Bitch nee-san's attempt

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"I saw you before ! You're the boy who kill my target before me but you let me say that I was the one to kill him. Childish Devil the assassin who love to play with his victims before killing them if they lost !" My eyes shined with a sadistic and devilish gleam but only her could see it. "So you remember me ! I'm so glad !" I childishly replied to her. She frowned at me before asking. "How do you know how many hits I was going for ?"

"Because I was curious about you that day, so I did a few research to find out that you are a first-rate assassin specialised in seduction and since I have a good memory, I keep that in mind." I explained with a big childish grin that seemed innocent but in my case it held everything but innocence.

She walked away with a "tsk" leaving the class to interrogate me.

"Do you know her ?"

"Not really. I just met her once."

"But she seems to know a lot about you."

"I'm a famous assassin after all."

"But she seems to know you more than that."

"Maybe she mistook me with someone else."

"Tokoyami-kun, if we're going to assassinate Koro-sensei together, we have to trust each other first. So do you know her ?"

'That's when I like to have been teaching by an actress some skills.'


'This isn't really a lie.'

"I mean I don't know her but I met her once and we just had a small talk, that's all."

'Why did I hesitate to lie and said that. Idiot !'

The E Class looked at each other before laughing. "Geez, do you think we were going to turn our backs on you only because you know her. We were just curious."

I laughed with them. "Yeah, sorry."

We went to the classroom and sat quietly as Bitch nee-san was planning her attempt.

'If we have nothing to do and if she's going to keep Sensei's attention. I might as well go see Karasuma-sensei. But I have to admit that I'm curious if a Bitch can teach a whole classroom.'

Tokoyami's POV : 

When I reached the door of the teacher's room, I knocked and waited for permission before entering. There was only Karasuma-sensei taping on his computer. 'Koro-sensei must be somewhere else. Well I prefer it that way to speak with Karasuma-sensei.'

"Oh, it's you. What can I do for you Rakuen-kun ?" Asked me the adult with black hair.

"Well you can begin by calling me by my first name Karasuma-sensei." I said as I took a seat in front of him. "And I wanted to know if you already spoke with my father." I smiled and placed my chin on my intertwined hands.

He nodded. "Yeah. I spoke with you father when you came in the classroom."

My smile disappeared and I look at him dead in the eyes. "I see. Well I have to admit that I'm glad."

He made a curious face and I continue. "At least I don't have to act in front of you Karasuma-sensei~"

His eyes widened and I smirked at him.

"No need to be surprised. After all, an assassin has to act good in front of his target to got into his trap, am I right ?"

"I can agree on that but I can't understand why you also have to act like that with your classmates if they can help you to kill your target."

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now