Chapter 24

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Jaebum's POV
I was at a cafe with Jinyoung just after our JJ Project dance practice. It's been a while since we came out together by ourselves without the others and we just chatted about random things. (A/N #couplegoals)

"So... you don't have a girlfriend but you must have someone you like right?" Jinyoung questioned. I sighed. "Yah. But I honestly don't think she likes me and I'm scared of confessing like what if what happened with Lizzie happens again?" Jinyoung chuckled, "that's impossible. You're Im Jaebum, leader of GOT7, the guy everyone wants to be with. Lizzie was just the only different girl. So who is it?" I looked down as I mumbled her name out, Natasha... "Aish, if we're talking about her then there's even lesser to worry about! You're her bias for god's sake! I really don't know what you're worrying about" Jinyoung rolled his eyes at me. "Being her bias doesn't mean she will like me. So, I've told you who I like, your turn." I said while pointing at him questioningly. He immediately went quiet and fiddled with his fingers. "I like Shanna but I'm afraid of being rejected." I laughed, "how is that possible?! You are the one and only Eomma and actor of GOT7, the guy everyone wants to be with! Plus, you're her bias!" I retaliated with the words he said to me.

Just as were chatting, 2 familiar figures walked in. We quickly hid our faces, not wanting them to recognize us. The 2 of them sat down unknowingly behind us and we could literally hear EVERYTHING they said because not only were they just behind us, they also didn't speak that softly. I saw as they called the waiter and ordered their drinks. They order a Latte and a Americano. After the waiter left, the 2 of them started talking again. They were just talking about the latest music and fashion. Classic girl talk I guess.

Jinyoung and I zoomed out from their conversation and continued ours when suddenly they mentioned a topic that I was actually interested in. I could see Jinyoung's eyes light up as I leaned back and listened.

"Nat, so now that both of us met our biases, what do you think of the real them?" Shanna asked. I was curious to hear what they really thought of the 2 of us. "They are good looking but they look better on screen though." I could hear Shanna agreeing and I raised an eyebrow. That's what they thought of us? "Yah and Got7 feels even weirder in real life. Luckily they aren't here to hear this." Oh, we're totally here. I heard the 2 of them giggling together and was getting pissed. "Yah and their skills are worse too." Natasha said. I can't believe the 2 of us. I didn't know they were people that talked bad about others behind their backs. Plus, I thought Got7 was their ultimate group. I guess I was wrong about them.

Natasha's POV
We had just entered the cafe when we immediately spotted Jinyoung and Jaebum. I was about to approach them when Shanna pulled my wrist and pointed at them. "Let's trick JJP!" Shanna suggested. I agreed and we went to sit at the closest seats to them.

When the waiter came, we ordered our drinks and started chatting about normal stuff like clothes and music. After awhile we decided to start 'playing' with our biases.

"Nat, so now that both of us met our biases, what do you think of the real them?" She said while winking at me. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. "They are good looking but they look better on screen though." I said this half-heartedly while acting disappointed. I mean how are they not good looking. They even look BETTER in real life. How is that even possible! I was basically just stating the opposite of everything I really thought. Shanna nodded, agreeing "I know right!" The 2 of us worked hard to prevent our laughter from betraying us. Then, Shanna mentioned that they were even weirder in real life and I really couldn't control so I started giggling like crazy. Luckily, Shanna saved me by adding the sentence, "Luckily they aren't here to hear this." We continued insulting them individually on their skills while in our minds, we were dying and apologizing. Nothing we said was true and we felt bad to the other members which we criticized too. We could hear JJ whispering among themselves and could tell they were mad. I looked at Shanna giving her the look saying let's stop, she nodded and we stood up, took our drinks and walked to their table.

We purposely sat beside each of our biases, Jaebum beside me and Shanna beside Jinyoung. "Hey guys!" We said smiling. They rolled their eyes and looked away with annoyed expressions on their faces. They really were pissed. "I looked at Shanna and we burst out laughing all over again. They glared at us from the side and I explained through fits of laughter, "it... was... just... a prank... hahahahaha..." they looked at us blankly, not understanding. Shanna explained everything and they finally understood. Their cheeks were tainted red as they looked down, embarrassed. "We saw you guys from the beginning, when we walked in, besides, we're huge fans of you guys, why would we insult you guys like that." I said.

After the JJ cafe prank, the 2 guys accompanied us back to the JYP trainee dorm.
Just as we reached the building, Jaebum suddenly said that he wanted to tell me something. Jinyoung brought Shanna in first as I looked at JB. "Wassup Oppa?" He fiddled with his fingers and I raised an eyebrow. "Natasha, I... I like you... will you be my girlfriend?" those words left me with my jaw on the floor in shock. My bias, or more like the guy I like, the one and only I'm Jaebum, is confessing? I couldn't believe it. He glanced at me and I immediately turned red. "I... I like you too..." I replied while looking down at my toes. "Jinjja?" He asked with a tone of disbelief. I nodded while blushing really, really hard.    (A/N Neol joahae, Really, Really, Really, Really #Winner - Song in Media ;)) 

I couldn't believe it that night as I tossed and turned. I was actually dating my idol and UB!!! Best part was that Shanna came back with similar news, saying that Jinyoung confessed too and that they are now dating! It was the literally the best day ever. Now we only have to wait for our last friend, Lizzie, to get her final happiness...

That's all! I really had to put those 2 couples together! Finally though. Btw, for those who got offended by the parts where I wrote insults bout Got7, I'm so sorry, and I really didn't mean it. I truly luv the boys and really don't mean those stuff. They are truly very good looking, talented and AWESOME!!! :)))

Btw Winner's Really Really is there cos I've been listening to them quite a lot recently and that song is really, really, (see what I did there) STUCK IN MY HEAD!

I'm sorry if this chap may be a bit boring but don't worry the next few chaps may be worse.
Jkjk! I'll do my best and hopefully do better for the next few chaps! :))

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