Chapter 3

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This is the next chapter, Enjoy!

My heart was palpitating as butterflies exploded in my stomach, I was the lucky one!

"So Lizzie, please tell, who is your bias?" The MC asked after I sat down.

All eyes were on me. Got7 had also turned towards me and their gazed shone with curiosity.

The fans all started screaming their bias' names as I considered what to say. I was in a huge dilemma, as technically, I didn't really have a bias.

"Lizzie?" the MC said as he waved his hand in my face. I blushed an ugly red in embarrassment. Unable to decide, I totally spaced out.

"I don't really have a bias, I can't choose, it's too hard." I answered truthfully.

The MC nodded but continued. "What if you MUST choose one." The crowd was so silent you could hear a pin drop as they waited for my answer.

I rubbed my nape and replied uncertainly. "Umm... Mark?" The crowd went crazy and the other Got7 members started hitting and nudging him.

"Really?" A soft but slightly surprised voice asked.

I looked up and saw Mark staring at me questioningly. It was as if my heart stopped.

I took in the amazing features of his face. His eyes, nose and lips. If there was a person on earth that was perfect, it would have to be him. He really was the visual of the group. How is it possible that he actually looks even better in real life, like his pictures are already...

"Lizzie?" I blinked out of my thoughts as I heard his voice. My heart beat went even faster and I nodded slowly.

Mark's cheeks heated up and he looked away.

So Cute!!!

The MC then continued asking questions and I answered them half heartedly. All I had on my mind then was Mark, Mark and Mark.

I guess he really became my bias after all.

After the contact time with got7, I went back to sit down as we had a short break before the autograph signing session.

I didn't need to go up again as I already received an autographed poster as a gift before I left the stage. "I'm going to frame this up." I said to Shanna referring to the signed poster.

She chuckled and said. "You are so lucky, I hate you!" She pretended to be angry and I responded with mock hurt, placing a hand over my heart as I gasped. I laughed and it ended up with both of us laughing like 2 crazy people.

As I waited for Shanna to get her autographs, I looked at what the members wrote. Most of them wrote similar things but I suddenly saw a jaw dropping sight.

A series of digits were written beside Mark's signature followed by the words 'This is my number.' I gasped in disbelief, mouth gaping open.

Mark Tuan left me his phone number!

I was stiff from shock as I looked at those words again and again for about a million times.

I must be seeing things, I decided.

When Shanna came back, I covered the words up and asked "Do you see the numbers there too?" She nodded and asked if I was okay while placing a hand on my forehead.

I nodded, still in a state of disbelief. After the Fanmeet ended, I went home with Shanna.

Before we left, we exchanged phone numbers with Natasha as we had became friends during the session.

That night, it was like I was on cloud nine. I actually got to see Got7 today and even went on stage to talk to them. I looked at the poster hanging on the wall and started fangirling again.

My dreams had all came true.

That night, I saved Mark's number into my phone and after deleting and writing over and over again, I decided on a simple message,

"Hey, are you really Mark? I'm Lizzie. The girl from the Fanmeet."

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