Chapter 21: Sleepover & Mystery Person

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Symphony

By: Clean Bandit

Before we start this chapter I just wanted to tell you...this book is like my baby. You hurt my baby...I hurt you. So don't message me hate, don't comment hate, I don't do hate. I will probably say something mean back. Sometimes I just ignore it...but sometimes I don't ignore it. If you like my book great..keep reading if you want to! If you hate my book...honestly nobody cares that you hate my book. Just stop reading. I mean how old are you? 8? Anyways continue reading...

I fake a smile. "Oh, I'm happy for you two." I say, "Thanks Sky." Trent says, I nod. "Speaking of girlfriends...Sky I have something to tell you." Carter says happily,

"What?" I ask, "I got a new girlfriend! Her name is Emma." He says, well everyone is getting in a relationship aren't they? And I'm here all lonely. Well at least Jordan can be lonely with me.

I hope Carters girlfriend won't be Angelina. I hope she's at least a little nicer than Angelina.

"When do I get to meet her?" I ask, Jordan comes and sets next to me. While everyone else stays standing up. "Actually-" Carter gets cut off by a knock on the door. "Right now." He says,

What? I'm not ready! This could possibly...probably not gonna be...but it could be my future sister in law.

Carter walks in with a blonde haired, blue eyed girl. Whys every girl that's not me have to be so pretty?

"Hi I'm Emma!" She says cheerfully, but not the fake cheerful like Angelina. It was actually real.

"Emma, this is my twin sister Sky and my best friends Jordan and Trent." Carter says totally ignoring Angelina. Or he just forgot about her. I mean she is really easy to forget with her fake ass and Barbie doll body.

"Hi I'm Sky!" I say smiling at her, she smiles at me. "I'm Emma as you already know!" She giggles, a hour later we were all watching a movie together.

Emma and Carter were on a couch cuddling and on the other one there was Angelina and Trent. As for me and Jordan we were on the floor in a blanket while all six of us watched 'Monsters Inc.'

When it finished Carter got up. "Well since dad is on a business trip for a week and Sarah is on vacation and won't be back for a week lets do something. I mean it is summer after all!" Carter says,

"Yay! Sleep over! But I don't have any clothes..." Emma says, "Don't worry I have some pants for you Emma, and you can take one of Carters shirts because I know you girls love to do that." I say,

"What about me?" Angelina asks, "What about you?" I ask with confusion all over my face. I don't remember saying her name.

"What can I wear?" She asks, well obviously clothes you little...choice little brat.

"Well obviously clothes." I say, Emma laughs silently. "Obviously." Emma says, I smile at her. Maybe I'll have a friend after all. Cause I'm guessing Alisa probably isn't going to talk to me anymore.

Plus I really don't want to talk to her. I think it would be weird after what happened with her and my brother.

But that's history now. Let's focus on what's to come instead of what has happened in the past. "Let's go change. Do you have a shirt Emma can borrow Carter?" I ask, he nods standing up. Me and Emma follow him to his room.

Trent walks into the room. "Hey, Sky can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks, "Uhh...sure...yeah. I guess." I say walking towards the door. Trent pulls me out of the room and into the hallway.

"Sky, I know you think I'm a-" Trent starts but I stop him by putting my hand in his face. "A asshole, liar...should I continue? Because I think I should." I say, "Please don't. I know what I did...and I'm sorry." He says,

"Why?" I ask, "Why? why what?" He asks confused, "Why did you do what you did?" I ask, a tear escapes my eyes. "Look, I didn't mean to fall in love with you. I do love you. But we could never be together. You're brother is my best friend. I'm sorry, but I really do love you." He says,

My face turns soft but what he says next changed everything, I was furious. If we were in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of my ears.

"But could you please be nicer to Angelina? She's really a nice girl." He says, "First off, this is my house I can do whatever the fuck I want...whenever the fuck I who ever the fuck I want." I say poking his chest,

"Second, she hates me. So I hate her...girl knowledge. Third, you told me all that shit just so I'd be nice to you're bitchass girlfriend didn't you?" I ask,

"What? No. I just want you to be nice." He says, "When am I ever nice?" I ask, Emma walks out of Carters room and we go to my room.

I was looking for some pants Emma could borrow while she sat on my bed. "So, we haven't really talked to each other yet...I'm Emma as you already know..." Emma says, I laugh.

"So how long have you and my brother been going out?" I ask, "For a few days. But we've known each other for a long time." She says,

"Oh, well here you go. I'll change in the bathroom. You can change in here." I say giving her one of my old shirts and taking my clothes to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and hair because...why not? I changed into a old shirt and some shorts that I brought into the bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom where Emma was dressed and ready to go back down stairs.

"Ready?" She asks, I nod opening my bedroom door. We walked down stairs where everyone was.

We all sat in a circle talking and laughing at each other's story's. Until the the doorbell rings and changes the night into a nightmare...

Always remember...
Not everything is what it seems

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