Chapter 7: Trents Twitter & Getting Carter Mad

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The chapters song ^^ 💕

Song: I Think I'm In Love Agian

By: Kat Dahlia

When I woke up the next day I got out of bed too see I was the first one up. I walked down the stairs.

I sighed grabbing milk, a spoon, some fruit loops, and a bowl. I put the fruit loops and milk into the bowl.

I sat on one of the dining room chairs and ate my fruit loops quietly. The only noice you could hear was my chewing.

When I was done I grabbed my bowl and went too the kitchen. I washed the bowl off and went too the living room.

I turned on the smurfs movie. I grabbed my phone and went too Instagram. I scrolled down and looked at all the new posts. Than I went too Twitter.

I was thinking about Trent for some weird reason. Should I search him? He does have twitter doesn't he?

It wouldn't hurt. I searched his name. I looked for his twitter when I finally found it I clicked it.

I seen all his tweets and pics. Should I follow him? What if he doesn't follow me? That would be embarrassing...

Nah. I won't follow him. I sighed turning my phone off. A few minutes later I was watching My Little Pony....don't judge me.

"Boo." I heard something whisper in my ear. I jumped. I turned around too see it was Jordan. "Jordan! What the hell?! You scared me half to death!!" I yell,

"Sorry! I didn't know I would scare you that bad!" He says plopping on the couch next too me laughing.

"Wel-" I start but get cut off by yelling and the stares floor pounding.

"Do you ever stop!! I'm trying too sleep! Can I just please get a little rest with out noice!" Carter yells,

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Jordan asks, "You twos yelling is what!" Carter yells,

"Are voices can not crawl. That's scientifically impossible." I say, "I don't care about science! All I care about is getting more sleep and shutting you two up!! I want sleep!" Carter yells,

"Then sleep!" I say, "I cant!!! I just!!! Ahhhhh!!!!" Carter yells stumping back up the stares. I sigh,

"Now look what you did!" Jordan says, "What? Me? But you- I didn't- what???!!" I yell, "SHUT UP YOU TWO!!!" I hear my brother yell,

I roll my eyes, why cant Carter be normal? "So what do you want too do today sweetheart?" Jordan asks propping his feat on the coffee table.

Me and Jordan sit there and watch TV for 30 minutes I slowly fall asleep...

I wake up with Jordan next to me. "Get out." I say, "Excuse me?" He asks, "Exactly! Excuse you. Now out!" I say pulling him up.

"Your kicking me out?" He asks as we got closer to the door. "Yep." I say, the next thing I know I'm not walking anymore.

I'm thrown over someone's shoulder. "What the h-" I'm cut off.

"If I'm leaving your coming with." He says walking out of the door. "Wha-? No! Jordan put me down!" I say,

"No can-do princess. Your coming with me." He says, I grumble. "Are you for real kid napping me right now?" I ask, glaring at his back. He puts me in the front seat.

"Yes." He says then shuts my door. Wait my phone! I forgot it! He gets in the car and I try too tell him but he says I don't need it.

Ugh....this is going too be a long day.

Hiiiiiii!!!! I was feeling so generous today that I updated for youuuu!!!😘

Hehe! I hope you liked itttt!!! I wrote it yesterday! Anywaysssss did you like it??? I hope you did! Hehe!!!!💓💓💓

How was your day? I hope it was as wonderful as mine. 💕💕💕

*sigh* I love all of you guys. I love you all SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Like you don't even knowww!!! I could just talk on, and on!!!💗💗💗

But I'm sure y'all wouldn't care!!! But I care about y'all so I said already. 💓💓💓

Andddd yeaaaa!!! I just love you guyssss!!! And all!!! Hehe I love you guys so much!!! I have too go but I love y'all SO MUCH!!! And I hope you know that!!!❤️❤️❤️

Hehe Bye guys💕💕💕!!! <(^-^)>

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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