom, why is he acting so weird?

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where Trent was setting on the couch. "Oh hey Sky." Trent says, I sat next to him.

"Hey Trent." I say smiling at him, of course it was fake. When isn't it? Now that's a question.

"You okay?" He asks I nod smiling at him. "Let's play truth." He says, "What's that?"

"It's like truth or dare but with out the dare." He says, "Sure okay." I say, "I'll ask you first. Are you seeing some body?" He asks,

"Yea you I'm looking at you." I say, "I meant are you dating somebody?" He asks laughing, "Nope." I say popping the p

"Oh okay." He says smiling at me, "Are you dating someone?" I ask, "No." He says,

"When was your first kiss?" He asks, "Hmmm when I was 14." I say, "How'd it go down?" He asks,

"I was at a party. I rather not talk about it." I say, clearing my throat. He got the massage and left the subject. "When was your first kiss?" I ask smirking,

"I was 12. It was with a girl named Ella." He says smiling at the memory, "Sounds cute." I say, he nods.

"It was after school. But she moved away not to long ago." He says clearing his throat, "So where are you coming from?" He asks,

"California. What's your favorite color?" I ask, he laughs at my question. "That's a classic question. And it's red." He says,

"Mine is blue and black." I say, "Black and red go good together." He says looking at me, I smile at him. "I guess so." I say, he started leaning in and so did I.

But then someone jumped in the middle of us making me kiss their cheek and Trent doing the same. So close. SO FREAKING CLOSE.

"What's up? Oh the ceiling of course. So what we doing?" Jordan asks putting an arm around me and Trent.

I glare at Jordan as he turned on the tv. Why? Just why? I'm a good girl....kind of. Well at least I try! That's all that matters!

"Well we were talking." Trent says glaring at Trent. "Oh that's nice. Now hush! I'm trying to watch uncle grandpa!" Jordan says singing the intro.

"Why can't we watch sponge bob?" I ask, Jordan smiles at me while Trent looks at me out of disbelief.

Jordan turns on sponge bob. "OOOOHHH HOW LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?!" The tv sings, "SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS!" Me and Jordan sing,

Trent covers his ears as we sung the rest of the song. When sponge bob finished the door opened showing my father, Carter, Sarah, and Alisa.

They were laughing at something my father said. They stopped once they seen me. Just then a lady with blond hair, brown eyes and to much make up came in and kissed my so called father.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Nice to see you too...." I whisper, rolling my eyes I started up the stairs ready to lock my door and hide again.

"Sky...I'm sorry for what I did." He says, and I can't believe I actually believed him. "What was it like?" I ask, he looks at me questionably, "What was it like leaving me behind?" I ask, he didn't answer. I scoff,

"Wait Sky!" My dad shouts, I don't know why but for once I was the angry one. Usually I'm the quiet one getting yelled at.

"No! YOU should have been the one who waited!" I yell, "Don't talk to him that way!" The blond bimbo yells grabbing my hand.

"You have no right too touch me." I say pushing her off, she looked at me with anger. "Sky! Do not talk to her like that!" Dad yells at me,

"OH ME?!" I yell before anyone could cut me off I continued, "I'm NOT the one that hit my wife!!! I'm not the one the one that went to jail every fucking night!!" I yell,

I was red but he was also, "That's not true! Your mother is lying to you!" He yells, "Lying?! She wasn't the one that told me!!! Because I heard it! And I saw it with my own eyes." I say,

"When I was little I thought you were a monster....turns out you are." I say, "And your not like me?" He asks smirking,

I look down, "I won't ever be like you, again." I say, hopefully I'll keep that promise I made to my self...I think as I slam my door.

But not before I seen Jordan's, Carter's, and Trent's fasces. They looked at my the same way I used to look at my dad.....


Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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