Chapter 11

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Lizzie's POV
"Damn the alarm!" I groaned as I sat up. I blinked at the space as I slowly remembered what I was suppose to do today.

I'm going to Lotte World today... with GOT7!

I stretched and walked off, changing into (A/N Clothes in Media). I was satisfied as I tied my hair into a simple ponytail.

Makeup? Nah, I don't need nor want it. The irony, I put makeup on people but just refuse to put it on myself.

Just then, I heard the doorbell ring and grabbed my phone, wallet and headphones before walking out.

I saw 7 guys with their faces all fully covered as I opened the door. "Wassup." I said in English subconsciously.

I then realized my mistake and put a hand over my mouth in slight embarrassment. They chuckled as a light pink blush colored my cheeks.

I rubbed my nape as I smiled awkwardly. We then walked to a black van. It was one of those celebrity types you only see in shows.

"Is this your first time at Lotte World?" Jaebum asked as everyone settled down. I nodded in answer as I sat down beside Mark.

The others sat down too. Jaebum sat with Jackson, Bam Bam with Yugyeom and Youngjae with Jinyoung. 

I yawned as I whipped out my phone and started looking at my instagram. I had a few new follow requests but nothing really that new.

I sighed as I yawned yet again. I switched off my phone and fell asleep.

Mark's POV
As I looked away from the window, I saw Liz asleep, head tilted to the other side, drooping down. I reached my hand out slowly and carefully tilted her head back, placing it on my shoulder.

As I looked at the others, I noticed Yugyeom glaring daggers at me. His gaze eventually softened when he looked at Lizzie.

I looked down at Lizzie and sighed, Why must it be Yugyeom, he's was just like a younger brother to me.

Why him?

Yugyeom's POV
Everyone was sleeping except Mark hyung and me. I was using my phone when I heard someone move.

I turned around to see Lizzie asleep. Her face was so cute and innocent. I looked at her lovingly.

Suddenly, Mark stretched out and tilted her head onto his shoulder. As he looked around, our eyes met.

I death glared at him,

She's mine.

He sighed and looked down at Lizzie. I looked away, trying to use my phone to cover up the jealousy I was feeling.

Lizzie's POV
"Wake up, cutie, pretty Lizzie..." My eyelids fluttered open to see Bam Bam standing in front of me.

I giggled as I stretched my arms out. I then realized that Mark's arm was around me and that he was still sound asleep.

I looked at the others and put a finger onto my lips, signaling them to stay quiet. I then took out my phone and snapped a picture of cute, sleeping Mark.

I giggled to myself a little as I whispered to his ear. "Wake up, Markie oppa." His eyes opened slowly as he stared at me.

We all chuckled at his expression and the 8 of us made our way into Lotte World.

After purchasing the tickets, I took mine and entered the amusement park excitedly. "Where do you wanna go first?" Yugyeom asked as he grabbed my hand.

I shrugged and pointed at a rollercoaster, looking at him with a question in my eyes. 'Do you dare?' He laughed as he dragged everyone there.

However, we were suddenly bombarded by many fans as they requested for autographs and pictures, they were also taking many pictures of us.

Most were screaming out questions and shouted, "Who's that girl?!"

After we finally removed ourselves from the crowd, we went to the rollercoaster, I sat with Yugyeom and was so excited.

I totally wasn't scared of rollercoasters and even rode a really, really scary one before. I found rollercoasters, fun and not scary at all.

As we buckled up, Youngjae and Jackson who were behind us had regret written all over their faces.

I laughed as the ride started. This was one of the rides that had loops, which just made the ride better.

As the ride started, everyone else but me started shaking in fear. Yugyeom wasn't really shaking but he did look slightly scared.

For the rest of the ride, I kept screaming but it wasn't of fear, it was because, it was just too fun.

After that, Jinyoung suggested to go to the Haunted House. I just shrugged and walked there.

"Four at a time please." The person at the counter said. Jaebum then said, "Who wanna go with who?" Bam Bam immediately shouted, "I wanna go with Liz!" Mark and Jackson raised their hands saying that they wanted that too.

" Okay, then settled, AmeriThaiKong with Liz, the rest, another group." Jinyoung said. "Yes eomma." I said cheekily. The rest laughed as Junior glared mockingly at me.

As we went in, I saw the dark lighting and decorations. I then started regretting my decision.

It wasn't because I was scared of anything, it was because I just detested ghosts and zombies but I was fine with the rest though.

For the rest of the walk, I screamed and shrieked and found myself in the boys' arms many times.

By the time we finally got out, I was ghostly pale and was walking like a zombie. (A/N Haha... I'm lame I'm sorry.)

We then met up with the others who decided that they would buy me ice cream to calm me down.

"What ice cream do you guys want?" The lady asked politely. As the boys ordered, I pointed at the display and said, "I want cookies and cream, Thank you."

We then took the cones and went to walk around. In the evening, as the sun set, the boys decided to go on the ferries wheel.

I went into one of the cars and sat with Mark. We sat in there, looking at the beautiful scenery.

Mark's POV
I sat there watching Lizzie who was watching the scenery. When the light hit her, it made her features even more mesmerizing and I was glad to be able to be with her at this time and place.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed chapter 11! Read more to find out what happens next

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