Chapter 1

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*This is the very first book I've ever written in Wattpad! I ask for forgiveness for any grammar or spelling mistakes in this book. If any errors are found, just leave a comment and I'll change it. :)

If this book happens to have ANY similarities to other books, it's just a mere coincidence. This book is just a random fanfic I decided to write and as it's only a fanfic, the personalities and characteristics are not very realistic so please stay open minded ;)

Btw, this story was written in 2017 when Mark was still 24 and is thus 5 years apart from Lizzie (1998) who is 19.

Enjoy! :)

Lizzie's POV
"OMG! Got7 is finally coming here during their world tour for a Fanmeet Session!!!" I shrieked as I scrolled through my Instagram feed. Rubbing my eyes unbelievably, I reread the post a million times just to confirm that it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me.

Shanna, my best friend, immediately rushed over, crushing me as she snatched my phone away. She glanced at it, scrolling before she started squealing.

"OMG! Liz! I can't believe this, it's like a dream come true! Pinch me!" Shanna screamed at me. I pushed her and pinched her arm.

"Ow!" She glared at me and I just chuckled. We continued reading the post to register the information.

The Fanmeet was this Saturday and we just needed to put our names in a form on the JYP/Got7 Fan site. Luckily for the 2 of us, we signed up as members at JYPE fans a long time ago when Got7 first debuted.

We continued squealing, imagining situations that could happen when suddenly my brother push opened the door and glared at us.

"Can you guys just like shut up?" I shook my head at him cheekily.

"Nope!" I purposely popped the 'p' knowing that it would irritate him. He glared daggers at me and hit my head hard before rolling his eyes and leaving.

Soon, Shanna had to leave my house as it was already 6. We spent the time fangirling, watching videos and doing homework, imagining what it would be like at the Fanmeet.

After showering, I glanced at the Hello Kitty clock on my walls and saw that it was only 6.30. I wrapped my hair up into a towel and face planted myself into my bed.

After playing a few rounds of PUBG, I heard the front door open and the familiar voices of my parents.

I immediately got up and ran down, almost falling down as I stumbled down the staircase.

Just as my parents came into view, I half shouted, half asked, "Got7 is having a Fanmeet this Saturday, can I go?!" My parents hesitated slightly before nodding as my brother who sat on the living room couch rolled his eyes.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I went back up to my room to call Shanna.

As my eyes landed on the Got7 calendar on my bedside table, I realized that my birthday was one day after the Fanmeet. 

How could I forget. I facepalmed, shaking my head at myself before calling Shanna.

"Shan! Did your parents-?" I was interrupted by her squealing as she told me she had permission to go too. We arranged to meet up outside the Fanmeet venue before the event.

The days crawled by and finally it was Friday, one day before the Fanmeet! I was bubbling with excitement and kept fidgeting continuously.

I even got reprimanded twice by my teacher in school and was super embarrassed. A 19 year old still getting scolded by her teacher, way too embarrassing.

But never mind! I actually get to see Got7 tomorrow!

It was finally here, the day of the Fanmeet, the day I get to meet my favorite Kpop Idols, the day I meet my Ultimate Kpop Group!

The shrill ringing of my alarm clock reverberated through the air as I awoke from my deep slumber. Groaning and yawning, I sat up, stretching my arms and legs.

Isn't there something important happening today? I stared into space and rubbed my nape, thinking.

As my sleepy mind woke up slowly, I remembered and started screaming, "I'm meeting Got7 today!" My brother who was walking past my room, peeked in and rolled his eyes as he saw me scrambling to choose what to wear.

I glanced past my wardrobe door and stuck out my tongue at him, rolling my eyes. He stood there for awhile more before sighing and walking off.

In the end, I choose a pair of tight ripped jeans with a simple white blouse and a checkered jacket with a rolled up sleeve.

I was grinning from ear to ear as I skipped down for breakfast.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully as I hopped off the last few steps of the staircase. My parents smiled at me as my brother ignored me and turned back to eat.

I didn't care, nothing can make me unhappy TODAY, nothing.

Time flew by as I got ready to go and in no time, I was standing outside the Fanmeet venue, waiting for Shanna.

"Lizzie!" I turned to see Shanna walking towards me, waving. I giggled as I waved back.

"I can't believe this! We are gonna see Got7!" Shanna exclaimed as she reached where I was standing. I nodded profusely in reply before we walked in together.

That's all for the very first chapter of this story and I hope you liked it. Please continue supporting this book if you like it!

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