Chapter 17

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Lizzie's POV
I was just singing casually when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and unlocked it. "Oh, Mark oppa." I said simply as I sat back down on the bed. "Liz, are you pissed?" He asked as he held my hands and stared at me. I shook my head while taking my hands away. He looked hurt and I felt guilty. He nodded and stood up to leave. A sudden instinct made me stand up and I wrapped my hands around his waist, back hugging him. "joesonghabnida oppa." I apologized as I put my head on his back. He turned around and hugged me back. "It's ok." He said softly as he kissed my forehead. I looked up and smiled.

Yugyeom's POV
"Damn! I left my phone in my room." I said out loud as I walked back. As I past by Liz's room, I realized the door was opened and I peeked in. What I saw made my heart shatter. I know they are a couple now but why do I still like her. I saw Lizzie back hugging Mark and him turning around to kiss her forehead. A tear ran down my cheek as I walked back to my room. I slammed the door and started to cry my heart out.

Lizzie's POV
"Bang!" I heard a door slam and I let go of Mark. "What happened?" I said curiously as I walked out. I saw Yugyeom's room door shut and knew that there was something wrong with the maknae. As Mark left to go back to his room, I went to Yugyeom's room, wanting to conform him. "Gyeomie Oppa?" I said quietly as I knocked on his door. The door opened and revealed Yugyeom. "Mwo?" He asked as he let me in. I sat on his bed and asked, "Oppa, gwaenchanhni?" He sat down on Bam Bam's bed and shrugged. "Oppa, you know I'll always be there for you right? And you can tell me anything?" I told him. He hesitated for 1 second and nodded. "So, what's up?" I asked again. He stoned for 5 seconds before answering me, "There is this girl I like, let's call her 'L' but she has a boyfriend, let's call him 'M'. Yet, I just can't give her up. Also, I'm good friends with 'M'. So eotokke?" My eyes widened and I smiled, "Relationship problems huh? So who's this lucky girl?"

Yugyeom's POV
"Relationship problems huh? So who's this lucky girl?" Liz asked. You. I wanted to say so badly but I shut my mind down and answered, "you don't know her." She nodded and advised, "if you seriously can't forget L or think that M isn't good enough for L. Or that you are better than M, you should fight for her, don't give her up but of course, don't do wrong things just to get the girl." I nodded, there is my answer, I'll continue liking Lizzie but I won't cheat...

Lizzie's POV
Yugyeom looked lost in thought so I waved my hand in front of him and he snapped out of it. "Kamsa!" He thanked me and we spent the rest of the time chatting about random stuffs.

An hour later, Bam Bam walked in and saw us chatting, "Hello Bammie Oppa." I greeted him and he waved. I decided to leave the room and walked out. It was already 12.30pm by then and no one seemed to be preparing lunch so I rolled up my sleeves and set my mind to cooking. In no time, I whipped up 10 bowls of jajangmyeon. (Korean black bean paste noodles)

 (Korean black bean paste noodles)

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(Credits: Google)

Just as I brought out the last bowl, I saw the 7 of them come down. "Yay! You cooked lunch!" Youngjae said as they all settled down to eat. After lunch, we were bored so they wanted to go practice. "How bored must you guys be that you actually want to go practice." I said and they shrugged. We walked to the practice room and realized that they were all full. 2pm, 2am, miss A, Day6 and twice were all practicing. "Eottoke? Jaebum hyung!" Yugyeom asked. Jaebum shrugged and I laughed. I walked up to JYP's office, "Ahjussi!!!" He looked up and smiled "What do you want?" Just then, the boys trailed in. He raised an eyebrow and I explained, "the boys want to practice but there ain't any rooms free." He chuckled, "it's their free day, why would they want to practice." I shrugged. He considered it and said, "I'll ring up the other entertainments, see who has space. He proceeded to call YG, SM and lastly BigHit. "Turns out only BigHit has space." He announced. I groaned, not BigHit... However, all the boys except Mark were all cheering and really wanted to go. "Kaja." I said and we left the building... to go meet the group I didn't want to ever see again...

Cliffhanger...! That's all for this chapter, Yerobun! Hope you liked it. Look out for the next chapters and please remember to vote, comment and Thanks for reading! 

Also, I added tomorrow today for fun. It's for all those JJ Project Aghases out there.


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