Chapter 20: Walking Again & Angelina The Ballerina

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Before we get into this...thank you for  15k views! Anyways...this chapters song 😁

Song: Say Something

By: A Great Big World

A week later I was back home an I was up and walking again. Of course sometimes it would hurt. But I walked through the pain. I've had to walk through way worse pain than the pain I'm in right now.

But that's just life. I'm not gonna play the pity game. At least right now I'm not.

"Hey Sky." Jordan says passing me on the way to Carters room. I just smile and nod at him. Me and Jordan haven't really talked that much since I went to the hospital.

Of course we still make small talk for Carter. I mean Jordan is Carters best friend. But I don't know why Jordan hasn't really talked to me. I wonder what I did to make him not wanna talk to me...

But what made me really sad is Trent hasn't been coming over. I don't know why though. Ten minutes later I was setting in the couch watching my favorite show.


Then I turn my head to see Jordan and Carter walking down the stairs heading to the door. "Where are you two going?" I ask,

"To pick up Trent. He's been busy lately so we haven't been able to really talk to him." Carter says, I nod. Yay! I'm going to see Trent! I can't wait!

I look down at what I'm wearing. I look like a mess! I need to get dressed! The two boys walk out of the house and I run up the stairs to my room.

Oh choices, choices. Okay, so I need something cute...but I don't want to look like I'm trying so hard. But I want to look like I'm trying a little bit. If that even makes sense.

But all my clothes are red...and anything dark. That's not cute! Ugh!

What am I doing? He needs to love me...for me. Not for someone I'm trying to be. The sad thing is I feel like I can't live without him. I've been texting Trent though.

I got to know him a lot better too. I just...can't ever stop thinking about him. I don't know why! Every time he texts me...I smile for no reason.

When I see he's typing I love to know that he's thinking of what to text me...that he's thinking of me right that second. It just makes me smile. He's the only thing that makes me smile.

I put on a Melanie Martinez T-shirt and some shorts so I'm comfortable. Now that's me. This is the real me.

Why can't some people just understand that? Why can't people understand I'm a screwup?

And that's not gonna change...

I brush my teeth and hair. I stare at myself in the mirror. Is this me? Is this really me? Or am I fake and I don't even know it? I don't know...

But I wish this wasn't me.

Why do I look different from all the other girls? All the other girls look...the same honestly. I don't know why. But they just do to me. When I look at them...they just look exactly the same. You know what I mean?

Then there's me. All the other girls have long dirty blonde hair and honey brown eyes...and they are beautiful. I have kinda short brown hair...and eyes aren't even one color! They are multiple!

I wanna look like them! But I'm cursed to look different. The world is just out to get me for some reason.

I'm starving. I haven't ate in two days. Just because I get called fat and I feel fat around my family. They are so skinny. But I have fat on me. A hella lot.

Whys society like this? They say to be yourself right? But when you....but when you're yourself they ditch you and want you to become fake again.

What's up with that?

I hear the front door being thrown open and slammed shut then talking. I walk back to the living room and set down to finish watching SpongeBob.

I hear walking getting louder and louder. Until 4 humans are in front of me. But what made me sad is...there was 3 boys and 1 girl.

The boys were Trent, Carter, and Jordan but I've never seen this dirty blonde and honey brown eyes girl before.

Except what made me really sad was Trent had his arm around the girl. I faked a smile. "Oh hey." I say, the girl fake smiles at me to, but the 'I'm secretly a bitch' smile.

"Hi!" She says cheerfully. Hold up. Hold up. This girl right here is trying way to hard.

"Who's this?" I ask smiling at the boys. "This is Angelina." Carter says, "Yeah. Angelina the ballerina." Jordan whispers to me. Haha! This is priceless. I wonder if she really is a ballerina though.

"Huh? What did you say? I heard my name." Angelina says. I shrug. "A lot of people have the name Angelina, and there's a lot of people on this world. So really anyone on this planet could've said Angelina the second you heard it. It would be hard to find out what human said you're name." I say,

Angelina blinks at me. "Babe I don't like this girl. She's to annoying." Angelina says, I'm annoying because I'm to smart for her tiny ass brain. Wait, babe?

"Babe this is Sky. Carters sister." Trent says, heart just broke. So...Trent and Angelina are together? Wait. Maybe I just didn't hear him correctly.

Trent looks me straight into the eyes and slowly says, "Sky, this is my new girlfriend Angelina." Trent says, my heart just broke into a million pieces after every word from that sentence.

He said he liked me over text...

Always remember...
Not everything is what it seems

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