Chapter 15

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A/N I know this chap is super late, and I'm so sorry, anyways, enjoy! ;)

I was packing my luggages in my room, getting ready to move in with Got7. "Make sure you brought everything." Mark reminded me. "Ne, Oppa." He smiled and continued sitting there. The others had already gone back to the dorm and Mark was the only one who accompanied me to go pack. "Oppa, let's go." I said as I dragged my luggage out. Suddenly, he swiped the luggages off my hand and helped me to carry them. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and he said, "The girl I love should never be doing stuff that I can help her do." My cheeks heated up and I smiled shyly to myself.

After a short ride to their dorm, we stood in front of a white door. As I opened it, I saw the mess of shoes at the entrance. "Wow..." I was speechless. As I walked in, more like jumped and skipped in, I was greeted by a neater looking living room. "Liz! You're here!" Bam Bam and Yugyeom greeted me with hugs and cheers. "Hands off guys." Mark then said jealously. Everyone chuckled in reply. After showing me around the dorm, they brought me to my room. It was beside Jackson and Mark's room and had a single queen size bed. I sat down and started unpacking. This is only my first day living here, good luck to me. ^-^

After that, we went for lunch at a Bimbimbap restaurant.

However, just as we went to our seats, I saw a group of people I wished to never see again

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However, just as we went to our seats, I saw a group of people I wished to never see again. I immediately looked away and hoped that they didn't see me. My heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump out. "Liz? You ok?" I turned around to see Mark looking at me worriedly. I nodded and sat down. But the next thing Jackson said made my heart palpitate all over again. "Isn't that BTS?" Jackson!!! Shut up! The next moment, he had went over to BTS and was bro hugging Rapmonster. I face palmed myself. Damn my life... As Got7 and BTS greeted each other, I looked up and my eyes met the person I was desperate to never meet again...
Kim Taehyung, My Ex...

"L... Liz?" He asked as he stared at me in disbelief. "W... Why are you in Korea?" I looked up and smiled awkwardly back, "Hi Taehyung, long time no see." As the others saw our awkward exchange, BTS finally realized that I was there. "L... Liz?" They all had the same shock reaction. "What's going on here?" Mark asked. I could hear a tint of jealousy, obvious in his voice. "Liz is my girlfriend." V answered. I choked on the mouth of Bimbimbap that I had just eaten and said, "His... EX... girlfriend."

"Tae Tae Oppa, isn't Korea beautiful during the winter?" I asked Taehyung as we walked around the park. I caught a snowflake as it landed of my palm. Taehyung looked at me and answered, "It's beautiful, like you." I blushed and looked away. Just then, Namjoon ran over and called Taehyung. "We have to go, PD-nim is finding us." Taehyung nodded and the 2 of them waved at me before running off.

The next day, I received a call from Taehyung, "Annyeong Oppa!" I said into the phone cheerily. "L... Liz, I'm sorry, but let's break up. PD-nim found out, it's my fault not yours, I'm really sorry." That's all he said before hanging up. My first boyfriend broke up with me across the phone. Wow... I fell onto the floor and cried. I continued crying for 1 week before I decided to go back to my home country and forget about everything that happened in Korea. I vowed never to see BTS again...
~End of Flashback~

As I blinked out of the flashback, I immediately felt the tension in the air as Mark glared at Taehyung. "She's MY girlfriend." Mark said as he glared daggers at V. Taehyung stared back at him as he said calmly. "She may be yours now, but she will be mine again one day." I froze, what's that suppose to mean...

After that, I was pulled out of the restaurant by Mark and brought back to the dorm. "What's this?! He's your Ex?!" Mark asked furiously as he paced around my room. Occasionally looking at me. I nodded and told him the whole story of how Taehyung was my boyfriend but he broke up with me. After that, Mark finally calmed down and stopped pacing around. He looked directly into my eyes with a fierce glare. "You're MINE! No one else's, OK?!" He demanded. I nodded and hugged him tightly. "You get jealous so easily." I teased him, giggling lightly. "It's because the girl is you..."

That's all for this chapter I know it's damn short but, look out for my new story, '4U' and please support it, kamsahamida! :)

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