Author's Note

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This is the end of this book!


I never actually thought I would be able to finish it.

There will be no sequel to this book.

Thank you to everyone who have supported and read this book!

If you guys don't like this version of the ending, just comment and I may write a alternative happy version of the ending.

Hope you've enjoyed reading this book.

I put in a lot of time and effort but it was really fun to write each characters' story and imagine what it could be like if I ever met Got7.

Also, as a side note, I'll be editing the book so don't be surprised if you reread the book and see a difference or if you receive a notification! :)

Also, shameless ad here but please support my other books.

I have a new book called 'Hidden Beauty'!

Please support it!

Once again, thank you guys so much for reading this book and I really hope you've enjoyed it!

That's all, bye guys! <3

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