Chapter 28: Relationships Are Hard & How Does Carter Know?

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Horrible Kids

By: Set It Off (My favorite band😍❤️)

Before we get into this wonderful chapter I'd like to tell you about two amazing books that you should read! One is by Blondie
xAnonymousPineapplex its called 'That Girl'
Another book is by
Kennedy/Carter...I'm just very confused. Carter_Urie  it's called 'Fixing Our Hearts'
THESE STORYS...ARE AMAZING. Even better than mine. Anyways when you're done reading this chapter you should go read their books.

Now...please continue my beautiful unicorns.

Sky's POV

I scream in my pillow. Ugh! Life was going so good!...for a day! Then Carter had to come a ruin it! I guess I just can't be happy!

The world just hates me for some unknown reason! What did I do to you world?!

After this Jordan isn't gonna want anything to do with me! I ruined their friendship! I'm a little bitch!

I promised I wouldn't ruin their friendship! And guess what? I did! I sob. "Skylar? Sweetie, are you okay?" Sarah asks coming into my room.

"Sarah? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back for a few days." I say wiping my tears. Sarah comes and sits next to me.

"Well I though I'd come a little early! I missed you troubling children. So Skylar...dear...what happened?" Sarah asks gently rubbing my back.

I told her everything that happened tonight. My feelings for Jordan...everything he's done for me...and what happened with Carter.

"Wow. Anything else happen while I was gone?" She asks, "So much more happened. But I don't want to get into that..." I say, she nods.

"Well you were following your heart. Which is good at times. But all I can tell you is to look at the bright side. You had the best day of your life! Whatever happens...just let it happen!" She sighs and hands me my phone.

"Here." She says, "What am I supposed to do with it?" I ask confused. "That's for you to choose. You can pretend nothing happened today. Or you can call your boyfriend and see what's going on with everything." She says, Sarah gets up and walks out of my room.

Should I call?


Should I pretend nothing happened today and hope everything goes back to normal?

So I guess the real question is. Should I follow my heart or should I trust my brain on this one.

I slowly dial Jordans number. What if he doesn't answer? What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he brakes up with me?

Stop thinking Sky! Just do it! It'll be easier to just stop thinking about it!

Here I go....




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