Chapter 16: Calling Mom & Talking To Sky

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Soooo I hope you like this chapter :) next chapter will be in Jordans POV. Oh and this chapter can be a little boring. But if you just wanna skip it...then at least read the end.

Anyways this chapters song 😁 I love this song so much 🖤

Song: Fuck You  (that's a bad word 😣)

By: Lily Allen

Uhhh hi I'm Carter...this is Lia right?

Yes, yes it is.

Umm this is you're son.

Oh my. Umm hi Carter...listen...

No mom it's fine. We can talk later. Sky's in the hospital. You need to get down right now.

Is she okay!? Umm I'm afraid I can't do that...I don't have the money.

I could send you the money! But it might take a day or two to get to you. I could also book you a flit to over here. If you'd like that?

Really? You'd do that? Thank you so much Carter! Call me when you get updates on Sky! I can't wait to see you both! I love you so much Carter now I have to go. Bye!

Bye I love you mom.

I hang up and then walk back to where Sky's room was. Jordan was there but Alisa wasn't. Thank god.

I think it would just be awkward if she was here. I mean she cheated on me for goodness sake.

I never thought that she'd do that. But you know what they say...expect the unexpected. And I didn't. That's what I get for not being careful.

Damnit! This always happens to me.

But everyone has their own secrets. I found that out the hard way. When I think of the world...the same words come up in my head.

People are selfish. People think that everything will turn out good at the end. The happy ending.

But no. Life isn't a movie. Life isn't a book. Life doesn't have a happily ever after...a happy ending. All that is bullshit.

The real world is cruel. It can kill you. But everyone ends up dead. Everyone dies. The world dies.

Because of selfish people...

The world dies.

Because of selfish people...

Animals die.

Because of selfish people...


That's just how it works. That's just how it goes. That's just how things are. It's hard to admit but...that's how it'll stay.


Ive noticed that's how it's whole life.

I've noticed a lot this past week actually...

A lot that I wish I didn't...

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