Chapter 28

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Lizzie's POV
"Shan! Can you go any faster?" She nodded and used more pressure on the gas pedal. The car pushing forward like a rollercoaster on full speed.

She dodged the other cars swiftly, drifting towards the hospital. My mind was already away from reality as I thought about everything that happened and that could happen.

A bright light pulled me out of my thoughts and I instinctively brought my hand up to block it.

When my eyes adjusted to the blinding light in front of us, they widened.


The truck came crashing towards us. As Shanna quickly drifted away from it, we banged into a tree.

The impact hit us hard and the airbags came flying out almost immediately. Our bodies surged forward, banging directly into the airbags then backwards into the headrest.

Glass shattered and cut through our skin. I looked at Natasha and Shanna who were bleeding and had many severe cuts and bruises.

They groaned in pain, trying to move. Their eyes continuously blinked, slower and slower till they fainted.


I lifted my hand to my face and felt a hot, sticky liquid gushing down my face.


My legs were numb and as I tried to move, my head started throbbing. I whimpered and groaned. Wishing for the pain to go.

The car was getting hotter and hotter as sweat ran down my cheeks. As I looked around, my eyes landed on the source of the heat.


My eyes threatened to close but I went against my will, forcing them wide.

Until I couldn't anymore.

The last thing I heard was the sirens of the police, ambulances and fire engines together as one.

My last thoughts echoed through my head as I finally blacked out too.

Mark, I love you

Mark's POV
I woke up in a unfamiliar room, walls of white surrounded me. A continuous yet soothing beeping was the only sound I heard. My blurry vision cleared up and I saw 6 guys lying around sleeping peacefully.

Where's Lizzie?

Is she still mad at me?

I attempted to sit up when Jaebum suddenly woke up. "Hyung! Are you okay? Is your memory back?" He shot out a string of questions. I nodded, answering both questions. Cheers erupted in the room as I realized the others had awoken too and saw our conversation. "How long was I asleep and where's Lizzie?" I asked. Jinyoung replied, "You only slept for an hour, don't worry. About Liz, we don't actually know." He looked sorry for me and I sighed.

Just then, Yugyeom's phone rang. "Yeoboseyo?" He answered the call. "What!" He shouted. As he hang up, he relayed the news hurriedly. "The girls got into an accident on the way here, they're in the surgery room now, IN THIS VERY HOSPITAL!" Everyone went crazy and we rushed out to the surgery room. I dragged the IV drip thing with me as I wasn't allowed to take it off, I was still a patient after all.

As we reached the rooms, we saw the respective rooms' red light still on. Jaebum and Jinyoung had already fallen on their chairs, their faces in their hands as tears threatened to fall out of their eyes. I felt the exact same way.

Why must this happen?

I finally got my memory back and she was the only thing I could think of yet she was in a surgery room. I really felt like crying as I thought how unfair life really was.

Must it be that both of us must suffer before we can be together happily.

After a long time, the lights finally one by one flickered and went out.

Nat first, Shan next and finally,


"Are you guys the patients' family members?" We looked at each other and shook our heads. "No, we are very, very close friends with them. Their families are not in this country." Jaebum answered. The doctor raised an eyebrow but nodded and told us their reports.

He said that Natasha and Shanna had many, many cuts and bruises, some more severe, some lighter. The main injury they received was that they lost too much blood and had some minor bone fractures that would be able to heal over time. Also, they had burns due to the fire. However, the burns weren't too severe and they were fine now, just needing medicine and rest. Also, they were awake already.

However, the report on Lizzie was different.

Lizzie had many cuts and bruises with some minor bone fractures, like the others. However, her head had a deep cut that was the main area where she lost blood. Even though the cut was cleaned and more or less taken care of, there may be unknown side effects in the future. She was the most severe of the 3 because of the seat she sat at in the car during the crash. The worst part was that she was still unconscious.

After that, we were allowed to go in and visit them. Yugyeom and I visited Liz. JB, Youngjae and Bam visited Natasha. Jackson and Jinyoung went to Shanna.

As I walked in, I saw a sleeping Lizzie, she looked so peaceful as she slept, I could even say she was the real Sleeping Beauty.

Yugyeom and I sat on each side of her and I held her hands. "Liz ah, I finally got my memory back and I know you may still be pissed at me but I love you so please wake up."

Yugyeom smiled at me comfortingly as he talked to Liz too. " Liz, I miss you, my best friend, I want to be able to talk to you again like we used too and spend nights laughing our heads off while pranking the hyungs, please wake up."

The 2 of us were already starting to tear as we remembered all the fun times we had together with the girl in front of us.

Suddenly, Liz started sweating and gasping really hard. She lay there on her bed with her eyes closed yet she was shaking vigorously. Her heartbeat went out of control, fluctuating hugely.

I quickly pressed the button calling the doctors over. As the doctors rushed in, my eyes widened and the tears I kept inside finally flowed out. I stared at the monitor by her bed in utter despair.

She had stop shaking, sweating and gasping but one more thing stopped too.






That's the end of this chap.

Peeps, don't hate me, it's all part of the story so don't hate on me.

Besides that, I added Teenager into the media cos their Performance Vid is awesome as hell and so COOL! I dieded when Yugyeom started the song then Jinyoung said "I can do anything if you tell me good boy" and when JB said "baby you driving me crazy."


K, that's all, bye.

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