Chapter 10

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I had finally graduated and now, it's time to get a job. I told my parents what I had in mind and they reluctantly agreed. The only condition was that I had to come back to see them. I smiled as I started to pack my luggage to go back to...
Yes, my dream job was working at my godfather's company again. (Predictable, I know)

I bought a ticket and was soon on the plane once again back to Korea. And like last time, i didn't tell no one...

After a really, really long flight, I finally reached Korea. It was summer and it was hot. Not that hot but still hot...

I then realized the huge amount of fans occupying the way out in the airport all screaming about their idols.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the airport. It was probably just another kpop group or something.

It can't be Got7, right?...

Mark's POV
We had finally arrived back in Korea after our long global tour and was so tired. However, we had to put in fake smiles just to pretend that we were happy so our fans won't be disappointed.

Cons of an idol...

Suddenly, I saw a familiar face... Liz?

I tapped on Jinyoung's shoulder and jerked my chin towards a girl wearing a crop top and denim shorts, (Clothes in media) she looked remarkably like Lizzie.

But it can't be possible, she's in her home country. Jinyoung gasped as she saw the girl I was looking at and quickly started walked towards her. I followed him wanting to find out if it was really her.

While we were surrounded my fans, I suddenly saw Jinyoung and Mark walking away and wanted to call them when I realized a girl standing not far away.


The others saw her too and we all started making our way towards her.

Lizzie's POV
I was texting my mom telling her that I arrived when I suddenly heard a voice shout. "Yah! Lizzie Tan!"

I turned around and was greeted by the sight of 7 boys. I grinned as Jinyoung walked up to me and started complaining that I didn't tell them I was coming, AGAIN.

Bam Bam joined in and soon, I was surrounded by their complaints. They then led me to their vans and fetched me to JYPE.

In the car, I was listening to the boys talk when I felt something or rather someone hit my shoulder.

I instinctively looked to the side only to see Yugyeom lying on my shoulder. He was sound asleep and squirmed slightly in his slumber as I adjusted my position into a more comfortable one.

I adjusted my shoulder slowly, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy up. After staring at him for awhile, I yawned and my eyes slowly fluttered close so that the two of us were leaning against each other, sleeping.

Mark's POV
We were all in the van, talking when I saw something that made my heart burn with jealousy.

The sight of Yugyeom and Liz leaning against each other, sound asleep, made my heart hurt but she wasn't mine to begin with.

I sighed as I tried to use sleep to block out the pain in my heart but failed terribly.

Lizzie's POV
"Wake up! Wake up!" Jackson's voice filled my head as my eyes widened. I then realized that I was leaning on Yugyeom and that he was still asleep.

I yawned as I sat up and shook Yugyeom. "Gyeomie oppa, wake up." His eyes fluttered open as he stared at me in surprise.

I looked at him, confused with his reaction. He chuckled as he ruffled my hair and the 2 of us made our way out of the van.

As we walked into the lift, I saw Mark and JB staring at me and Yugyeom.

Their eyes shone with... jealousy? What could they be jealous about?

I shook my head and sighed as I went back to talking to the rest.

When we reached the right level, we entered the office and saw JYP. "Ahjussi!" I shouted as I bear hugged my godfather.

He chuckled and smiled at me. I then told him that I wanted my job back again. He laughed and agreed but this time, gave me a contract to sign.

It was the typical, 'Don't say stuff out, blah...blah...blah, do your job well or you'll get fired' type of contract.

I signed it and smiled. Just then JYP received a call and he put it in speaker. "We need a makeup artist." Taeyceon of 2pm's voice rang out. "I'll send you one of my best ones." Ahjussi replied.

After hanging up, he asked me to go down and told got7 that they could go. We nodded and went to our different locations.

"Annyeong! Sunbaenims!" I greeted as I entered the makeup room. They laughed as they told me to not be formal.

"Just call us oppa." Nichkhyun said. I nodded as I chatted with them while doing their makeup.

After that, I was free for the day and suddenly received a text. "You wanna go to Lotte World with us tomorrow? I heard you were free." JB texted.

I accepted as I was indeed free the next day. Next, I went back to my apartment. It was a small, cozy apartment I had bought that wasn't far from the company.

As I went in, I spent the rest of the day, cleaning and unpacking, in the end, I fell asleep on the couch, exhausted.

We had finally finished our long schedule and I realized that we were free the next day. Also, I happen to overhear that Liz was free too.

"Guys! You wanna go Lotte world tomorrow? I'll invite Liz!" They all nodded their heads excitedly as they smiled.

I texted Liz, "You wanna go to Lotte World with us tomorrow? I heard you were free." In no time, she texted me, replying. "Sure".

I was so excited, tomorrow will be the first day excluding her birthday that we get to actually hang out with her properly as friends.

That's all for this chap I know it short and late, sorry. :( Anyways, read on to find out what happens at Lotte world!

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