Chapter 9: Bad Memories About How It Happened

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This chapters song! I love this song so much lol.

Song: Idfc

By: Blackbear

I woke up and was on the couch Jordan was next to me. At that moment I realized...that moment with Jordan was just a dream. Thank god...but I still can't stop thinking of all the secrets...

                         11 Years Ago....

"Sarwh! I don't want you to leave!" I says hugging Sarah. "I have too go home sweet heart your mothers here." Sarah says laughing,

I look at my mama but she doesn't look at me. Carter hugs Sarah too. "I must leave. I'll see you two tomorrow." She says then faces my mama.

She just looks at me mama not saying anything. But my mama doesn't look at her. Sarah shakes her head then walks out waving at us.

Carter runs to are room. "Are you coming Skwy?" He asks poking his head out of the room. "Uh-huh." I say taking one more look at mama.

Why won't mama look at me? What did I do? Did she find out that I spelled cat pea on her bed? I hope she's not mad at me.

I ran too me and Carters room he was playing with his cars while I played with my bestfrinds hair.

"Carwter?" I ask brushing my Alex's hair. Alex is my bestfriend. But daddy says that she's only a doll and she isn't a person.

"Yes Skwy?" He asks yawning, "Do you think mama loves me?" I ask, I put Alex down. "Of course she does." Carter says,

I nod looking down. Later that night mama came in and put us to bed. "Where do you think daddy is?" Carter asks,

"I don't know." I say bringing the covers closer to me, "Okay. Night, night." Carter says, soon I heard his snoring.

I lay there for what seemed like ever. But then I heard yelling. Just like every night.

The same things happen every night. I slid out of bed making sure not too make noice. And peeked outside of my door. Although I already know what I'll see.

I look out to see them yelling. Then daddy slapped mama. A few tears escaped my eyes quietly.

I whipped my tears but continued watching the scene in front of me. This happens every night. And then blue and red lights would come and take daddy.

But he always came back home. But when he came home he would look different. And wouldn't act like my daddy.

I told Sarah and she said that he was just sick. I don't believe her though. I just feel like everyone hates me. The only people that talk to me is Sarah, Carter, and Alex.

"You can't just be doing this Jarred!" Mama yells crying, I looked at Carter to see him still snoring. Then I looked at my hands.

I remember when we were all happy. When daddy would come home and tickle me and Carter. And when mama and daddy would kiss me and Carter would think it's gross. But I want them to kiss. I want everything to be over.

I don't want them to yell anymore. I remember when me, Carter, daddy, and mama would all cook in the kitchen together.

It scares me. I wish I could tell Carter but I don't want him to be scared too!

When daddy slapped mama again I ran into my room and hid in a corner and sobbed silently. Why won't they stop?

Soon I heard load footsteps that just got loader, and loader. And then me and Carters bedroom door opened. It was mama she had a red spot on her face that looked like a hand.

That must be where daddy slapped her at. She went to the bed and kissed Carters head and a tear went down her cheek.

I sat in the corner watching. When she went to my bed she looked confused to not find me under the covers.

She then turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes softened. She sat next to me and we hugged.

We sat there hugging each other and crying. "Did you see it?" She whispers still hugging me close to her. She picks me up and puts me in her lap still hugging me.

I looked up at her confused. Then realization hit me. I cried more and nodded whispering a low yes. She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Do you want to leave with me?" She asks, "What about Cawter?" I ask, she looks at the ground. "He doesn't know about this so he'll be fine staying here..." She says,

"I won't be?" I ask looking at her, she avoids looking at me. "I want to go with you mama." I say, she smiles at me and nods.

"Get packed....I can't stay here much longer." She says, I grabbed my favorite suitcase that was blue and had flowers on it.

I put some of my clothes in it, and Alex's. I looked at the teddy bear daddy won me. I grabbed it just as my mom gabbed my suit case.

I hugged my bear as we sneaked out. We got in the car and drove off. I looked out of the window.

I seen Sarah's house, my friend Anna's house. And Carters best friend Jordans house. Sarah babysits Anna and Jordan too so that's how we know them.

The 4 of us knew each other since we were all one years old. I'm gonna miss them. I stayed quiet the whole time and just looked out the window. Then I fell asleep....

11 years later...

And it didn't stop there. My mom remarried when I was 7 to a man named Milo. He did the same thing my dad did.

But instead of taking everything out on my mom...he took it out on me. Then we left him when I was 10. I still have a scar from where he hit me on my arm.

That's why I wear jackets and pants. Because I have scars everywhere. But they are not just from him...but that's a different story...

I slammed the door in my fathers face. I walked to my suit case and took out a picture. The picture was of me, Carter, Anna, and Jordan.

It was Halloween then, Anna was wearing a Princess dress, Carter was a prince. I was batgirl because I was obsessed with batgirl back then. People would pick on my costume so Jordan dressed as batman.

I was looking down because I was shy back then. Anna was my best friend...but I haven't seen her at all since then.

And yes I remember Jordan I just don't want to tell him that. What if he doesn't remember me?

But that was when I was innocent. Before my dad made me like this. The reason I used to leave my mom to go get drunk when I was 15 even this year.

I won't be like him....not again anyways....

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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