Chapter 26

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It's been happening even more recently.

5 times in merely 14 days,

Once every 2-3 days,


Does it mean Mark is going to have his memory back?
Or that he will lose it forever?

I sat there deep in thoughts until he came into view. Like an angel in my black hole of thoughts who came to pull me out. "Liz, you okay?" He asked concernedly. I smiled at him as I saw the worry in his eyes. "I'm okay." I replied, he took my hand and brought me to a meadow, a beautiful one. I exclaimed at the sight, running in and playing with the gorgeous flowers on the floor. It was an array of colors and the petals danced with the wind. The fallen leaves still green signaling that summer was ending and autumn was to come soon, but not yet. I was having so much fun in this meadow but when I turned around, he was,


I ran everywhere to find him. The gorgeous rainbow meadow slowly changed into endless tunnels of black as my worry reached its peak.

Yet, when I finally saw him again, he was with another girl. They smiled and laughed together. Cuddling with one another lovingly and with one question of his, my world came crashing down. "Who are you?" His eyes pierced into mine as he asked that question.

The background morphed into darkness once again and suddenly, he appears right in front of me. "I hate you! It's all your fault!" He screamed at me before turning around and walking away, leaving me there all alone. I was engulfed in darkness as my only light slowly drifted away. I looked down at my hands to see droplets of water but the sky wasn't the one crying, it was me.

"Mark, don't leave me... I love you."

"Liz! Wake up! Are you okay! Why are you sweating so much, and crying, Lizzie!" I woke up from that nightmare to see Mark in front of me. I flung myself towards him, hugging him tightly,

"Mark, don't leave me... I love you."

I remembered the scenes in the dream and hot tears ran down my cheeks. "Shh, I'm here, I won't leave you, it's just a nightmare, shh." Mark comforted me and I finally stop crying. I looked around to see myself in my room in the Got7 dorm. "You ok?" He said as he wiped the tears off gently. I nodded while sniffing. I was probably a huge mess to look at now. He hugged me tightly again and placed a peck on my forehead. "Don't worry, I'll leave you to change and stuff. See you in a bit." When he left, I pulled my knees to my chest and thought about the whole dream.

Does this dream have a meaning? Is it really all my fault?

Those questions haunted my mind as I half-heartedly changed and did my stuff. I splashed cold water on my face one last time to wake myself up. I'm probably overthinking.

While walking down to the kitchen, I banged into Yugyeom. "Gyeomie Oppa." I forced a smile before continuing to make my way down. "Liz! You ok?" Yugyeom questioned. He sounded worried too but all I could do was nod. I didn't want to worry the boys and affect them during their schedules. After all, they had a fan sign and some comeback things they needed to do today. He looked unsure but gave up and just walked down with me not asking anymore questions.

After breakfast, I brought the boys to the Entertainment for them to do their practice and stuff for their next comeback. I sat at the sofa during their dance practice watching them. Their skills had improved a lot and I could see them working hard for their fans. Hours passed as they danced. The song repeating over and over again. Seeing the hard work they were putting in, I secretly ordered some pizza and chicken for lunch while they were still focused on practice.

At about 1pm, several knocks were heard and I rushed to the door. I opened it, revealing the delivery guy who was right on time. We exchanged stuff, money for the food and I carried in the boxes filled with huge loads of snacks. "Lunch is here!" I announced and they all stopped and came to help me. "Chicken and Pizza! Liz! You're the best!" Jackson exclaimed happily. We set all the food on the floor and started eating. We spend time talking and just doing stuff and then after lunch, they had to go to their fan sign venue.

At the venue, the boys had to do their makeup and I helped then, they changed into their clothes. During the mini rehearsal, they didn't make any mistakes and were very ready.

When the time came, the hall was flooded with Aghases screaming and laughing and talking. I looked around seeing the green agha-bongs light sticks everywhere. I smiled as the boys came on stage starting with a performance. The  united cheers from the aghases were heard as they chanted the names consecutively like at a concert. I joined in as they screamed and cheered. After all, even when I was Got7's manager/makeup artist and Mark's girlfriend, I was still and forever would be an aghase.

After the day was over, we went back to the dorm, mentally and physically tired. Suddenly, someone's phone started ringing. It was Mark's. He left the living room where everyone was at to go pick it up. I excused myself and secretly followed him. "Sup Kells!" He answered the call and started speaking in English. "Of course you, seriously Kelly." He said. Then, the person said something else and Mark replied, "Of course I love you more than Lizzie. I barely know her." I froze. I probably heard wrongly. I tried convincing myself. That Kelly person continued to say something and Mark replied something I never thought I would hear. "I never dated Lizzie, why would I ever even consider dating her." My tears fell like rain droplets and fell down my cheeks, he... doesn't love, or even like me. I didn't hear the rest of the conversation. I think I heard enough. I ran out of his room and grabbed my bag before running out of the dorm, ignoring the stares I was getting from the other members. "Liz! Where you going!" I heard them call after me. I just ran where my legs carried me.

Unknowingly, my legs brought me to the park near the dorm. As I looked at the trees and the couples walking in the night, enjoying each other's company, I walked over to a hidden corner of the park where a tree stood, tall but alone. I stared at the engravings on this special tree, tracing my fingers over the bark as the memories came back to my mind. Tears glistening at the brim of my eyes. My phone lit up then with messages from the boys and I stared at my wallpaper, a selfie of Mark and I and a tree...

"The park is so beautiful!" I said as I leaned against Mark's shoulder. This was a time before his memories were lost. Mark smiled at me and the 2 of us just leaned again each other in the bench, looking at the sight before us. There were little kids running around and parents urgently going after them. Dogs running after balls and couples like us just accompanying each other. Mark suddenly stood up and took my hand in his, pulling me to a hidden corner of the park where a lone tree stood. "Why are we here?" I asked him curiously, only to see him pick a wooden stick from the floor. I stood there and watched him as he carefully and quickly carved a heart onto the bark of the tree. And in the heart he wrote, 'MT + LT 4EVA' with the word forever under our initials. Mark looked back and walked towards me. "You and me, forever." He whispered to me as he took my hand in his again. We took a selfie with the tree before leaving.
~End Of Flashback~

That's all for this chapter. I will update the next chapter as soon as possible! Remember to do the usual! :)

Also, the Mic Drop MV is SUPER DAMN COOL! I love it so much!!!OMG!!! For those who haven't checked it out, it's in the media so go watch it. The remix is so great!

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