Chapter 27: He Climbed Up My Window & Carters Mad Again

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This chapters song 😁 HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!

Song: Mad Hatter

By: Melanie Martinez (once again the best person on earth)

"SKY! I WAS SO WORRIED!" My crying brother yells running over to me as I get out of Jordan's truck.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm 16! I can take care of myself, Carter." I say, "I know but I'm still your brother! I thought I lost you again!" He says hugging me.

"Where were you?" He asks worried. "I was with Jordan. It's not like I was with a murderer." I say laughing.

"Jordan? What were you doing with Jordan?" He asks, I look at Jordan who just walked up beside me. If I tell Carter about the date than it might ruin their friendship and I don't want to get in the middle of that.

"Oh um I made Jordan take me out to get pizza because I was hungry and didn't want anything in the kitchen...and it took longer than expected." I say, he nods understanding.

"Thanks Jordan." Carter says, Jordan nods. "Well I'm gonna go now." Jordan says,

"You can spend the night if you want to." Carter says, "Sure. I'll go home and get some clothes. I'll be back in about a hour." He says, Carter nods.

Jordan gets in his truck and drives away. This was the best night of my life. Why does it have to end? I don't want it to end just yet.

"Come on." Carter says, me and Carter walk into the house. I sigh walking up to my room. I change into some shorty shorts and a big T-shirt.

I hear something hit my window. I jump. "Is everything okay!?!?" I hear Carter yell, "Yeah! Everything's fine!" I yell back,

I open my window just to get hit on my forehead. "What the fuck?" I ask rubbing my forehead. "Shit. Are you okay?" I hear someone ask.

I open my eyes to see Jordan. He has climbed up the house to my room. I gasp. "What?" He asks looking behind him. "Get in! And be quiet." I whisper yell,

He climbs into my room. "I can't believe you climbed that high. Anyways why are you here?" I ask,

"Well as I was saying before you cut me off at the field..." He pauses, "What are you waiting for? Continue what you were saying." I say,

"Skywouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" He asks really fast so I couldn't understand him as he looks at the ground. "Huh? Slower please." I ask,

"" He says slowly, at this rate he'll never finish talking. "Yeah, okay. So you're doing really good and all but I'm gonna have to cut you off there. Can you talking just a...little bit faster." I say, he nods sighing.

"Sky would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks, "See there you go! That's normal speed lan- waitttt whatttt?" I ask processing what the heck he had just said.

"Sky would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks, I smile at him then frown. "What's wrong?" He asks,

"What about Carter? You know...your best friend." I say, "What about him? He's my best friend and your brother. So what?" He asks,

"So don't you think it'll be a little awkward around him? What if he doesn't even approve? What if he breaks us up?" I ask,

"Well who cares what he thinks? He'll just have to deal with it. But I'm definitely not gonna hide our relationship if that's what you want." He says, I smile at him. "Of course I don't wanna hide it. But I'm just scared of what Carter will think." I say,

"Well let's talk to him about it. But will you be my girlfriend?" He asks laughing. "Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I say, he smiles. We start leaning towards each other about to kiss but then Mr. Party Pooper comes in.

"Jordan? What are you doing in Sky's room? Why aren't you at home getting your clothes?" Carter asks coming in the room.

"Oh umm locked out of my house." He says, I guess Jordan doesn't want to tell Carter yet. "Okay, so why are you in my SISTERS room?" Carter asks glaring at Jordan.

"Because I wanted to say hi?" Jordan says more of a question. "Maybe you should leave." Carter says,

"Who? Me?" Jordan asks shocked. "Who else? Yes you." He says, "Oh..." Jordan says looking at me as he walks out of the room.

"Are you serious? Jordan's your best friend!" I yell as Jordan walks out of my room. "Why was he in here?" Carter asks ignoring what I said.

"Get out." I say, "What?" He asks, "Get out of my room!" I say pushing him out and shutting the door behind him. I can't believe he kicked his own best friend!

Carter's POV

I jump into my car and start driving to Jordans house. Why was Jordan in my little sisters room!?

When I got there I walked up to the door and knocked. Logan, Jordan's little brother answers. "Hey Logan. Is Jordan here?" I ask,

"Yeah. He's in his room." Logan says walking away. I walk in and shut the door behind me. I run up the stairs and throw Jordans door open.

"What the fuck Jordan!?" I yell, Jordan gets up off of his bed. "Oh Carter..." He says, I glare at him.

"Why were you in my sisters room?" I ask angrily. "I already told you why." He says sitting back on his bed. "Cut the crap and tell me why you were in my sisters room." I say,

"Carter, she's not a baby. If she wants to have a boy in her room than you can't stop her." He says, I was furious. I can't believe my own best friend would do this!

"I'm her big brother and you're my best friend. You two are not allowed to date, kiss, and none of that stuff!" I say, "Carter I really like your sister and I don't give a fuck if you like it or not!" Jordan yells pushing me out of his room and slamming his door.

Did I just lose my best friend?

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