Chapter 12: Lollipops & Boxers

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Dracula

By: Bea Miller

When we finally found Sky it was 5 in the morning and we were driving home she wouldn't stop talking.

"I want a lollipop! Don't you just love lollipops? They are so good! I could just suck on them forever." She says, "Me and my dirty mind..." Trent mumbles on the other side of Sky.

Me, Sky, and Trent were in the back while Alisa and Carter were in the front.

"Turn that frown upside down!" Sky says poking my face. "More like turn that smile upside down..." I mumble,

"I want...I want....I don't know what I want. But I want something..." She says, "Yea okay. You let me know when you find out." I say,

"HAHAHA! You are so funny! And I just want to hug you! You and you're short self!" Sky says hugging her self.

"I can't tell if she's talking to her self or if she's talking to Jordan." Alisa says, "Oh I'm talking to Jor Jor!" She says,

"Who's dat?" Trent asks, "It's Jordan stupid." Alisa says glaring at Trent.

"What got you're bra in a twist?" Trent asks, "First off don't talk about a lady's bra! And second shut the hell up." Alisa says,

"OUUUUUUU YOU JUST GOT OWNED! Well not really...wait can a person own a person? I guess the world will never know...mind blown." Sky says,

We all starred at her in silence, "Anywayyysss sooo Sky...what happened to are parents?" Carter asks,

"Carter! You can't just ask someone that!" Alisa says, "Well she's drunk! So she's not gonna remember any of this in the morning!" Carter says,

"It doesn't matter! She'll tell you when she decides too! Or better yet you're mom and know the actual people that got the divorce!" Alisa says,

"Yea, like my dads gonna tell me. And I haven't talked to my mom since she and Sky left. I feel so unwanted." Carter says,

"HAHA it got deep real quick!" Sky says laughing, "Sky...did you miss me?" Carter asks,

"I don't know," She says singing some random song. "I want to be a duck. Quack! Quack!"

"Sky shut up." Carter says, "Shut up is not a very nice word!" Sky says crying, "She's very emotional." I say,

"You're telling me." Carter says sighing, "I'm a doctor.....My names Doctor Pain! I'll make you feel pain! Yea, yea! Because I'm Doctor Pain! And I make you feel....what was the word again?" Sky asks,

"Pain." I say, "Oh yea....And I make you feel painnnnnnnnn...I'm sleepy." Sky says then immediately fell asleep.

"Finally!" Carter says, "Hey I heard that!" Sky says waking right back up. "Oh my god! Carter! Why did you have to jinx us?!" Alisa asks,

"Jinx....jinx....jinx....what a weird word." Sky says, "Sky shut up!" Carter says,

Sky looks out the window, "The sky didn't shut up." Sky says, "No you!" Carter says, "What about me?" Sky asks,

"You shut up!" Carter says, "No! I don't ever shut up! I refuse to shut up!" Sky says, "Oh my god..." I whisper,

"Got something to say?" Sky asks, "No." I say, "Exactly. Check yo self before you go around checking somebody else." Sky says,

"Lalala...why do they call them boxers?" Sky asks, I chock on my spit. "What?" I ask,

"You know, boxers...what boys wear. Why do they call it boxers? I mean people aren't gonna go around boxing you there." Sky says,

"That's very true-" I start, "Jordan please don't talk that way to my sister." Carter says,

"She asked! I was just giving a answer! If you don't want me to talk that way then tell her not to ask me questions like that!" I defend,

"Sky please don't ask stuff like that." Carter says, "You don't own me!....don't tell me what to do and don't tell me what to say! Please, when I go out with you don't put me on dis-" Sky starts singing on the top of her lungs.

"Oh god no!" Alisa yells, "Torture!!!!" Carter yells, I laughed, and Trent just sat there.

"Shut up when I'm singing! You know you love it!" Sky says, "Pease don't do that ever again." Trent says,

"Okay, I will." She says, then we got to the house or should I say mansion. "Who's taking her in?" Alisa asks,

"I'll do it." Trent says, "Nah I'll do it." I say, "No I'll do it!" Carter says, "Or I could do it..." Sky says, I cough awkwardly.

"Yea. That could also happen." I say, Sky smiles at me while getting out of the car. When everyone got in the mansion Sarah came up to us.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?" She asks, "Im sleepy...I'm gonna....I'm gonna go to my room." Sky says walking up the stairs.

I was sleeping on the couch. While Trent was on the other one and Carter went to his room with Alisa.

30 minutes later Sky came down stairs. "Where's my room again?" Sky asks, I laughed. "You don't remember?" I ask,

"Nope." She says, I got up off of the couch and we walked up the stairs thank god Trent's asleep.

"What have you been doing up here if you didn't know where you're room was?" I ask, "This house is really big so I got lost trying to find a way back." She says,

"How did you manage to do that?" I ask, "I don't know." She says shrugging,

"You're definitely something." I say, "A good something or a bad something?" She asks as we made are way to her room.

"Definitely a good something." I say as we walked into her room. She fell on her bed then went straight to sleep. It was so cute.

I smiled as I walked out of her room and went down the stairs. Now it's time for me to actually sleep. Once I hit the bed I fell into a deep sleep.

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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