Chapter 19: Summer Break & Waking Up

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I wrote this chapter because this book has 14k views and 680 votes!!...and I was bored. But thank you so so so much!! I love every single one of you!!! And I hope you're liking the book so far :3 anyways...This chapters song 😁

Song: Irreplaceable

By: Madilyn Paige

Still Jordans POV

It's the first day of summer break today. Im setting in Sky's hospital and talking to her. And no she's not awake if you think that's what I mean.

"Sky can you please wake up. I really need someone to talk too...." I start crying,

Sky's POV

Ugh. My burns. I can't breath. I can't feel. I can't move. I can't speak. My eyes won't open. What's wrong with me? Whys everything so dark?

Well darker then usual...

I slowly open my eyes. But close them when the light burned them. I hiss and squeeze my hand tight. Ugh I have a killer headache now.

"Sky? Is that you? Please tell me I'm not going crazy..." I hear a mans voice say, wait that voice sounds familiar. But who belongs to the voice? Jordan!

My eyes fly open but and I yell, "Jordan!" But my eyes start burning giving me a worse headache. But my sounded like a old lady's voice.

It was scary and sounds horrible.

"Sky! Thank god you're okay! I'll go get you water! And I'll get the Doctor!" He says hugging me then running out of the room jumping up and down.

Well then...that wasn't weird at all.

Note the sarcasm.

A doctor comes in with a nurse and Jordan by his side. "Hello Skylar." The Doctor says, the nurse hands me a glass with water in it. I drink the whole thing.

The nurse took the glass back when I was done. "Why am I here?" I ask not remembering a single thing.

" were in a coma." The doctor says, I look at him with wide eyes. "I was?" I ask, "Yea, do you know why you were?" The Doctor asks,

"No sir." I say, wow that coma must've done something to my brain. I never say sir.

"Well we don't either. Two young men and a young lady brought you here saying you were on the floor of a bathroom with cuts." He says putting the clipboard that was in his hands on the table next to me.

I look at Jordan. "Who brought me here?" I ask, well obviously one of the boys is Trent. "Alisa, Carter and me." He says, I stare at him.

"What? Trent didn't?" I ask, "No. Trent didn't bring you." He says glaring at the wall next to him. What's crawled up his ass?

All I did was ask if Trent brought me also. Damn. "So did Trent come visit me at all?" I ask, Jordan looks at me. "Why do you care about what Trent did and didn't do so much?" He asks,

"I-I was just wondering. There's no harm in asking." I say, he sighs. "To answer you're question no. He didn't come see you. He claims that seeing you would cause him to much pain." Jordan says rolling his eyes.

"Oh." I say disappointed. Well I mean at least I know Trent likes me? Kind of? I mean he didn't want to see me because it would hurt him. So that has to mean something. Right?

Then the door flys open to show Carter. "Skylar! I missed you so much! You were in a coma for..." Carter trails off counting his fingers.

"Two months." Jordan says, "I knew that. I was just testing you. You passed." Carter says looking at Jordan. Jordan rolls his eyes punching Carter in the shoulder. Carter chuckles rubbing the spot Jordan had hit.

"Damn man. You punch hard as fuck." Carter says, "So have I really been in a coma for two months?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep. Two horrible months." Carter says shaking his head. "Aww you missed me that much?" I ask, he laughs. "No. Alisa and me broke up on the day you came to the hospital." Carter says,

I glare at him and I look at Jordan. "You missed me right?" I ask, "I-" He starts but is cut off by Carter.

"Oh yes he did. I don't think you know how hard it was to get him out of this room...or even to get him to talk to someone." Carter says sticking his tongue out at Jordan.

Jordan rolls his eyes. "Don't you think you were exaggerating the truth a little?" Jordan asks, "Nope what I just said was the truth...word from word." Carter says,

I laugh, the doctor and nurse smile at me then exit the room. "I missed you're laugh." Jordan says, "Really? Because my laugh sounds like a dying chicken while on it's period." I say,

Carter and Jordan look at each other then bust out laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask, "A dying chicken? While on its period? What the actual fuck?" Jordan asks,

"Yeah, yeah. Get over it. I was just saying the truth." I say, "Yea, the weird ass truth." Carter says,

"Well at least I'm not a lier. So tell me, what's happened while I was gone?" I ask, "Well for one...Alisa is pregnant." Carter says, "Really?! I'm going to be a aunt!?" I yell smiling happily.

"Eh, something like that...we are gonna have another sibling." Carter says, "Ummm excuse me? What does that mean?" I ask, clearly clueless of where this conversation was going.

"Alisa is pregnant with are dad's baby. So we are gonna have a baby ummm...I don't know what gender it is." Carter says, I look at him with wide eyes.

Has Carter gone mad?

I look at Jordan so he could confirm this baby craziness was real. Which he did confirm. Damn. I missed a hella lot.

Why do I always miss the good parts? Ugh. What a downer. I can't believe I missed all that drama! Oh well. It's to late now.

The thing is...I feel like I've just been asleep. Two months? It feels like two minutes. Or two days...maybe even two hours.

The point doesn't feel like I've been asleep or in a coma for that long....

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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