Chapter 29

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Lizzie's POV
I looked around, only to be met by darkness. The whole area was pitch black and emitted a dark, eerie vibe. I lifted my hands to my eyes, attempting to find at least a small trace of light but my efforts were in vain. I couldn't even see my hands. I knew they were there, yet I couldn't see them.

Oh! By the way, have I ever mentioned that I was actually afraid of the dark?

I started hyperventilating like crazy and my heart was threatening to just pop out.

Where am I?

Why is everything black?

Wasn't I in an accident?

Am I?


After I managed to partially calm myself down, I took a few steps forward trying to find out where I was when suddenly I heard something like a door closing.

Lights flashed on and I realized I was in a room. It was a room I had never seen before. The walls were metallic white in color but the entire room was empty. I walked over to touch the wall and it apparently triggered something. The walls started closing in. Getting closer and closer to me. Soon enough, I was being pressed again one wall while I tried to push the other away.

Sh*t! There's something else I forgot to say, I'm f*cking claustrophobic!

Sweat was pouring down my face and I couldn't breathe properly. My gasps for air became more frequent as the amount of oxygen depleted. My heart was pounding against my chest and the throbbing pain in my head didn't help.

I stayed in that position for as long as I could, but my hands were becoming painful and tired and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold up this stance any longer.

As my arms lost all energy after a good while of holding the wall back, I gave up, I let go of the wall and collapsed on the floor, curled up. Letting my legs use my last bit of strength to save myself. Just as I gave up all hope and prepared to die, if I wasn't dead already, the lights shut off and I was left in utter darkness again but this time, I could at least vaguely see the outline of my hands. The walls were also gone and I stretched my limbs out, I followed the faint light I had as I cautiously took each step, not wanting to make a similar mistake as the last.

Suddenly, HE appeared in my vision. He was quite far from where I was but I would always recognize him no matter what.


His familiar angelic face and good physique turned to give me a smile that lit up his face. Unknowingly, I was smiling too as I saw him smile. I walked closer to him when I suddenly noticed the difference in him.

His normally dark brown close to black eyes were now a dark shade of maroon, closer to red. His posture stiff instead of casual and his eyes were constantly darting around as if something was going to happen right this instance. Traces of anger, fear and rejection were clear in his gaze as I looked at him from a closer distance.

"Mark? Are you okay?"

I asked concernedly, still keeping a comfortable distance from him. Seeing this change in him made me slightly afraid. He looked at me intensely, all of his attention now on me.

"I'm not now" he paused as he took a step closer.

"but I would if you were finally." He paused once again taking several steps forward.

"Dead." And he launched. His hands like claws as he aimed for my neck. I was in shock and couldn't run before I was already trapped with his hands around my neck, strangling me tightly.

"Help! I can't breathe!"

He cackled cruelly like a witch in a fairytale. Just as I was on the brink of death, with a soothing light trying to pull me away, a lightning strike came out of nowhere, hitting the both of us. I seemed to be immune to it and was fine but Mark fell to the ground and died almost instantly. However, because his grip on me was too strong he pulled me down with him. His body turned to ash that floated away while I fell straight through the ground. It seemed like I would never stop falling. The faint light tried pulling me again but it failed.

It slowly faded as I continuously fell through darkness.

So, that's all! I know you may now be thinking, did I click on the right book? Let me tell you, you did! Unless you rlly clicked on the wrong book, then...

This chapter is actually all about the events in Liz's mind liek her thoughts and all while she was unconscious, going through surgery and when her heart stopped.

I dunno y but this chapter suddenly became a very weird fantasy liek chap for some weird reason but oh well! It's actually quite related to the story.

Don't worry, it will be back to normal in the next chapter unless my inspiration gets weird again.

Rmb to do the norm!


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