Chapter 25

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Lizzie's POV
My ringtone woke me up and when I answered the call and these few words greeted me. "Pabo! Come open the door! We're outside the Got7 dorm!" It was my oh so awesome best friends. Totally not being sacarstic at all. I groaned as I stepped off the my super duper comfy bed.

"Why didn't you guys call your boyfriends instead, why'd y'all gotta call meh?" I said in English as I was super tired. After all, they did call me super late in the night yesterday, just to scream in my ears about JJP confessing to them. They shrugged and Nat replied in English too, "Didn't want to wake them from their beauty sleep." I death glared at them, "and it's ok to disturb my beauty sleep?" They looked at each other and nodded. "I really hate you guys." They chuckled and Shanna replied. "Nope, you love us." She purposely popped the nope and flipped her hair to annoy me. I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs with the 2 of them trailing behind me.

I plopped myself back onto the bed and closed my eyes, ignoring the fading footsteps as the girls came into my room and left to go find their boyfriends. Why am I not going to my boyfriend too? Well good question, I don't actually know... I'm just too lazy and I really love sleeping maybe almost as much as I love Mark. I thought about it for awhile then shook my head in my mind. Mark is still better.

"Yah! Lazy bum! Wake up now! We want to go for a triple date!" I woke up for the second time today, again to my 2 totally awesome best friends' totally not annoying voices. No sacarsm intended, totally. "Can you guys shut up and let me sleep!" I screamed. "I don't think we should annoy her. Plus, today there's no schedule so it's one of the rare times for her to sleep in and not come and wake us up." I recognized it as Jaebum's voice and smiled. "But Jackson and Bam Bam went to China and Thailand respectively for their individual schedules while Youngjae and Yugyeom went for a variety show so it's the best time to go for a triple date." I heard Shanna say and could even imagine her pouting even though my eyes were closed and my face was in my pillow. Jinyoung ruffled her hair or at least someone did.

How bout we let Mark try waking her up." Natasha said cheekily. "Huh?..." Mark's voice shocked me as I didn't expect him to be in my room too. I heard footsteps come towards me and a movement on the bed when someone, probably Mark, sat down. He started stroking my face lightly and softly murmuring "wake up." He spoke in English and was super sweet sounding. I peeked through one eye to see him staring at my face. I decided to give up sleeping and just sat up. Mark is better after all.

"Finally!!!" Nat and Shan jumped onto my bed and started bouncing. "Get out everyone! I need to change!" They nodded. Before running out. I changed into something date worthy and styled my hair.

"So where are the 6 of us going?" I asked as I reached the kitchen where they were all eating breakfast

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"So where are the 6 of us going?" I asked as I reached the kitchen where they were all eating breakfast. "Mydtep ahd ljdkh" Nat answered through mouths full of food. "Aish Pabo! Don't speak with your mouth full! We're going for Movies and Lunch." I nodded thanking Jaebum who just got playfully hit by Nat. I went to the fridge to get some milk and orange juice before sitting beside Mark to eat breakfast.

"Ka!" We just ate breakfast before we went into the car. We sat couple by couple in the car as JB drove us to the cinema. There was laughing and talking as we talked about all kinds of stuff, sometimes in a group, sometimes in pairs etc. I held Mark's hand throughout with my head was lying on his shoulder. We couldn't do this in public as none of our relationships were announced officially yet, sadly.

As we reached our destinations, all 3 of us girls had to reluctantly let go of their hands and walk in 3 by 3. Girls first then boys. The 3 Got7 boys wore masks, caps and sunglasses to hide their identity while us girls just strutted to the cinemas.

"Why movies genre do you guys wanna watch?" I asked. "Romance!" Shan shouted. "No! I want action!" Nat disagreed. I sighed. "Let's just watch this movie. It a mix of both romance AND action" Mark suggested, saving the rest of us from a long debate battle between Shan and Nat. Everyone agreed so after purchasing our tickets, popcorn and drinks, we went in. What Mark forgot to mention was that this movie not only contained romance and action, it also contained one more element... HORROR!

The minute the movie started there were already several jump scares and it's only been about 10 minutes. Oh! Like Mark, there's also something I didn't mention,








Thus, I only watched half the movie as for the other half I was too scared to open my eyes. Mark who could tell I was scared was using one hand to hug me and comforting me while he, himself enjoyed the damn movie. I couldn't even eat nor drink anything because as I said, my eyes were shut.

When the movie finally ended and we left the damn place, I was super pale and super scared. I was being super paranoid as I thought about all the ghosts that could appear then and there. What made the situation worse was when I was in the toilet, the light above my cubicle flickered and I shrieked so loud, glass almost broke. My friends were totally insincere as they comforted me. I mean which sincere person would pat your back while laughing!

As we went for lunch at a restaurant, it happened again...
Mark clutched his head tightly as he cursed. His face was contorted from the pure agony he was feeling. He groaned and trembled. No one knew what to do. The last time we went to the hospital because of this, the doctor said that the only way was to comfort him and that there was no way to prevent or avoid this flashes of memories from happening. "It's ok." I said over and over again. Like the other times, the flashes were short but it felt longer this time and no one knew why. "Are you okay?" I said as I held his hand. He was sweating profusely and panting a lot. He nodded weakly in reply. We called the waiter and packed up our food before bringing Mark going to the car. Before we left the restaurant Mark apologized to the customers for causing a nuisance. He was still weak but even at times like that, he would still put others before him. Luckily there were only a few people there to see that happening.

Mark slept during the car ride and seeing how weak and tired he was, Jaebum helped to carry him into the dorm where he was placed in his room to rest. That night, I stayed with him in his room and fell asleep there.

That's for this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please remember to comment and vote! :)

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