Chapter 12

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Lizzie's POV
I was staring as the sun set into the horizon, turning the skies into a canvas of colors.

I turned my head only to meet a pair of eyes staring at me.


I faked coughed as I raised an eyebrow.

As red tinted his cheeks, Mark suddenly breathed in and looked at me nervously but determinedly.

I stared at him as he suddenly confessed "Lizzie, I know this is really sudden but I really like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

By then, he had taken my hands in his and was staring at me anxiously, waiting for an answer.

I was stunned and could only stare at him in utter shock.

As I collected my thoughts and was about to reply, the whole Ferris Wheel suddenly shook causing me to fly forward and hit the side.

The impact was so hard, I immediately lost consciousness. The last thing I heard was Mark's voice.

Mark's POV
I had just confessed and was waiting anxiously.

Her lips were shaping her answer when the whole Ferris Wheel suddenly shook.

She flew across, hitting the side of the Ferris Wheel car. Her body landed on the floor and she laid there lifelessly.

I quickly ran there and kneeled beside her. "Lizzie! Liz!" I screamed as I saw that her eyes were closed.

As I checked for her breath, I sighed in relief. At least she's still breathing.

I carried her to the seat as the Ferris Wheel made its way back to the start. I was praying and hugging her tightly.

When we finally reached the ground, I hurriedly carried her out and called the others to call the ambulance.

We had all come out of the Ferris Wheel when we saw Mark carrying Lizzie.

"Call the ambulance!" Mark commanded as he glared at us.

I whipped out my phone and dialed the numbers as I stared at the lifeless girl in his arm.

"Hello, my friend fainted at Lotte World, can you guys please send an ambulance." I said hurriedly.

When I hung up, I heard an angry shout, "What happened?! What the hell did you do to Liz?!"

It was Yugyeom.

He was glaring at Mark furiously while the others were trying to calm him down.

Mark then explained everything about how when the Ferris Wheel shook, Lizzie was flung across the Ferris Wheel car.

However, I felt that Mark was hiding something but I didn't bother.

In no time, the ambulance came and Mark, Yugyeom and me went in the ambulance while the others took the van.

Liz was hurried to the hospital and everyone waited with bated breaths as the surgery light blinked on and after an hour finally flickered and offed.

Lizzie's POV
I woke up in a room of white, lying on a bed of white, basically everything was white except for the 7 people lying around.

I touched my forehead and realized there it was bandaged. Also, I had plasters and bruises here and there all over my body.

Slowly, all my memories flooded back and I remembered Mark's confession.

I then realized that the person resting on my leg was none other than him.

His face was facing the other side and he was sound asleep.

"Mark oppa, Nado saranghae, that's my answer. I like you too. Too bad, you are asleep and can't hear me..." I whispered quietly as I gently patted his hair.

I woke up when I heard some movement, I looked up to see Liz awake.

However, before I could go up to her, I saw her pat Mark's head lovingly and say, "Mark oppa, Nado Saranghae, that's my answer. I like you too. Too bad, you are asleep and can't hear me..."

My heart shattered as I heard those words leave her mouth. I then saw Mark open his eyes and immediately knew that he was actually awake and heard everything.

Now I know what he was hiding, he had confessed to her!

Mark's POV
I woke up to the feeling of someone patting my head and heard Lizzie say, "Mark oppa, nado saranghae, that my answer. I like you too. Too bad, you are asleep and can't hear me..."

My eyes widened and my heart was bursting with happiness. I then purposely acted as if I just woke up. I sat up, stretched my arms out and yawned.

Lizzie's POV
I just confessed when Mark suddenly sat up, stretched his arms out and yawned.

I was so surprised that I yelped. He looked at me confused as I let out a sigh of relief.

He probably didn't hear anything. I asked nervously "Uhhh... Did you hear anything when you were asleep?"

He shook his head and I let out another sign of relief. The others slowly woke up too and were all smiling and happy that I was finally awake.

After a few more days of staying in the hospital, I was finally discharged and went back home.

Omg! Mark and Liz both confessed! What's gonna happen next! That's all for this chapter! Hope you liked it and just saying, I may add in other characters from other boy groups.

Hope you liked this chapter and will vote, comment and read on!

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