Chapter 13

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The next day, I made my way to JYPE after lunch to meet my godfather.

As I was entering the lift, 7 faces greeted me. "Hi Liz!" Yugyeom's voice perked up.

I smiled as I waved at him. I looked down to press level 5 when I realized that it was already lit.

I shrugged and asked, "Where are you guys going?" Youngjae then replied, "We are going to go see PD-nim."

I smiled and we left the lift together. We were chattering as we entered Ahjussi's office.

"Ahjussi!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. He flashed me a smile before suddenly turning serious. "Why didn't you be careful, and you guys, why didn't you take care of her?!"

He asked as the boys looked down at their feet. "It's not their fault, it's my fault. The Ferris Wheel shook that's how I got injured."

I immediately answered. He sighed and glared at the boys before dismissing us meanwhile saying that I had no schedules today. As we left, I fell back to talk to Mark.

As I was about to open my mouth, Jaebum suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me away while telling the others to go back first.

"Jaebum oppa, what are you doing?" I asked as I tried to get him to release his grip.

He then dragged me all the way to an empty dance room. He held my hands, sincerity flooded his eyes as he stared at me, "Lizzie, I... I... like you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widened as I stared at him. My gaze dropped to the floor and I shook my head softly. "I'm sorry but I only like you as a brother, as a friend." I rejected him sadly.

He put on a forced smile and said "I should have expected that. It's fine, we are still friends." I looked up to meet his eyes and pulled him into a hug before he led us back to the group.

Mark's POV
JB had just dragged Liz away and everyone just stood there, stunned. We waited curiously and after awhile, JB and Lizzie walked back, smiling and laughing.

Jealousy boiled within me and to make it worse, JB's arm was slung casually over Lizzie's shoulder.

I thought she liked me.

I guess I was wrong.

Lizzie's POV
"Manager hyung just texted me, he said that we need to go practice for our concert which is 2 weeks from now!" Jaebum announced.

They all groaned as they all thought that it was a free day. I giggled and decided that I would join them.

We walked to a random practice room and I sat down on the sofa. I whipped out my phone and started to read some fanfics on 'Wattpad'.

"Liz! You know the choreo to our dances right?! Come join us!" Bam Bam suggested as he started doing aegyo.

I giggled as I blushed and shook my head, "Ani, I can't dance." Yugyeom joined in the aegyo and in the end I gave in.

I stood up and the 7 of them cheered. I walked over to the side and we stood in random positions.

The boys decided to not do their positions as they were afraid that I would feel left out. JB then started playing Got7's Stop Stop It. (A/N song and dance practice in media)

I did the steps with them and constantly blushed, especially at the body wave part.

At the end, I was flushed and quite tired. All the boys were smiling at me silently. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Who said you can't dance? You can!!!" Jackson shouted breaking through the silence.

The others smirked and nodded their heads in sync. I blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

After 3 more hours of watching the boys practice and occasionally joining them, it was finally lunch time so we decided to go out for lunch.

Mark's POV
We had been practicing for 3 hours straight and were exhausted. JB then suggested that we go out for lunch.

"Korean BBQ!" Lizzie shouted out. She then started doing puppy dog eyes at us. She must really love BBQ.

The others all chuckled including me and ruffled her hair. She giggled and we decided to follow her decision.

She was so cute!

Yugyeom's POV
At the restaurant which was actually in the JYP building, the hyungs ordered a lot and were all stuffing food down their throats.

I was staring at Lizzie who was sitting opposite me in between JB and Bam Bam. Suddenly, she looked up and her eyes met mine, she smiled and I blushed while hastily looking away.

My feelings for her had never faded and I still like her a lot, what do I do?...

Mark's POV
I was eating a wrap when I saw Yugyeom make eye contact with Lizzie and saw Lizzie smile causing the maknae to blush.

I looked away, feeling irritated. As I looked back, I saw Liz chatting and laughing with Jaebum and I got even more jealous.

She's mine.

I stood up, grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.

Lizzie's POV
Jaebum had just told me a joke when suddenly I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me away. I turned around to see Mark pulling me.

"Oppa!" I said as I tried to get him to let go. He pulled me out of the restaurant and dragged me all the way back into the practice room which happened to be on the same floor.

He then pushed me against the wall and said, "Liz, I can't take it anymore. I love you, will you be mine?" He looked at me passionately.

I was shocked but soon enough, my lips pulled into a smile and I nodded, "Yes." He pulled me into a hug and wrapped me in his arms. I giggled as I hugged back.

That's all for this chap, hope you enjoyed it! Yay! Mark and Liz are finally together! Whoop! Read on to find out more! Also, please vote and comment! :))

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