Chapter 25: Jordans Therapist & The Woods...

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Primadonna

By: Marina and The Diamonds

I'm so sad! We are already on chapter 25! 😭 where did the time go!?!?

"Look...Sky...I know that you probably think there's not a point in living..." He starts, what the hell? How did he get that from me wanting to be a therapist? "I think you should see a therapist." He says,

"What? Why? I don't wanna. I've went to a therapist before and it didn't work. I'm fine. They don't do anything." I say,

"Well maybe you should try a different therapist. I know one that can help you," He says, "Oh yeah? And how do you know they can help me?" I ask,

"Because he helped me." Jordan says, I look at him surprised. Jordan needed a therapist? He had a therapist? Why? "Why?" I ask,

"Why what?" He asks confused. "Why did you need a therapist?" I ask, "Oh ummm..." He sighs,

"It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it. I get it. It's not something I like to talk about either." I say, but I'm still curious of what it could be! But I'm not gonna make him tell me because I know how hard it is to open up to someone....

Especially someone you haven't known for that long...

"Thanks. I'll promise I'll tell you one day...when I'm ready to." He says, "You don't have to tell me." I say, "I know but I kind of want to." He says, I smile at him. But this smile wasn't fake.

"So where are we going?" I ask facing the front as we drive. "We are going to Narnia." He says, "Yay." I say laughing. "I wish we were going to Narnia..." He trails off. "Me too." I say,

"I just wanna get out of this town...runaway. Escape the problems in life." He says sighing. "I feel the same way all the time." I say,

"Where do you wanna runaway to?" He asks, "London. It's my dream when I turn 18. I wanna runaway to London when I turn 18." I say,

"Can I come with?" He asks, "You wanna go to England with me?" I ask, "Yeah." He says, I stare at him.

"Well uhh sure. I mean if you really want can." I say, he smiles at me. "Okay so when we turn 18 we'll runaway to London. Just you and me. Deal?" He asks,

"Deal." I say, why do I suddenly feel so excited? I don't know! But I don't want it to stop! I feel kinda happy!

"Oh and we'll get married and have four kids named Leona, Matthew, Alexis, and Toby." He says, I gasp. "If that did happen their names would be Melanie, Tyler or Josh, Brendon, and Marina." I say,

"Why?" He asks, "" I say, "Yeah, okay then." He says,

"MUSIC FOREVER!" I yell, "What the fuck? Why did you yell that?"

"Because I wanted to. Deal with it." I say, "Ohhhh badass Sky! Watch out world!" Jordan says laughing.

"I know right." I say flipping my hair, we laugh. We sit in silence for about a hour. But it was a comfortable silence.

"And we are here." He says, I look in front of us to see a ice cream parlor. "You brought me to get ice cream?" I ask excited.

"No. I brought you here so we can creepily stare at people while they eat their ice cream." He says, I frown. "Are you serious? Yes Sky, I brought you here to get ice cream." He says rolling his eyes.

"Yay! Wait...I don't have any money." I say, "Don't worry. I'm paying." He says, "Really? Are you sure?" I ask,

"I'm sure." He says smiling at me. We get out of his truck and walk into the ice cream parlor. "Hello! What type of ice cream can I get you two?" The old lady behind the desk says.

"I would like Cookie Dough ice cream." I say, "In a cone or a cup?" She asks, "Cone please." I say, she smiles at me. She makes my ice cream and gives it to me.

"And you sir?" She asks Jordan. "I would like Rocky Rode in a cone please." He says, she hands him his cone and Jordan pays for the both of us.

I lick my ice cream cone. "Come on." He says pulling me outside. We get back into his truck.

"Where we going?" I ask, "That's classified information little lady." He says, I roll my eyes. About twenty minutes of music, dancing, and eating our ice creams we finally get there...where ever we are.

"Where are we? Why are we parked next to the woods? Are you gonna kill me? I'm to pretty to die!" I say covering my face. "Relax! I'm not gonna kill you!" He says,

"Then what are we doing parked beside the rode and next to the woods? knowledge this is where everyone gets murdered!" I say glaring at him.

You'll see. Now come with me." He says getting out of the truck. I sigh.

Should I go to? I look around the truck. I'm sure as hell not staying alone right here. I get out of the truck and look around for Jordan.

"Jordan?" I whisper yell, but he was no where to be seen and there's no place he can hide from me. There's nothing but the rode and Jordan took the key so I can't ditch him. Damnit.

The only place he could've went is...

The woods...

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