Chapter 13: Killer Headache & Leaving

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Until You Were Gone

By: The Chainsmokers

Sky's POV

I woke up with a killer headache. What happened last night? Where am I? I started to open my eyes slowly..

Ow! Nope! Whys it so bring? I grown. I slowly sat up and tried opening my eyes again.

My eyes slowly flutter open and I look around. I'm in my room. How'd I get in here? I thought I went to a party. But once I got to the party...I can't remember what happened next.

I got off of my bed and licked my dry lips. I need some water my throat is dry as hell.

I feel so uncomfortable. I look down. Well there's the reason. I'm in a crop top and shorts.

I quickly changed into a T-shirt and some sweatpants. That's way better. I can't believe I was sleeping in that. How did I sleep in that? Now that's a question.

But how'd I get here? Well it looks like I need to find out. I walk out of my room and shut my door quietly and walk down the stairs carefully so I don't wake anyone.

But quietly isn't in my vocabulary because I ended up tripping and landing on the hard floor. I frown getting up and rubbing my forehead.

"You okay there?" Jordan asks looking down at me. "Yes. I was just uhh...making sure gravity still works...." I lick my lips looking down. "It does." I say,

"Yea...right. Come on." He says bending over to grab my hand then pulling me up. I mumble a quiet thank you. "Now come. Sarah made breakfast and everyone's waiting for us." He says,

He grabs my hand as he leads me to the kitchen I look at are connected hands and sigh. I pull him back right before anyone could see us.

"What happened last night? And how'd I get here?" I ask, he sighs. "Can we talk about this after dinner please?" He asks looking at the door that leads to the dinning room.

I look down. "Yea...I-I guess." I say, he looks at me and slowly smiles...a fake smile. I don't know why but it was painful to watch for some reason.

I've never seen him fake smile. It was always I real smile that he gave me. That's why I like him so much. He doesn't hide his feelings...his emotions. So I thought.

He opens the door and we walk in. As we do everything goes silent. Trent, Alisa, my father, and his slut was setting at the table.

Me and Jordan sat down. I sat across from my dad while he sat next to the bitch and I sat next too Jordan. Trent was next to Jordan, Alisa was next to Carter who was next to his father.

Where's Trent? I guess I looked confused because Jordan whispered that he had to go home. We made are plates Sarah was about to set down when...

"Honey whys the servant about to set?" The bitch asks dropping her fork on her plate. Sarah freezes and father looks at Sarah.

"Look Sarah-" He starts but Sarah cuts him off. "It's fine I understand sir." She says standing up, "Yea run away you little bit-" The real bitch starts but I drop my fork on my plate.

"I have a question for my dads girlfriend." I say, "Oh lord." Sarah whispers, "Why are you calling Sarah here-" I gesture to Sarah, "-a servant? When clearly you're the servant at the table." I say putting my fingers together and leaning on the table.

"What are you talking about girl?" She asks glaring at me, "There's some clothes in my bathroom that is dirty. Could you go clean them? Oh and while you're at it you need to find something for that....unfortunate face of yours." I say looking away to keep from laughing.

"Unfortunate? HA! Honey this unfortunate face took you're father away from you." She says,

"HA! Actually no my mom did. And my dad came to you because he wanted someone to fuck because he didn't have my wonderful mother no more. That's the unfortunate truth." I say taking a bite of pancake.

"Honey you're father loves me!" She says, "No honey you're just another hookup that my dads gonna get pregnant and then leave you with the baby. That's what's gonna happen." I say, I looked at my dad.

"Isn't that right?" I ask, he ignores me and finishes eating. "Babe!" The girl asks looking at my dad in disbelief.

She turns furious and grabs her purse. "We are done!" She yells slamming the door behind her. "We were never a thing." My dad mumbles.

"Can you send me home now? Since I ruined you're play time?" I ask, "Nope. Oh and as much as you do this...the longer I make you stay here. Now I have to go find her." He says,

"Yes go find you're little slut. I'm outa here!" I say, "Go ahead and run away. Then you'll go to jail. And I ain't taking ya out." He says,

"It's not like I haven't been there before." I say slamming my fork down and running to my room.

I slammed the door shut and grabbed my bag off of the floor and put all my stuff in it. I'm not ever coming back to this hell house.

I put the book bag on and walk out of my room, down the stairs, and put the door slamming it shut.

I'm never coming back. I rather go to jail then stay here! No I rather die then be here! Ugh I can't stand living with him anymore! If that bitch stayed quiet then this would not have happened! UGH! I just can't believe him!

But what I can't believe most of all is that I actually thought he might've changed.

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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