Chapter 30 (Alternative Ending)

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A/N This is an alternative ending cos ppl dun wan Liz to die.

Mark's POV
The doctors quickly pushed us away as they brought in the defibrillator. "Quickly!" The head doctor instructed. Yugyeom and I were rushed out of the rooms and the door was shut in our faces.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as Yugyeom went to the other rooms to tell the others. Soon enough, I was surrounded by 6 guys looking at me comfortingly and sadly. " She'll be okay, she's a strong girl." Jinyoung said comfortingly as he patted my back.

After about 30 minutes, the doctor finally came out. He was shaking his head and my heart dropped.


"I have some good news and bad news." He announced.


"Good news, the patient is alive."

I froze. Lizzie is alive! She's actually alive! I blocked out the doctor's voice as he talked about the process. I was so relieved. Thoughts flashed in my head. Thank God. I wouldn't know what to do if i lost her.

"I have bad news too, even though the patient survived, she is currently in a coma, and we are unsure of when she will wake up. Also, even though her vitals and condition are currently stabilised, it was fluctuating severely during the surgery thus, she will be put under critical care and will be checked on often by the staff." The doctor interrupted my thoughts by speaking up.

Even though she will be in a coma, at least she was alive.

We were allowed to visit her after final checks were done.

As I entered the hospital ward, I saw Lizzie sleeping there like an angel.

Sleeping Beauty.

MY Sleeping Beauty.

I sat down and held her hand in mine, just staring at her face brought back all the fun and loving memories I had with her.

The first time we met, celebrating her birthday with her after the Meet & Greet, seeing her again in Korea, the ice cream shops and the park...

1 month later...

Time passes dreadfully slow when you are not with the one you love.

Mark's POV
I walked into the ward and saw Mr & Mrs Tan, or Eomma & Appa as they wanted me to call them. "How's Lizzie?" I asked as I put down the 3 boxes of food I brought. I knew that they probably haven't eaten and since I haven't eaten either, I thought that it would be a good idea to eat together.

"She's fine. Eyes still closed and heart still beating, but she didn't move, like we hoped." My hopes dropped, I thought she was going to wake up soon.

~Flashback to the day before~

It was already night when I entered the room. I had a schedule till very late that day. Her parents were already there and I greeted them as usual. I visited Lizzie as often as I could no matter how late, even when Got7's schedules resumed 1 week after she fell into a coma.

I sat down opposite her parents who were just staring at her. We never lost hope that she would wake up but we just didn't know when. It's already been about a month yet she hadn't even shown any signs that she would wake up soon.

The doctor estimated that she would wake up in about 1 month but as each day crawled by, we started getting more and more unsure.

As we softly chit chatted, I learnt more about Lizzie. She was a top student in her class with great artistic skills.

She always followed her passion and dreams, bringing herself back onto the right track every time she just had even only one foot off. She loved Kpop, Kdramas, games and even some Chinese Shows.

As we continued talking about her fashion sense and how much she loved Converse, a sudden and surprising movement from the girl herself shocked us greatly.

Her fingers twitched just slightly. It stopped moving and we thought we were just imagining things until...

She did it again.

We gasped in delight, this was a sign!

That night, we prayed that she would wake up soon.

~End of Flashback~

I sat down and took out the food, giving them to the couple opposite me. They thanked me and we sat down, doing what we normally do, talk about the sleeping girl between us.

Just as we were talking about a funny and slightly embarrassing story, her fingers twitched again.

Her eyes moving under her closed eyelids. I was stunned as I stood rooted to my seat.

Her hand suddenly raised about 2cm off the bed before dropping back down again.

Her lips started moving, forming words without any sound coming out.

"Don't... le... leave me?" I read her lips and guessed.

"We won't leave you." Her parents tried assuring her.

However, she continued mouthing words and her body started shaking profusely.

Cold sweat ran down her face and she looked like she was trying to reach for something. "It's okay." I comforted her continuously.

Suddenly, she totally stopped moving.

Her eyes slowly moved and her eyelids fluttered open.

"Dad? Mum?... Mark? Why am I here? Wasn't I falling through an endless black hole?" Her clear angelic voice ran out. A voice I thought I would never be able to hear ever again.

I froze from the shock and relief while her parents had already pressed the 'doctor' button that was beside her bed. They rushed forward and hugged the confused looking Lizzie.

Soon enough, the doctor rushed in and several checks were conducted on her.

"She's okay!" The doctor announced. "She should be able to be discharged soon." He nodded and told us before leaving the room to attend to others.

Her parents were there explaining to her things and she was slowly understanding. I texted Got7 telling them that Lizzie had woken up and that she was okay.

I walked forward to see her smiling at me. Her parents left the room to give us some alone time.

"Lizzie." I said, my voice cracking from the many emotions that rushed through me.

Relief, Surprise, Happiness and Love.

Relief that She was fine.

Surprised that She was actually awake, and in front of me.

Happy from the fact that everything was okay and all the bad things were over.

Love because,

I Love Her.

That's all, it's officially the end of this book (I think)! Thank you for reading and for the support! Ily guys!

Also, the main reason why I wrote this was actually because my friends irl kept pestering me so...

Hope you guys like this alternative version of the story! Rmb to do the usual!

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