Chapter 18

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A/N Happy Belated Birthday Mark!!!

At BigHit...

"Let's go straight to the practice room." Mark said. The others groaned, "but we wanna go find BTS." Bam Bam said. Mark shook his head, "I'm your hyung, so shuddap!" He almost never shouted at them nor used his authority. They gaped at him and I shrugged my shoulders. We walked upstairs and into one of the practice rooms. "Which song first?" Yugyeom asked. "Never ever?" Jaebum answered.

'Never ever! Ever gonna let you go!' We heard the ever familiar Got7's latest song coming from a dance studio. Why would someone play a Got7's song in BigHit. We peeked into the room and saw GOT7!!! Jungkook rushed inside shouting "Yugyeom!!!"

Lizzie's POV
The boys were practicing when suddenly we heard a loud shout, "Yugyeom!!!" We looked up to see Jungkook shouting. The other members of BTS then slowly filtered in. I could see Mark glaring at V as he walked in. Mark walked over to me and held my hand, interlocking our fingers. I looked over at him and his eyes softened a bit. However, when Taehyung walked over, his gaze sharpened and his eyes were like machine guns shooting countless bullets at V. Yet, V acted like he was wearing a bulletproof vest and just walked straight to me. "Annyeong, my future girlfriend." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Stop it Taehyung, I loved you (A/N *Coughs* Day6's new song *Coughs* in the media *Coughs*) once but YOU broke up with ME. I'm happy with Mark now, so stop." He looked at me like my words were an arrow that hit him right at his heart. "It's not like that, I didn't break up with you... I... It's be... because of the scandal." He looked desperate and close to tears. "I'm sorry, Taehyung." My tone softened and I walked forward. I unclasped my hand from Mark's and hugged V. He hugged me back and nodded, "It's ok, Tae Tae, we can still be best friends." He nodded again and smiled his cute smile. His eyes were holding back tears as he said. "Take care of her hyung, she's special." Mark finally smiles and nods. Taehyung walked away, forcing a smiles as he talked to the others. I sighed. Why do I have to hurt him. Mark smiled comfortingly at me and we went to greet the others.

"Mochi oppa!" I screamed at Jimin as I ran forward and hugged him. When I was friends with Bangtan, I actually became super close to Jimin and we were the best of friends. We still were after I broke up with V but it was hard to communicate when I wasn't in Korea. "You settled everything with Taehyungie?" He asked concernedly and I smiled. He hugged me back and said, "long time no see, I missed you, we couldn't talk the other time at the restaurant, so hopefully we can talk soon." I nodded in reply and grinned happily. When I turned around, I saw Mark talking to Jin but occasionally taking glances at me. He looked furious and I giggled as he looked back at Jin. Jimin looked toward the same direction and smiled, "mark hyung is a really nice guy, you're one lucky little dongsaeng." He said as he pat my head. After greeting the others, I thought of a way to prank Mark with the help of Jiminie. I told Jimin my idea and he smirked.

After that, I walked back to Mark who was now talking to Bam Bam. He casually slung his hand over my shoulder but I could tell he was slightly jealous. "Dongsaeng, did you clear it up with V yet?" Jimin asked as he suddenly walked over. I nodded. We were going according to the plan. "If you're over with Taehyungie, does that means it's my turn now." Jimin smirked at me. I acted innocent while Mark turned towards him and glared. "Don't tell me Jimin is your EX too." I bit my lip and nodded. I could see fire in Mark's eyes as he spoke. "So did you date the whole Bangtan or something." He was slightly trembling and I decided to stop teasing him. "Aniya. It was a prank. Chim Chim Oppa is just a best friend." Jimin was laughing by then and clutching his stomach, "Hyung! Your reaction though." Mark realized he got pranked and also started laughing. The 4 of us, including Bam Bam were all laughing :D The others stared at us like we were crazy.

Suddenly, the maknaes suggested playing a game to choose who pays for dinner. Apparently, the 15 of us were supposed to go out for dinner together as planned by the leaders. The others agreed and they chose the game, RANDOM COVER DANCE!!! (A/N Basically the game in Weekly idol where you dance to random songs by other Kpop, both boy and girl groups.)

(^^  More or less what happened)

In the end, it was Jin that had to pay. The game was super funny and brought us all to laughter. After that, we grabbed our stuff and walked to the restaurant close by for dinner. "Hyung is paying! Hyung is paying." The maknaes said childishly as they skipped down the road. "Aish. Those kids." Jin said.

That's all for this chapter. I added Day6's newest song, I loved you into the media for all you guys to hear and made a reference to it in the story ;) It's great so support JYP's Day6!

And OMG! The trailers for Got7's comeback is finally out!!! But only for 4 of them tho. Mark and JB's one isn't out yet :(  They all look damn good!!!

Lastly, comment on which pair you like the most (I personally like the maknae pair the most). Also, please vote! Thank You! :))

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