Chapter 2

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Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

As we walked in, we were immediately engulfed by the many crazily excited fans here just to see their idols. Some stood, some sat but everyone was chatting excitedly.

It was a rare sight to see so many people gathered together and talking to strangers of the same interests.

There were so many Ahgases (A/N Ahgase is one of Got7's fandom names) and the room was literally flooded with people. Shanna and I finally found 2 seats after squeezing our way through the huge crowds of noisy, buzzing fans.

"Why can't people just sit down, they make it so hard to find a seat." I sighed as I sat down. Shanna shrugged. "They're just excited."

Just then, a girl beside us looked over. "Hi! I'm Natasha, my bias is JB, who's yours?" She then flashed us her lock screen wallpaper which showed a picture of the strikingly good looking leader of Got7, Im Jaebum.

I smiled back and replied "I'm Lizzie and this is Shanna." I said as I put my hand around Shanna's shoulder.

Shanna waved and smiled in greeting as she answered, "Liz doesn't really have a bias but mine is Jinyoung Oppa" Shanna then giggled. I rolled my eyes as she continued daydreaming.

As the 3 of us chatted, a guy walked onto the stage and introduced himself as the MC, "Welcome to the long awaited Got7 Fanmeet!" Everyone started shrieking the minute the MC even started his sentence.

"Chill everyone, calm down, I know you are all excited to meet your idols but you will have to bear with me first. Before Got7 comes out, I will first briefly go through the activities that will happen later. There will be a special Q&A later, several performances, and it will end off with the autograph signing event! And now, let's welcome the people you've all been waiting for, GOT7!"

All the IGOT7s (A/N Got7's other fandom name) went crazy. I was like any other one of them. We shrieked and chanted the members' names as the 7 of them walked onto stage waving. It was so loud, I thought my eardrums were gonna burst.

They walked out and got into position. Music started playing and I recognized it as the song, 'Never Ever." I screamed my heart out as I saw the 7 of them perform.

Cheering was heard throughout the whole performance and I managed to video it all.

Chairs were brought out after the performance and they sat down in the order of Youngjae, Jinyoung, Jackson, JB, Bam Bam, Yugyeom and Mark. My heart fluttered as I looked at them. I never thought I'd ever be able to see them. Yet now, they were right before my very eyes.

As everyone settled down, the MC came out again. "Ok, let's get started, first is the Q&A. You guys will not only be able to ask questions but can also request for the members to do stuff." Everyone started cheering again.

"So as you guys can tell, we can't possibly let all of you randomly scream so, the members here will all be picking numbers and the person who is sitting on the respective seat will get to ask a question or request something." Everyone looked at the back of their seats to see their numbers and prayed that they would be called.

Number 28.

"Now for the first question, let's let the leader pick a number." Jaebum thought about it for awhile before saying the number 7. The lucky girl stood up and started jumping in the spot while screaming. "OH MY GAWD! AHHH!" She shrieked and the members on stage chuckled.

"Your question?" The MC asked. "Can Bam Bam do a girl group dance?" Shrieks erupted as Bam Bam stood up and did his famous 'Something'.

After that, Jinyoung and JB re-enacted the 'Dream High 2 Heartbreaker' scene again, Mark did aegyo, Youngjae was asked to sing a song, Yugyeom danced, Jackson did flips and a bunch of questions were answered.

The MC spoke up,"That's all the questions we will be answering and now for the special part of this Q&A."

A lot of people were upset as they weren't called and I was included. The MC continued speaking and what he said next lifted all our spirits.

"For our special part of the Q&A, we will be randomly picking one lucky fan to come up on stage and interact with Got7!" Everyone in the room went crazy as they all wished to be chosen.

"Now for the exciting moment, we will have Yugyeom, the maknae to choose the lucky number!" The MC said in a mysterious voice as everyone waited in anticipation.

"Umm? 2... 8?" I gasped as I heard my number being repeated by the MC and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I was overwhelmed by shock and stayed frozen with my mouth wide open. People were sad but soon, a rousing cheer came up, "28! 28! 28!" People around me looked at me and Shanna pushed me out of my seat.

I stood up and nervously walked onto the stage. Everyone cheered for me as I sat down on the empty seat beside Mark.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it, vote and comment! ;)

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