Chapter 19

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A/N Happy Very Belated Birthday Youngjae! And Happy Belated Birthday Jinyoung! :)))

Mark's POV
We had just finished eating dinner and was walking out of the restaurant when I saw Lizzie walking across the road, not looking. A speeding car was going closer and closer to her. Shit! "Lizzie!" I shouted and she spun around. She wasn't gonna make it. I ran forward and pushed her aside. "Bang!" I was hit... I flew onto the road, my body aching. My head was throbbing so much I thought it would burst. I could see Lizzie kneeling beside me hugging me, crying and calling my name. I lifted my hand to cup her cheek as my mouth shaped the words, I... love... you... before I drowned in blackness.

Tessa's POV
"I was walking across the road when I heard Mark shout at me, "Tessa!" I spun around and realized the car coming straight at me. F**k! Just as the car was about to hit me, I was pushed and I fell away. "Bang!" I looked up groggily, and realized it was... Mark. I crawled forward, no, no, no. I hugged him in my arms, tears streaming down my face. "No, Mark! No!"  I shouted. He lifted his hand and cupped my face mouthing the words, I... love... you... His hands dropped and his eyes closed. I looked up and saw the others calling the ambulance and in no time he was sent to the hospital. I clutched his hand in the ambulance. Tears never stopping.

Soon enough, Mark was in the surgery room and all 7 of us were waiting outside. BTS had left early as they had a schedule but left their well wishes with us. I paced around, constantly looking up at the blinking sign. "He's gonna be okay, Mark hyung is strong." Yugyeom comforted me. I hugged him and sobbed profusely. My tears stained his shirt but Yugyeom still hugged me back, knowing that I needed someone there for me.

After 3 hours, the light finally blinked off and the doctor came out. "How is he?" I ran forward and asked. "He's fine and is asleep now, just with minor fractures on his limbs but... he..." the doctor hesitated and I pushed on, "what?!" The doctor looked at us and explained, "because his head hit the ground too hard, he had a concussion and... may have lost his memory, I don't know till when yet, we're checking." I gasped in shock. We walked in together to see Mark and after 2 hours of waiting, where I continued pacing around the room, he woke up. We stood up and prepared to see how much he remembered or forgot... "Mark hyung?" Got7 asked cautiously. "Guys?" Mark asked and smiled weakly. The guys sighed in relief and I walked forward, "Mark?" I asked. He looked at me confused, and asked, "Guys, who is she? Is she one of your girlfriends?" I froze on the spot, my legs going weak as I collapsed. My hands covering my face. Why did this have to happen? "Are you okay?" He asked concerned, "Mark, I'm Lizzie." I said desperately, he couldn't have forgotten me. The doctor came in and explained everything to him. "We did some checks and results have said that you have lost your memory since 1 and a half years ago. However, it really depends on yourself to see how fast you can remember stuff again." I cried. Th... that was when I met Got7. Mark looked shocked and he looked at me, "I'm sorry if I can't remember you. I'll try. Can you tell me who you are?" Yugyeom stepped out knowing that I wouldn't be able to answer. "She's our temporary manager and your, girl... friend." He choked out. Mark looked confused and shocked and I just gave up and walked out. Later, the doctor told us that we could not force stuff onto him and must let him recover on his own.

Later, 5 of us went home, leaving Jackson and Jinyoung to stay and take care of him. (A/N I know this chap is kinda sad but I had to add this '#Markson #Markjin') I went home and laid on my bed, stuffing my tears in the pillow. Just then, Yugyeom walked in holding a glass of water, I sat up and rubbed my tears away. "Oppa! What's up?" I said but my voice forced. "It's ok you don't have to act strong, it's ok to just cry once in awhile." He said as he sat down across me. "I just wish he didn't help me and I was the one who got hit." Yugyeom shook his head and gently wiped away the tears on my cheek that was falling again. "If Mark hyung wanted that to happen, he wouldn't have helped you, he loves you." Yugyeom said and I breathed in and out trying to stop my crying. He gave me the glass of water and I gulped it down thankfully. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. That was the only thought in my head.

Yugyeom's POV
"If Mark hyung wanted that to happen, he wouldn't have helped you, he loves you." As I said that, I realized the truth in those words, he loves her and she loves him. Suddenly, my heart didn't ached anymore. I only liked her and never loved her. She deserves someone who truly loves her. I realized that in the past all I had was a crush on her. I finally realized it now. Now, I only wanted to be her friend, no, BEST friend, and be there for her through her tough times. It's so funny that people only realize things like that when big things happen. I hugged her and comforted her that night until she fell asleep. I left the room with a light heart. Finally realizing things after so long...

That's all, peeps! I really sorry bout the Mark accident thing, I know it's cliche and all but it's all for the storyline, I'm not trying to curse him or anything, he's like my 2nd bias (replaces my bias all the time) so I would never do that. As a side note, I actually cried/teared as I wrote that part.

Also, Happy Birthday to Youngjae and Jinyoung again! :))

Also, DNA is out so support! I know it's BTS but I love them both! MV IN MEDIA! Also, the recent comeback show was great and I love Mic Drop!

Watch No More Dream for Jimin's abs! ;)

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