Chapter 9

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Lizzie's POV
Its been 6 months since I left Korea. Even though I constantly messaged the boys, I still really missed them.

Today was just another boring Sunday, but TOMORROW was a very important day, I was going to graduate!

I had already picked out a dress to wear and had invited Shanna and Natasha to my house for a sleepover.

Natasha, Shanna and I had become the best of friends through the times we spent together.

They were also one of the only people who knew of my friendship with Got7.

Speaking of them, "Ring!..." The doorbell rang and I ran down to open the door.

I was greeted by the sight of my best friends. They were lugging huge bags behind them and I raised an eyebrow questioningly, "It's only for 2 nights, why did you bring your whole room here?"

They laughed and waved off the question as we walked in. They greeted my parents and brother before making their way up to my room.

"Nice room!" Natasha and Shanna complimented. My room had simple sky blue walls and Got7 posters everywhere.

I also had a walk in closet. They opened their sleeping bag and placed them around my bed.

We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and chatting together, playing around.

At night, my parents ordered pizza and we ate it for dinner.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!!!" Shanna suggested, smirking. We agreed and started the game.

"Nat! Truth or dare!" Natasha thought for awhile before choosing dare.

"FaceTime Got7 and confess the truth about your bias!" Shanna shouted.

Natasha immediately blushed and looked down.

Natasha's POV
After meeting them and freaking out, we settled down and JB asked, "Who's your guys bias?" Shanna blushed while saying, "Jinyoung Oppa."

I then saw Jinyoung blush too when all eyes landed on him.

When they finished teasing him, they came back to me. As I saw them all staring at me, I freaked out and blurted out a white lie, "I don't have a bias, I'm like Liz."

The girls widened their eyes while the boys pouted. As I saw Lizzie open her mouth, no doubt to say the truth, I was saved by a phone ringing.

It was JB's. JB picked it up and said that they had to leave.

Even though I was definitely not happy that they had to go so early, I was glad that I was saved from a long round of teasing.
~End of flashback~

Lizzie's POV
I saw as Natasha called JB on Skype and his familiar face appeared on the laptop screen.

Shanna and I greeted him happily while Natasha was fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Is Nat ok?" JB asked. Natasha immediately looked up and blushed.

Then, Mark and Yugyeom who heard our voices walked over and greeted us.

Shanna suddenly pushed Natasha forward and said, "Do it!" Natasha hesitated before stammering out the words.

"I...I'm not like Liz, I...I have a bias and...d it's J...B." Mark and Yugyeom went crazy as they teased Jaebum and even told the others who also started teasing him.

I chuckled before waving goodbye and shutting down the computer. I was still laughing at JB's shocked face.

Next it was my turn and I chose dare too. "Video yourself dancing to a got7 song and send it to them!" Natasha said.

"Why?..." I loved dance but was not confident about it thus I would only dance by myself or in front of super close friends or family.

I hesitated before getting the camera ready. "Wait! You have to sing too!" Shanna shouted.

I groaned and got ready. As the music started I started to sing and dance to Got7's If You Do. (A/N Dance choreo and song in media)

After I finished, I heard Natasha and Shanna clapping as I paused the video. "Now send it!" Shanna commanded.

I giggled nervously as I sent the video to the group chat. I immediately received many compliments and blushed.

After that we played a few more rounds of truth or dare, and did other stuff before sleeping.

The next day, we woke up, bubbly with excitement as we got ready for graduation.

We wore the dresses we prepared and wore our graduation gowns over them. We then wore matching heels.

(The dresses!!! Red one is Liz's, White is Shanna's and Polka dots is Nat's)

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(The dresses!!! Red one is Liz's, White is Shanna's and Polka dots is Nat's)

As we reached school, we took graduation photos and finally ended with a party. It was so fun.

I surely would miss the fun times I had here. Now that I finally graduated, I had to find a job and I already had one in mind...

That's all! Thanks for reading, vote, comment and of cos read on!!! :)

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