Chapter 21

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Kyra's POV
I was at home reading my phone when I saw an unbelievable post by Kpop reporters.

Mark Tuan from Got7 has been admitted to the hospital after a car accident.

"Mark!" I shouted aloud at no one in particular. I read on and found out the hospital he was placed in. I rushed out and immediately took a cab there. My heart was palpitating. I didn't like him anymore but we were still friends. I hope nothing bad happpened to him.

"Hey! Kyra!" I turned around to see my boyfriend coming towards me. "Um... Mark? Can we talk?" He looked at me concernedly and I sighed. I had to get this over and done with. "Mark, I think we should break up. I mean I think you should feel the same way too. I mean like we were too rushed and got into this relationship too quickly and I feel that we are better of being just... friends..." Mark looked shocked and a bit hurt but nodded. "I get what you mean. We just don't really have the 'sparks'. Let's break up."
~End of Flashback~

Since then, we were on good terms and maintained a simple friendship but nothing was ever the same again. Just then, I reached the hospital. I walked in and rushed to the counter. "Excuse me, which is Mark Tuan's room." The nurse looked up and sighed, "fans are not allowed, I'm sorry, if you have gifts, just leave them here, thank you." My eyes widened, "No, I'm not a fan, I'm Mark's friend." She rolled her eyes and muttered, "that's what they all say." Just then, I saw Mark walk out of the toilet. "Mark!" I shouted as I ran towards him. "Kyra? What are you doing here?" I looked at him, he looked fine despite the small injuries and a casted leg. "I saw the news about you so I came to see you." Mark nodded, "I'm fine it's just that according to the doctor, I lost my memory... Oh! And I'm discharging today" I was shocked, "WHAT!!!" I half shouted as I looked him up and down again. "Memory loss!" He rolled his eyes at me and brought me to his hospital room. "I'm fine, gosh! Why are you overreacting so much." We sat there and he suddenly took my hands in his, "Ky...Kyra let's get back together?" He looked down and up not sure what to do. My eyes widened.

Just then, the door opened. I turned around to see Lizzie with tears in her eyes. "Ky...Kyra..." she stammered out as she took in the scene before her. I gasped, "it's not what it looks like!" I shouted desperately but it was too late. Lizzie ran out of the room and I could hear her crying as her footsteps faded away. Yugyeom ran after her, calling her name profusely. What did I do...

As they ran out, JB explained that Mark and Lizzie were a couple but Mark had already forgotten due to his memory loss. He didn't know anything about Lizzie and definitely didn't remember her as his lover. I felt so bad for Lizzie to have to go through something like that. I turned back to Mark and rejected him, saying words from the bottom of my heart, "Mark, I'm sorry but we're not getting back together. You have Lizzie now and even though you probably forgot but you guys used to love each other so, so much." He looked away but I could see tears shining in his eyes. "I'm sorry about her too, but I really can't remember." The tears flowed down and he placed his face in his hand. He sounded frustrated and pissed about his condition. I patted his shoulder gently, "you'll definitely remember again someday, I promise you."

Lizzie's POV
I couldn't take it anymore as I ran out of the room. Mark had just asked Kyra to get back together... how could he? Even if he couldn't remember, he at least already knows I'm his current girlfriend, how could he betray me like that. As my thoughts clouded my brain, I unknowingly entered an alley. Suddenly, two shadows came out of nowhere and started towards me, chuckling. "Look who we have here, a innocent little girl." I could tell they were drunk hy the way they stumbled as they came towards me. I started walking backwards as they came closer and closer to me. As they appeared before me, I started to run, I ran out of the alley, my heart palpitating in my chest, threatening to pop out. I could hear them chasing after me as I ran into an almost deserted street. First a dark alley, now a deserted street, why is my luck today so goddamn bad!

As I was about to stop, I heard footsteps again and I cursed, "f**k!" I turned around and punched the guy. "Ow! Liz! It's me! Gosh!" I focused my vision on him, "Yugyeom?" I asked. He did a duh hand-sign and looked at me like I was crazy. I sighed in relief and looked at his cheek concernedly, "why did you punch me?" He asked as he rubbed his cheek. "I thought you were someone else." He raised an eyebrow and we took a cab back to the hospital. "Are you sure you want to go back?" Yugyeom asked. I nodded, I had to settle it even though I didn't want to. Best case scenario, we remain a couple and he hopefully gets his memories back soon, worst case... he forgets everything forever and we break... up...

That's all guys! Thanks for reading, also,
comment what's your favorite song in Got7's 7 for 7 album! I personally prefer Face and You Are :)))

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