Chapter 18: Lexie & Boy Problems

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This chapters song 😁

Song: I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

By: Bebe Rexha


2 months later...

Jordan's POV

I was setting in the chair next to Sky's chair. I've been coming everyday since Sky's been here at the hospital. Even though hospitals creep me out and I hate them.

But who doesn't hate hospitals?

Because I sure as hell don't know anyone who likes hospitals.

I mean I understand that they save people's lives and shit. Well sometimes they do. But just imagine how many lives have been lost in one hospital. A hella lot.

What if...

The doors open to show Lexie.

You're probably wondering who the hell Lexie is. Am I right? Of course I'm right. I don't remember a time I was goddamn wrong.

Anyways enough of getting sidetracked. Lexie is my cousin. My mom and dad have been at work and such so they send Lexie to come checkup on me from time to time.

Which I don't understand why! I'm a big boy!

"Hi. Who's she doing?" She asks looking at Sky. Sky and Lexie have never met but I feel like they would've been friends.

"Eh." I say, I haven't had a conversation with anyone in a long time. Honestly it's driving me insane. "Oh. Well I know this isn't really the time but I really need to talk to someone...a boy. And since you're a boy..." She trails off.

Looks like I'm gonna have a conversation today. Wow. Thanks Lexie. Note the sarcasm.

"Get to the point Lexie." I say, "Okay, okay! Sheesh! You know my boyfriend Brent right?" She asks setting in the chair next to mine.

"That asshole? Yea. I remember him." I say, I hate Brent so fucking much. He treats Lexie like shit. "Well I don't know...he's just...different I guess you could say. I really like him. But he's just been different lately. He takes probably one hour just to reply to a text." She says,

" should ignore him." I say, "What do you mean?" She asks,

"No calling, nothing to him for...three days. If he comes back...then he comes back...if he's doesn't then he just doesn't" I say,

"But what if I can't stay away from him for three days?" She asks, "See that's you're problem right there. You keep running back to him when he messes up. He knows you'll come back no matter what." I say,

"But what if he doesn't come back?" She asks, "Why would you want to be with someone like that?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"You know're right!" She says, "When am I not?" I ask, she scoffs. "Don't be so confident all the time. Girls don't dig that." She says,

"Does it even really matter?" I ask, "Yes, yes it does. Don't you wanna have a wife one day? Well if you better start acting like a man." She says leaving the room with me speechless.


I didn't even get a thank you.

Some cousin she is.

I think I deserve a 'oh my god Jordan! You are so smart!' Don't you agree? Who the fuck am I talking to? Oh my god imagine if this was a book...and my thoughts were in it...

That would be crazy. But awesome at the same time because I would be famous. Awesome.

I'd be the main character and the book would be called 'The Awesome Life Of The Sexy Jordan' awesome name am I right?

I have to remember to write a book of my life one of these days...

But that's like having a diary...and I rather not be called gay. Don't you just hate when you're called gay or lesbian? But why is it so embarrassing? I mean I don't see what's wrong with it.

Oh shit there I go talking to myself again...

Okay, okay. I'm gonna stop now. Man I'm hungry...

SHIT I did it again. I'm going fucking insane. "Jordan?" I hear, I turn around. "Oh hey Carter." I say,

"Hey, how's she doing?" He asks setting next to me. "How good can she be doing. I mean she's in a coma." I say, rolling my eyes. "What's got you in a bad mood today? You should be happy! Summer starts in 3 days!" He says,

"I know. But schools been the only thing to keep my mind from thinking about what happened to Sky." I say,

"Well maybe you should go out. You know? Do something." He says, "Yea but-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Why are you even here? Do you like her or something? Because what happened has nothing to do with you." He says glaring at me. Harsh much?

"I'm just worried about her! Damn! She's like my sister!" I say glaring at him. It's not true...but is true...I don't know! I don't know how I feel about her! But I know that we could never be together...

Cater would never allow that.

Carters my best friend. He's been my best friend since...well forever, for as long as I've been alive! So of course I'd pic him over her.

Bros before hoes.

Oh my god I just called Carters sister a ho. I just called Sky a ho...this will never be spoken of.

Sky is not a ho.

Sky is not a ho.

Sky is not a ho.

Sky is not a ho.

Sky is not a ho.

Sky is not a ho.

Well hoes are meant for farming. Why did we have to make hoes bad? What did hoes ever do to us?

I mean Santa says 'ho ho ho' so is he really talking about hoes? What type of hoes?

Why am I thinking about this? I don't know...

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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