Chapter 5

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Hope you like this chapter!

Mark's POV
After dropping Lizzie off, we went back to our hotel to rest. When we entered the lift, JB suddenly announced, "Group meeting in Mark's room!"

I sighed, it always had to be my room because I was the lucky one with no roommate. I unlocked the door to my room and walked in followed by the rest.

"What's this about?" I asked, wanting to quickly start and quickly end.

"Liz." JB replied.

"What about her? She's awesome!" Jackson said. The others nodded in agreement.

"I know, but what I want to say is, I kind of like her..." JB finished. I gasped. I really do not want to compete with JB. He was the leader, the one who kept us together.

The rest said some more stuff but their words flew into one ear and came out from the other. My mind was too filled with thoughts about JB and I having to compete for Lizzie.

As the rest left, Yugyeom stayed, saying that he wanted to talk. "What's up!" I said to Yugyeom as I ruffled his hair.

He was always like a younger brother to me and seeing that he had a problem, I immediately wanted to help him.

"Hyung, don't tell anyone but I kind of like Liz too..." I froze. Another competitor? Why Yugyeom?!

We talked more but I answered everything halfheartedly.

Once he left, I buried my head into my pillow, thinking. What is this? Why is it so hard to like a girl!

Lizzie's POV
The next day, Got7 had to go back to Korea and as I sent them off, I was determined that I would see them again even if I have to go all the way to Korea.

I didn't know the truth of my words until one week later.

In school, everything was back to its boring ways until one day. It was 5 minutes till the end of the lesson when our form teacher suddenly said, "Class, we have a new student who transferred here, be nice."

The new girl walked in, bowed and introduced herself. I looked up from the doodling I was doing and I gasped as my eyes landed on her face.

"Hello, I'm Natasha Ng and I'm the transfer student." I widened my eyes and looked at Shanna who was sitting right beside me.

She looked as shock and covered her mouth with her hand. "Natasha, go sit beside Shanna and Lizzie."

Our form teacher's voice rang out as he pointed at the 2 of us. Natasha then realized it was us and nodded quickly as she walked over. "OMG! I didn't know you guys were in this school!" She said. She sat down and the 3 of us started talking.

Our form teacher cleared his throat before speaking, bringing our attention back to him.

"3 students from our class are invited to go for the exchange program with one of the schools in Korea. 3 students from here will go there and 3 of the Korean students will come here. The exchange program will be for 2 whole months." He explained.

The 3 of us stared at each other as Shanna mouthed 'Korea?' By then, she had already known that I was friends with Got7.

"So, the 3 students I have picked are Shanna, Lizzie and Melina. Here are the consent forms. The trip will be next week and everything is already paid for by the school." The teacher continued.

After collecting the forms, the bell rang and we packed up to get ready to go home. "You guys are so lucky! But quick question, do you know Korean?." Natasha asked curiously.

"I know a bit but Liz is fluent in Korean." Shanna answered. Natasha looked impressed and I just smiled.

It had been awhile since we came back and we had been really busy with our schedules in Korea. Luckily though, we would have a short break after everything was done.

"Hey guys, good job you can go home now." Our choreographer said to us, smiling. We nodded and took our van home.

"I miss Liz!" Jackson suddenly said. Upon hearing her name mentioned, I sighed to myself, don't I miss her too. I really wanted to see her again, the sooner, the better.

Lizzie's POV
That night, I passed the consent form to my parents, requesting for their permission to go. They nodded and were okay with me going. I was so happy as I danced around the house.

'Never Ever! Ever gonna let you go!' My ringtone, Got7's 'Never ever' (A/N Song in media) rang out as I saw Shanna's name flash on my screen.

I answered the call and she told me that her parents allowed her to go. The 2 of us cheered together as I told her that I could go too. This trip was going to be great.

The next day, our form teacher announced, "Melina's parents has disallowed her to go thus, we need a volunteer to replace her." Many hands rose including Natasha's.

Our form teacher saw the eagerness in her face and gave it to her. This was great! Now, we could all go together!

That's all for this chapter! For those who forgot who Natasha is, she is the fellow aghase Liz & Shan met at the Meet & Greet!

Thanks for reading. Please read on, comment and vote! ;)

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