The trip to Kyoto (final part)

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3rd person's POV :

Karma wasn't unconscious again when Tokoyami came, he saw everything and could feel his blood boil as he saw two of his classmates getting kidnapped along with his kouhai but then he got hit badly and got unconscious for good.

Tokoyami's POV :

When I woke up, my head hurted like hell, I looked around to see the girls with one the high-schoolers who might be the leader, he had a scar on his face and my pocket knife in his hand.

"For a kid, he have really great material. Rich kids are the worst. " He said as he was twirling the knife in the air.

"Thanks. Now, can you give it back to me ?"

The leader jumped a little at the sound of my voice but then he turned to me. He came so he was just in frobt of me and bent down to be at my eye-level.

"And what are you going to do like that, hmm ?" He taunted me and this was only at that moment that I notice my attached wrists.
I growled at him and he smirked before going back to the girls. He sais something about taking "commemoratives photos."
Then he showed a picture of Kanzaki but she looked so different. Then the next thing I saw is that the leader took Kaede-chan by her collar vefore throwing her on the couch behind. My blood boiled.

"Don't you dare touch again you bastard !" I yelled at him.

He looked at me and all his minions followed his gaze.

"Look, someone is all pissed now..." Sneered the leader.

"What is he going to do ? Throw a tantrum..." Snockered one of them.

I looked at them blankly as I was trying my best to contain my rage.

"I'm sure that under all that confidence, there is someone who is afraid of pain."

"All because he never had to do anything in his life."

'You don't know all the things I have to do.'

"Because everything has been handed to him."

'You don't know me.'

"I'm sure he doesn't even know what it means to feel pain."

"Yes, I do."

They shut up when they heard me speak.

"Hey... What did you just said brat ? I couldn't quite hear you." Said the leader as he approched me.

There was a horrible sound of cracking, it was me broking my wrists on purpose. Now the rope that tied me were lose and let it fall to thz ground as I put my wristd back in place like nothing happened. I put my head up to look at the scared faces of the gang of high-schoolers, and I smiled darkly at them.

"I said Yes, I do."

They were now trembling in fear and I sadictically smirked at that.

After some time, they all charged at me at once while yelling "Don't look down on us !" I was on the ground receving kicks and punches tven suddenly both my eyes opened up and they backed away.

'My left eye must be visible.'

I took the steel bar when one of the guy was trying to hit me with it and used it against him.

3rd person's POV :

"Close your eyes Kanzaki-san." Warned Kaede to her friend.

Kanzaki did as told while Kaede watched as her cousin was hitting the high-schoolers until they bleed, she used everything that she could get at hand and a moment later, it was just the keader and her.
Tokoyami let go of her "weapon" and quickly beat the guy on the floor whike laughing.

"What's wrong. Aren't you going to do something to defend yourself." She mocked the leader as she stepped on his face.

"You know, this isn't because we're attending one of the best school in the nation that we're all geniuses. The E Class are victims of discrimation and treated like trash so I wouldn't be so cocky if I was you..." She said darkly.

Then she got off him and turned around to see all the wirk she did. They were bodies everywhere, sole with bad injuries but each of them was certainly bleeding.

"Ah, yeah." She said as if she just remembered solething she forgot. "If you die at the hospital say 'I lost against the Childish Devil.' before, okay ?"

Then she took the knife that was near the leader and git to the girls. She kneeled in front of her cousin before cutting the rope, she turned  to Kanzaki but hesitayed a little before Kanzaki show Tokoyami her wrists. When the three of them got out, they came face to face with Karma, Nagisa, Sugino, Okuda and Koro-sensei.

"Minna, are you alright ?" Asked Nagisa but thzn his gaze git to Tokoyami who was dirty. "Tokoyami-kun, what happened to you ?"

She answered when Koro-sensei was going to enter. "No need to see Koro-sensei, I already gave them a lesson."

"But as a teacher, I havz to inspect everything." The octopus said before opening the doot, onmy to be shocked of what he saw.

"Is there something wrong, sensei ?" Came a hollow voice yhzt made him jump. He turned around to see, Tokoyami.

"Nothing Tokoyami-kun, don't worry !" Koro-sensei exclaimed in fright.

"Okay, then shall we go ?" Asked Tokoyami with an innocent smile.

"Yes and Tokoyami-kun, you'll come back with us. Sensei can't risk you to get kidnapped again."

At that moment Tokoyami's phone rang, she picked it up seeing it was her childhood-friend.

Tokoyami's POV :

Me : Moshi Moshi.

Gakushuu : WHERE ARE YOU ?! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU ALL DAY ! Yelled Gakushuu and he didn't hzve the mind to bother hiding the wirry in his voice.

Me : I got kidnapped. Now I'm with a group from the E Class and I'll back to the hotel with them.

Gakushuu : You what ?!

Me : So you'll waut for me at the hotel ?

Gakushuu : Of course and you better hurry up !

Then he hang up and we all left but on the way back, Karma was akways trying to stab Koro-sensei.
When we got to the hotek, Gakushuu bowed to Karasuma and to the group for bringing me back safely before the both of us left to the luxurious hotel that we got, hopefully for me, I was in the same room as Gakushuu so he immediately understood why I didn't want to go to the bath.
Before sleeping, I took my pills or else I'll suffering all night from my injuries and I got texts from Kaede-chan, it looked like they were talking about boys.

(A)Chichinashi : Yada-san said that Karma was the one who wins easily if we tamked only about looks.

Me : Tell the girls that I agree with Yada-san, Chichinashi.

Chichinashi : As you wish. And I told you to stop calling me that !

Me : And did I ever listen to you ?

I turned my phone off and inspected it.

'Looks like he has nothing.'

Then I got back to sleep but I didn't expect to be summoned at the principal's office bedore going back to school.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now