Chapter 22

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"Liz! You're back!" Jaebum greeted me first as I walked in. I nodded and sat down on the sofa my heart beating faster than ever. I could feel everyone staring at me. "Umm... could you guys go out first?" I asked everyone. All of them including Kyra slowly filtered out.

I walked to the chair beside Mark and sat down looking at him. "Mark... I... ok look, I can't take this anymore, so if you want to break up, I'm fine with it, then you can be with Kyra anyways I don't want to feel like a burden to you and be in the way of your relationships since anyways you can't remember me." I rushed all that out in one breath saying everything I was holding in.

He looked at me, contemplating my words. "I'm sorry." Those words crushed my heart. I mean like most break ups start with those words.

I sighed. "So we break up?" I said, defeated. "No, wait, what? Who said I wanted to break up?" I looked up confused as those words left Mark's mouth. "I meant that I'm sorry I can't remember you. But what I do know is that when I remembered you, you were very important to me. How I know? I'm not sure either, it just a feeling so no, I'm NOT breaking up with you." My eyes widened as they lit up, "Jinjja?" I asked, wanting to confirm what I heard. "Even though I don't remember you, just with the time I spent with you these few days, I had fun so I don't actually mind hanging out with you. I'm sorry if I hurt you by confessing to Kyra, it's just that I was too piled up by feelings that I..." I nodded, "I get it, it's ok. So for now, we'll just date and if one day you get your memories back then we'll remain together if not, we break up but let's remain friends, pinkie promise?" I giggled, "pinkie promise." He agreed. We hooked our fingers together and laughed.

I walked to the door and opened it. Only to see everyone crash onto the floor. "Eavesdropping ain't good you know right?" They all looked up cheekily.

After they got up, Bam Bam suggested, "let's go for lunch to celebrate you guys clearing up the air! Mark hyung's treat!" I looked at Mark who was damn shocked and I chuckled. "Have fun paying for 11 people." He mock glared at me and hit my hand.

"Kaja!" We left the hospital after helping Mark feel up the forms. "Where do you guys want to eat at?" Jaebum asked as we got into the car, him taking the driver's seat. "Meat!" Yugyeom shouted and I followed, nodding profusely. "Korean Barbecue it is!" Jaebum announced.

As we reached the restaurant we asked for a private room. "Liz, I hope that what happened today didn't affect our friendship. I really cherish you as a best friend." We had just sat down, with Mark sitting beside me when Kyra
said those words. She was sitting across me with her head down and eyes occasionally peeking at me. "It definitely did... NOT affect us!" I laughed. I had purposely spoke in a serious tone and paused at the centre to trick Kyra. She looked relieved at my words and I just smiled. I looked around at the others who were all just happily talking and felt truly happy since the accident. Even though Mark still can't remember me, at least we are together and one day, he'll remember me again...

"Liz! Do you mind telling me stories about us? Maybe it will help wake my memories up?" I had just put a meat wrap in my mouth when Mark said that. I nodded profusely with my mouth bloated up. "So cute!" Mark said as he cupped my face with his hands. My cheeks instantaneously turned red as he stared at my eyes. "Ewwww..." I heard the others tease as I hurriedly moved away from Mark's hand. "She's my girlfriend, it's normal for couples to do that!" I heard Mark claim as my cheeks darkened.

After the guys finally calmed down after a long time of teasing, Mark looked at me and said again, "So story?" I nodded, "let's start from the last time we were here," I told him about the time we came to the restaurant and how it was to announce that I was leaving Korea. I also told him about Taehyung and how the last time we met, he went super jealous. I laughed as I recalled the memories when Mark suddenly clutched his head in agony. "Ah! F**k!" He sweared. I leaned forward and hugged him, constantly telling him it was okay. Tears streamed down my face and I saw the others all looking confused and scared.

Mark's POV
It started when Lizzie mentioned Taehyung. A sharp agony in my head. I clutched my head shouting and swearing. The pain was like a knife digging into me. My eyes closed and pictures flashed before me like slides. Every time I tried focusing on one, it changed. I only saw vague images of people laughing and talking. The only person who I truly recognized was Lizzie...

The pain stopped after a short time. I looked up dizzily to see everyone staring at me concernedly, Lizzie was hugging me and I could hear her crying while saying it's okay. "Lizzie, I'm okay now." I told her to calm her down. She broke the hug and looked at me worriedly. "It was just a memory flash, don't cry." She was still sniffing as she nodded. I raised my hand to her cheek and slowly wiped off her tears. (A/N So Kdrama-ish)

"So you remembered something?" Lizzie asked as we sat in the car. Our hands were interlocked and she was leaning against my shoulder. "No, it was like a slideshow of images. I just couldn't grasp any in particular. I'm sorry." She squeezed my hand shaking her head. "It's okay, just take your time, I'll always be here for you."

So cringeworthy!!! Anyways that's all for  chap 22 Yerobun! Thanks for reading and hope you continue to support this story.

Also, Got7's Turn Up is out so support that too! MV in media! ;)

Btw, I don't actually know how people get their memories back so it's all based on my like imagination... 😬

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