Chapter 30 (End)

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Mark's POV
The doctors quickly pushed us away as they brought in the defibrillator. "Quickly!" The main doctor instructed. Yugyeom and I were rushed out of the rooms and the door was shut in our faces.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably and Yugyeom went to the other rooms to tell the others. Soon enough, I was surrounded by 6 guys looking at me comfortingly and sadly.

After about 30 minutes, the doctor finally came out. He was shaking his head and my heart dropped.

He looked at us sadly and announced, "We were unable to save her, I'm so sorry."


This must all be a joke.

This can't be real.

She won't die.

I finally remembered everything, don't die, please, don't die.

I love you.

On that day, at exactly 2.40 PM. Lizzie was pronounced dead. There was nothing that could be done to save her and the doctors did their best.

We had a chance to see her one last time and when I saw her, I sobbed uncontrollably.

They all tried to comfort me, but I had fallen into a black hole without her, unable to ever get out.

With her eyelids closed, she looked just like she was asleep. Her skin had lost her usual glow and was pale as snow. Her red lips were slowly fading and her cheeks lost their flush.

Still beautiful no matter what. 

I shut myself in since then, never coming out of my room.

Schedules were cancelled and I spent every minute staring at pictures of her.

Tears flowed profusely as I thought about everything we were unable to do together.

She didn't even get to meet my parents.

I cried so hard until no tears even remained.

The only time I came out was during her funeral.

Everyone came.

People I knew and didn't know.

I was allowed to stand with her parents at the front and many people gave us their condolences.

My eyes were bloodshot from the tears and I felt like my body had no remaining energy left.

She was gone.

The girl I loved was gone.

I'll always remember her forever till the day I join her.

Fall in love and you can be as happy as a little kid with candy, or so broken that you cry rivers of tears.

Love is so powerful it can make your vision red with anger or green with jealousy.

The worst of all, it will make you feel like you have an open wound on your heart that bleeds endlessly if you lose the one you love.

Got7 was her idol.

Meeting them was her dream.

Loving him was forever.

He was her idol.

Meeting her was a dream.

Loving her was forever.


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