Chapter 8: Kissing & My Fathers Back

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Chapters song! 😋

Song: Death Of A Bachelor

By: Panic! At The Disco 😍 (As Kennedy would say)

"Jordan. What the hell are we doing at the park?" I ask glaring at him. We got out of the car and started walking down the path.

He grabs a rose and gives it to me. "Why did you take the rose? It had a home in the rose bush. Now it's lonely." I say, handing him back the rose.

"Relax, I have a rose garden at home. Besides, you deserve it." He says kissing my cheek. Okay so he's going too scaring me in the morning...

Kidnapping me.

Than flirting with me?

Wow. Ok then. I look at the rose twirling it. "It's still lonely though." I say,

"Then we will take care of it...together." He says grabbing my hand. "Okay then." I shrug, he puts his arm around me. What's up with him today?

"Close your eyes." He says, "Why? What if I fall?" I ask, "You'll be okay." He says chuckling,

"Okay." I say, I close my eyes. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

I stayed frozen. I didn't move. I was about too kiss back but he pulled away. "Oh crap I'm sorry" He says,

I didn't kiss back...

Wait. Why. The. Fuck. Did. He. KISS ME?! I start backing up but grabs my hand and looks into my green eyes.

"Things could change." He says, "Could." I say trying too take my hand but he doesn't let go. "They should." He says,

"They could." I say, he stares into my eyes. "They will." He says, I snatch my hand out of his grip.

I cant believe he did that! My brother is his bestfriend! How could he do that to Carter? I cant believe him!

He grabs my hand again and pulls me close. Then kisses me again. I froze again but then I kiss him back. And why did I do that? Im sorry that I don't have a answer to that.

When we pull away he smiles at me. "Your lips are soft." He says, "Your weird." I say,

"I know." He says, I roll my eyes. Why did I kiss him back? Just why? And why did he kiss me? Out of all the pretty girls in my school.

He laughs. "What's funny? All I did was roll my eyes. How is that funny?" I ask, "Your cute." He says kissing my cheek.

"Uhh thank you I guess?" I say scratching my head awkwardly. He puts his arm around me. I blush.

He kisses my cheek. Then I turn red from blushing so hard. Why does he kiss me so freaking much?

I dont know you should ask him that. When we pull away he kisses me against. He pulls me closer too him.

I pull away this time. "Aww why?" He asks, "Because, I-I want to go back." I say, he nods understanding.

We walked back to the car and rode in silence. Am I the only person that realizes that all went down at the park? When we got to back I jumped out of the car and ran inside ignoring his protest.

I ran up the stairs ignoring Sarah, Carter and Alisa's yelling at me. I threw my door open and shut it behind me locking it.

I got on my bed and cried. Why you ask? Well because I don't understand what just happened.

I just sat there crying. I hear banging on my door but I ignored it. Why did I have too come here? Why couldn't I stay home?

The people out there don't understand why my parents split apart and why my mom took me. Not even Carter knows.

Me, mom, and dad are the only ones. Your probably thinking my mom told me what happened and it was all a lie right?

Well I experienced it. I seen, I heard what happened. Carter didn't. Honestly I don't want to tell him what happened.

It scares me just too thinking about it....

And the reason I was so surprised to see my dad has a mansion is because we used to have a smaller house. But Sarah knows us from a family friend.

She used to be me and Carters babysitter. My parents separation wasn't like other people's. It technically wasn't even a separation...because they weren't ever married.

And no my mom was not my dads one night stand....but that's a long story I don't ever want too think about again.

But I can't help but think what it would have been like if they didn't leave each other. If they were still together what would have happened?

Honestly I think it would be horrible. My life would probably be horrible. Well worse than it is now....and that's saying something.

You want too know something funny?

It's funny how parents think you don't see if something's wrong. They think kids are oblivious to everything.

But the truth is kids see more then they think. Kids might not understand.

But they do see it.....

I hear a knock on my door then whispering. I opened the door whipping my tears away. I seen the man that gives me nightmares.

The man I hopped I would never see again....the man that I was scared of as a child. The man I never want to be. The man I'm scared of being. I won't be like him. But sadly we have the same DNA.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter! My b-day is coming up....yay. Not really. The way I think of birthdays is I'm only one year closer to death.

Well unless I die this year...Anyways!

Is there a certain someone in the story that you'd like to see it in there point of view?

How was your day? Because mine sucked. But it's better now because of me being mean to some one. Long story. To shorten it I broke up with my boyfriend not to long ago. And he has been wanting to get back together....

So I totally friend zoned him it was hilarious. Tell me if you want to see it because it was over text. I was mean BUT it was funny.

Anyways I love you guys so much!!! Ttyl!!!

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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