Chapter 15: Coma & Phone Call

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Gingerbread Man

By: Melanie Martinez

Hey guys! Just so you know...I'm not gonna be able to do this all the time...updating almost everyday. The only reason I did today is because I'm up you can see. Because my boyfriends being stupid about something. 🙄

Please read this part...

So before you get into this chapter....I'm sorry. Don't kill me. Oh and trust me I laughed at this chapter because it's so weird and wrong. Just you wait...because not everything is what it seems XD


"Dad! Why are you not here!? Skylar's in a fucking coma! And you're not here!?" Carter yells on the phone.

"I hope he's okay..." I whisper, I see Jordan nod at the side of my eye. "Fine! Don't come! But mom would've!" Carter yells hanging up,

He sat in-between me and Jordan. "Imagine if I was the one in Sky's position. And he wouldn't even come!" Carter yells,

"Carter! Of course he would've came!" I say, I honestly don't know why I do this. I don't know why the hell I take up for his stupid father. I just feel like it's the right thing to do for some reason...I've had a bad past with they're father to.

"No he wouldn't have! Stop talking taking up for him!" He says, "Stop! Okay!? Just stop." I say, sighing.

Carter just stares at me. "There's something wrong. I can tell." He says, "Carter. Not right now. I really can't." I say,

"Yes you can. Tell me. Now." He says, "I'm pregnant Carter!" I yell, Carter stares at me with big eyes,

"Damn. Dude there's a thing called a condom. Use it. It was made for a fucking reason dude." Jordan says rolling his eyes, "We haven't!...we haven't did it!" Carter says,

"Damn! That's even sadder! Wait then who's the damn father?" Jordan asks laughing, I cry. "Jordan shut the hell up! Who's the father Alisa?" Carter asks, I sob.

Carters POV

"I-it's y-you're d-d-dad." She stutters,

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Jordan yells eyes wide. "How!? Why!? When!?" I yell, "Please be quiet." A nurse says coming up to us. We all nod.

"Answer the questions. How. Why. When." I say, "Well you know how! And I don't know why! I was stupid!...we did it about 3 weeks ago." She says crying,

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, "Because I knew you'd act like this! And I didn't know if I was pregnant yet." She says,

"So let me get this, fucked my father. You, weren't gonna tell me if you weren't pregnant? What? So you would've just fucked my father and wouldn't have told me?" I ask,

"Wait! That's not the full story Carter!" She says crying, "Honestly. I don't give a fuck. I don't wanna know. I've heard enough." I say walking away.

"Carter! Wait!" I hear her cry as I turn the corner. So my sisters in a coma and we don't know if she will fucking live! My father turns out to be a man whore! But also my girlfriend is having my fathers baby! Or should I say EX girlfriend.

Haha this is just great! Note the sarcasm. Ughhh! I'm sure what ever the fuck Sky went through it wasn't as bad as this.

I stormed out of the hospital. And to even think that Alisa has the nerve to take up for my father after that!

She didn't say sorry...that she still loves me or that she didn't want this to happen. That's all I ask that she would do!

Ugh I just don't know what to do!

I don't deserve all this! Nobody does! Ugh! I just don't know anymore! First my sister comes out of know where!

Then I find out my girlfriend is pregnant with my fathers baby! And Sky is in the fucking hospital!

I don't know what the hell to do anymore! I used to be able to do something! Anything! Well to be fair I never really had any problems.

But that has stopped today...

Or should I say when my girlfriend cheated on me with the worst person possible! Why me???

I'm losing everyone. First my dad, then my sister, then my soon to be EX girlfriend. Wow. I just don't know anymore.

The only person I have left is Jordan. I can't believe this...

It's like when I'm my sister came everything started to mess up. My life went hell. I just want to scream!


Why did this shit have to happen to me? I just don't understand life! I mean my sisters in a fucking coma! My dads a man whore! And my girlfriend is a slut!

Oh god...

I don't know what is wrong with me! I used to be happy about everything! So...preppy.

Now I...I....I barely smile. I just wanna know what's going on in my family! But know one will tell me! Why can't I know!? I don't understand!

I'm part of this family just as much as Sky! I should be apart of the family drama!

But whatever happened...

Whatever that...or those secrets are...

They must be very bad if no one has told me.

But I should get a part in the family! I feel...I feel left out.

I feel like I am not even in this family! What's so ducking (yes ducking! I am the duck! Quack! Quack!...sorry it's to late for this shiz) important that I can't even know!?

...I the brother can't know?'re son can't know? I pull my phone out.

Should I do it? I'm gonna do it. I slowly dial the  number...oh my I really doing this? Should I be betraying my father?

What am I saying!? He betrayed me by getting my MY girlfriend PREGNANT! I mean who the hell does that?

My dad apparently. The phone started ringing...oh well. To late to go back now...

Umm hello? Who is this?

A female voice asks.....

Always remember...
Not everything is what it seems

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