Chapter 6

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Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

1 week later, I grabbed my luggage and met Natasha and Shanna at the airport. I was so excited! The previous night I couldn't sleep at all, I was way too excited!

We passed the immigration and in no time had our butts on the seats of the airplane. Even though I was leaving my family, I was gonna be in KOREA for 2 whole months!!!

Got7 had no knowledge at all about my trip as I wanted to surprise them.

After the long flight, we finally reached Korea. It was very beautiful and we came at the perfect timing, summer was ending and autumn was starting. It wasn't too hot but not too cold either. The weather was perfect.

I then saw a sign that wrote 'Exchange students, Korea School of Arts' We walked to the person holding the sign and introduced ourselves.

"Lizzie, Shanna and Natasha right?" The guy asked with perfect English. We nodded. He then led us to a car and drove us to the school. As we were nearing the school I saw a building, 'JYP Entertainment'. Isn't that the company Dad asked me to look for...


"In Korea, look for my friend's company, it's called JYP entertainment. He is the owner of that company. His name is Park Jin Young, JYP."

JYP Entertainment? That sounds really familiar, I wonder why...

"Isn't Uncle Jin Young my godfather? The one who visited us when I was 7 and played with me?" I asked my dad. He nodded. I was immediately reminded of his friendly face and smiling eyes.

~End of Flashback~

I reminded myself to go there as soon as possible. After we reached the school, we had a short orientation/school tour and was led to a room.

It had 3 beds, 3 desk, 3 closets, one trunk at the end of each bed and a toilet. I was satisfied as I unpacked. At least this school doesn't require a uniform.

As we had free time after unpacking, I grabbed my bag and headed out not before informing Shanna and Natasha.

I loved this school, everything was very carefree and the students were very nice and friendly.

I strolled to JYP Entertainment, I was in a good mood and this was so convenient, the building was of walking distance from the school!

I went to the receptionist as I walked in and said "Hi, I'm here to see Mr Park Jin Young." "Can I have your name please?" She asked politely. I told her my name as she called the office through the telephone.

Yugyeom's POV
I was walking to the car park with the Hyungs after a long day when I heard a sound that sounded so much like Liz's voice.

However, I dismissed the thought, she's currently a thousand or more miles away, how could I possibly hear her.

I must be so tired that I'm hallucinating. I sighed. I missed her so much.

Suddenly I heard. "Can I have your name please?" It was the receptionist, no doubt attending to another guest.

What I heard next though, caused all of us to freeze.

"I'm Lizzie Tan."

Apparently I wasn't the only one who heard the conversation. I saw Jackson run to the front counter and saw his eyes light up as he ran forward to hug someone while shouting.

"Liz! I'm not hallucinating right!" The ever familiar face of my crush laughed as she shook her head. She hugged Jackson and smiled.

Lizzie's POV
I was waiting for the receptionist when I suddenly heard Jackson's voice. "Liz! I'm not hallucinating right!" I was so surprised as I laughed and shook my head before I got crushed by Jackson's bear hug.

After that, I hugged the rest of the members and realized that Yugyeom was blushing. I was kind of confused but dismissed it as happiness for seeing me and not because I hugged him.

"Oppas, what are you guys doing here?" I asked. They looked at each other and Youngjae said, "We should be the ones asking you that, this is our company." Oh yah! It's their company, no wonder I found it familiar...

I explained myself as they complained about why I didn't tell them I was coming.

They then brought me to JYP's office after the receptionist allowed me to go in. We were chatting as we walked into the office. Got7 bowed as I ran forward and hugged the guy sitting in the chair.

"Liz!" His voice rang out, a mix of happiness and surprise. "Ahjussi!" I exclaimed, smiling widely. Got7 looked at each other in shock as if not believing their eyes.

I laughed at their expressions as I stood beside my godfather. He explained to the members that he was my godfather and they started to understand but was still surprised.

I answered some of his questions about my father and how we were before he went to the main point, "Your father says you need a part time job in Korea and he said you were good in art and makeup?" I nodded as he asked.

He nodded and cupped his chin as he thought. Got7 had settled down on the sofa and was looking at their phones as they waited.

"I can of course make you a JYP Makeup Artist where you will go around helping all the groups with their makeup after school and I will pay you this amount." He pointed at a slip of paper as he asked. I nodded once more.

"But, before I can give you the job I must test you because this is still my company and I cannot play favorites." I nodded and he picked up his telephone and pressed a few numbers.

"Jihyo, bring your group to my office." He said this in a friendly but superior tone.

Not long after, Jihyo brought her members, Twice up to meet us. They greeted Got7 and JYP then Ahjussi introduced me.

Apparently, Twice's main make up artist had taken leave during their busy period when they were doing concerts in Korea.

There was one concert tonight nearby and they decided to do their makeup in the company first before going to the venue.

Ahjussi told me to hurry up and do their makeup and that the theme was 'Happiness'. MoMo then gave me a make up box with lots and lots of different make up inside.

All the latest models and choices for all the different products were all there. So much that I could do!

In no time, I had transformed their faces into ones that fitted the theme. They each wore light pink eyeshadow with glitter and a dash of blue. White eyeliner to widen their eyes and pinkish red lipstick with pink blusher. Of course I added the other essentials too. The makeup was light and not too thick.

Each member also had a different picture on their cheek. It could be as simple as a heart or star to a rainbow or a rose.

"Done!" I announced while giving Jihyo a mirror. "OMG! It's so nice!!!" Twice's exclaims could be heard as they hugged me. I smiled and looked back at JYP, he nodded and said "You got the job."

That's all for this chapter, sorry it's so late! Hope you enjoyed the story! Read on, vote and comment!!!

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