Chapter 27

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As I left the park, I saw that my phone was flooded with messages and missed calls. I replied to Yugyeom only, asking him to tell the others to stop searching and that I won't be going back that night. He replied with a 'ok, come back soon, take care.' I guess he knew that he couldn't get me to go back no matter what. I took a cab to Nat and Shan's dorm. "Guys, I need a place to crash at tonight." I said as I called them. "Of course!" They replied almost immediately.

When I reached their dorm. They were already standing outside the building waiting for me. "Thank you." I said to them after explaining everything. "Of course, what are friends for." They said smiling, trying to lighten up the mood. That night, the 3 of us slept in Shanna's room.

~1 hour later~
I groaned and yawned as I woke up to my phone ringing. "Yeoboseyo?" I said as I picked up the call it was 12am in the morning and I was way too lazy to check the caller ID. "Liz! Mark fainted and was sent to the hospital!" Yugyeom said hurriedly through the call. As my brain registered his words, I jotted awake and immediately grabbed my jacket, preparing to go.

"Where are you going?" Just as I was about to leave Shanna's room, the 2 of them woke up. "Markfaintedinhospital!" I blurted out in broken English as worry corrupted my mind. Their eyes widened and they both got up. "We're going with you! Let's take my car!" Shan rushed us out and the 3 of us ran to the car. "Which hospital?" Shanna said as she stepped on the gas pedal. I relayed the question to Yugyeom who was still on the phone with me. "Seoul General Hospital!" I told Shan.

Mark's POV
After the fan sign and dinner, we made our way back to the dorm and most of us collapsed onto the sofa, exhausted after the long day. Just then, my phone rang and the caller was my cousin slash best friend, Kelly.

"Hi cuzzie!" Kelly greeted me. "Sup Kells! Wassup?" I said as I entered my room for privacy. "Sooo, I have a question, who do you prefer, me or my step sis, Lizi?" I rolled my eyes, "of course you, seriously Kells, isn't it obvious." She laughed. I guessed that Lizi was probably sitting right beside her and that her phone was on speaker cause her voice was slightly muffled. "So you love me more than her right, like as a cuzzie and bestie, I know you have a gf." She said cheekily her tone showed that she was obviously teasing me. "Of course I love you more than Lizi. I barely know her." I could hear her laughing even louder. "Heard that Lizi!" I heard someone slam the door and walk out through the phone as Kelly continued talking, "She just left! Lmao though. You know she was like right here bragging *coughs* lying *coughs* to me that you like her and that you guys were definitely going to date one day.

"I would never date Lizi, why would I ever even consider dating her."

(A/N To all those confused peeps out there, basically, Mark DIDN'T cheat on Liz, Liz misunderstood his conversation and the other Lizi in his conversation with Kelly is actually his step cousin who has a HUGE crush on Mark, I mean liek who wouldn't.)

As I hung up, I heard a loud bang that sounded like the dorm door being slammed and as I ran down to see what happened I saw the boys calling after, Lizzie? "What happened?" I asked as I reached the living room, confused. "We don't know, Lizzie just came from the direction of your room before running out and she was crying." "F**k! She probably misunderstood!" I swore as I ran out after her. The others guys decided to follow me and we ran out to find her.

After 15 minutes of finding and calling and texting continuously, Yugyeom texted the group chat saying that Liz replied and asked us to stop searching and that she won't be coming back tonight. I cussed again as I groaned, "F**k ! She's probably pissed like sh*t now. Dammit!" Jackson who followed me sighed, "she'll be fine, she's old enough to take care of herself." I looked at him and nodded.

When everybody came back and was in living room together, I explained everything to them. They just sighed.

"Hey! I received a text from Shan, Liz is with the girls, she'll be fine." Jinyoung announced just then and most of us heaved a huge sigh of relief, thank god she didn't go do something stupid.

We each went back to our rooms knowing that there was nothing else we could do but at least she was safe.

I sat on my bed staring at the messages and explanations I sent her and the 2 ticks at the side that were just not turning blue.

I went out of WhatsApp and opened my Photos. There were so many photos of Liz and I and my eyes landed on one specific photo. The very first photo in my camera roll. A picture of Liz and I with a tree, engraved with words. It was the only photo I had from the past even though I forgot what the photo was about.

When I got into the car accident, my phone crashed with me. I lost it, it was gone, so was all the pictures and contacts and stuff with it. However, this picture was my laptop wallpaper and thus my very first picture in my new phone.

I often stared at it as I tried to remember when, where and why I took it but I never could remember...

Until now...

The day my memory came back...

The memories flooded back.

The day we first met,

The fan meeting,

I was her bias,

The first time we celebrated her birthday with her,

The first time I heard her sing,

When she got injured at the Ferris wheel,

I cried so hard that day,

The day she started being our makeup artist,

She was perfect then,

Then our manager,

Taking care of each and every one of us and our needs,

The day I made her MINE,

My one and only true love,

Then all the things we did together,

The tree at the park, hidden in the corner,

The ice cream shop,

Everything came rushing back.

At the end everything turned pitch black and...

I fainted.

I love you, Lizzie. <3

That's all for this super cringe chapter. I cringed liek a thousand times while writing this. So, please do the norm and if u haven't, go check out Day6's I LOVE YOU, it's a truly great song, song in media!

Also, Jackson's song OKAY is out and it's so damn f**king nice, I got myself addicted. Go check it out if you haven't.

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