Chapter 17: Jordans Last Name & Babysitting

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Okay so Idk if I'll update I updated today! I hope you like it!

This chapters song 😁

Song: Ride

By: Twenty Øne Pilots (TØP)

Jordan's POV 

I walked in Sky's room slowly. I'm scared to see her. I don't know why...I just don't wanna see her like this.

As soon as I seen her body I chocked on thin air. I set next to her on a chair. "Soooo how are you?...what am I saying? You can't even hear what I'm saying..." I say, I take a long deep breath.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. But can you please get better? Like...pretty please get better? I'll be nice for now on...Sky I know you can't hear me say this...but I like you...a lot."

"But I know you don't like me like that jerk Trent. But Sky...he's just playing you. How can't you see that? Why can't you see that I like you? I've dropped so many hints..."

"But I guess you're just that clueless. Please come back...I need you...Carter needs you right now. Did you know that Alisa...Carters girlfriend cheated on him? I mean I never liked it turned out good." I take another breath.

"Alisa is pregnant...with you're dads baby. It's messed up right?" I say chuckling through the tears that I didn't know where there. I get a text. I whip my tears and see the text is from my mom.


Hey sweetie can you come babysit you're little sister?

Yea, I'll be there in a bit.

No, you will be here in 20 minutes. Okay?

Yes ma'am. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Good boy. I love you💕


Excuse me? What does that mean? Jordan Peter David! That better not be bad!

It's not bad mom. It means I love you too.

Oh. Isn't that sweet. Well I'll see you soon bye sweetie! 😃

Bye mom.

I swear...that women is crazy. But what can I see? I'm a mama's boy. "I've gotta go Sky...but I'm gonna come every day until you wake up..I promise." I say, I walk out of the door.

"I've gotta babysit my sister. I'll be back tomorrow." I say, Carter smirks. "Okay, come back anytime to see Skylar David." He says,

"Huh?" I ask confused, "Well aren't you and Sky married? Aren't you her husband?" Carter asks holding back his laughter.

"What?" I ask confused, oh. "How'd you know? How'd you find out?" I ask, confused of how he found out about me saying I was her husband so I could come back here.

"A little birdie told me." He says, I put my middle finger up. "I just shot that little birdie." I say,

"How dare you!" He says, "Yea, yea. I've gotta go now. I'll be back tomorrow." I say, "You don't have to come back tomorrow you know..." Carter says looking at Sky's door.

"I know...I just want to...umm make sure you're okay." I say, that was close. "It's fine. I'll be fine." He says,

"Okay. Its decided...I'll be back tomorrow. Bye." I say fast walking to the exit. I jumped in the car and left. I brought the car back to Sky's and Carter's. I got in my truck and drove off.

When I got home I walked in the door. My mom and dad were running around the house while my sister was sitting on the floor hugging her teddy bear and watching Dora.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I ask, "Oh Jordan's here!" Mom says, dad walks up. "You'll be babysitting you're sister while we go out." Dad says,

I never got along with my dad. We just deal with each other for my mothers sake. She hates seeing us fight.

"Logan! Get down here! We are leaving!" My mom yells, "Okay bye!" Logan, my 13 year old brother yells from upstairs. "Logan David! Get down here!" Dad yells,

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Logan comes in the living room with a Xbox controller and a headset on.

"Okay. You see...I'm still alive. Now bye." Logan says, "I'm hungry!" MayLynn, my 5 year old sister says putting her teddy bear down and walking over to us.

"Okay, well we are leaving. Here's some money. Y'all can order some pizza, chinese food..or something." Dad says handing me money, "Bye kids! I love you!" Mom yells walking out the door with dad.

"I'm going back upstairs." Logan says, "I'm hungry bubba!" MayLynn, or May as we call her says. "Wait Logan do y'all want pizza?" I ask,

"Sure. Whatever." Logan says running up the stairs. I don't think he even knows what I said. Oh well. If he doesn't want pizza than I'll make him eat it anyways.

"I want pizza! Pizza! Pizza! I want all the pizza!" May says doing a little dance. I laugh dialing the number.

When the pizza got here I payed the guy and all three of us sat at the table. We ate all the pizza...except one slice. May and Logan grab it at the same time.

"Share!" May says, "No!" Logan refuses, "Sharing is caring!" May says, "Well I'm not caring!" Logan says,

"Bubba tell him!" May shouts, they both look at me expectingly. "Ummm...right. Here. Hand me it. I'll fix the problem." I say,

They glance at each other and give me the piece. I eat the whole thing in front of their eyes. I smirk.

"Done. Problem is fixed." I say, "Outrageous!" May yells throwing her hands up in the air. "How is that fixing the problem!?" Logan yells, I smirk,

"I subtracted the piece. So now there's nothing to fight about. There's no pieces left for you two too fight about." I say smiling, I look at the time to see it's 10. "It's way past you're bedtime May. Go get ready." I say,

She gets up from the table glaring at me. A few seconds later she yells, "I don't wanna sleep!"

"Well you have to!" I yell back, I look at Logan. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going." He says,

Now I have to clean the dishes...and read May a bedtime story...great.

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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