A deal

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Meanwhile at the luxurious hotel, Tokoyami woke up because of a nightmare, waking up her friend in the process. She took her phone and saw that she got a message from her cousin.

(A) Chichinashi : I told the girks and now Nakamura-san plan on getting the both of you together.

This message make her chuckle. "She can try as much and she wants." She mumbled.

"What are you doing in the middle of the night Yami ?" Asked the son of the principal.

Tokoyami put her phone back and took a pill.

"Sorry... I got a nightmare."

"Come here, after all you're always scared when you sleep alone." Mumbled Gakushu as he put Tokoyami next to him.

"Thanks Gakushu."

"It's my job as your big brother's figure...."

The young one chuckled. "Then oyasumi Onii-chan~"

"Just sleep." He grumbled.

Tokoyami's POV :

When we came back from Kyoto, the night was there but Gakushu and me were heading to the school instead of our homes.

"Do you know why we have to go to school at such a late hour ?" I asked turning to him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "All I know is that my father contacted me because he wanted to see the two of us."

I yawned. "Couldn't this wait tomorrow ?" I grumbled.

The rest of the walk was quiet but itwasn't awkward, we quickly arrived at our destination and knocked once in front of Asano-san's office.

"Come in."

We immediately did as told ans I froze on the spot when I saw my father.

"Hello Tokoyami-kun. How was your trip to Kyoto ?"

"F-Fine Father."

"Are you sure because we saw something quite... interesting on the news."

Both adults mentionned for us to sit in front of the desk where a computer was, the screen was dark but Father press keys and the screen flashed with the news.

"Something terrible happened here at Kyoto's hospital. A band of high-schooler got there with bloody injuries. Only a minor part of them are alive, the others died because of blood loss but what is strange is the sentence all them said : 'I lost against Childish Devil.' When the ones alive heard that they all exclaimed that this wasn't the Devil but a monster.

This is again one of Childish Devil 'game' but this time the question is : Why did he kill those high-schoolers ?"

Then the screen got black again. And I could feel all eyes on me.

"Why did he kill those high-schoolers ?" Repeated my father. "Such an interesting question, don't you think Asano-kun ?"

"Y-Yes sir. But... But I'm sure that Tokoyami-kun had his reasons when he did that."

"Right. So what are the reasons Tokoyami-kun ?" Asked again my father.

I clenched my fists on my laps. "They were hurting Kaede-chan and... Putting shame on our family's name so I chose to punish them for that." I replied with a dead voice and my bangs shadowing my eyes.

There was a few minutes of silence before we heard my father laughed, we all turned to him with widened eyes and when his laughter ceased, he patted my head in an affectionate way that shocked because the last time he patted me like that was when Mother was still alive.

"That's good Tokoyami-chan, your father is very proud of you."

All I could do was nod, lost for words because of the unsual behavior of my father compared to those days since the death of his wife.

"That's good to hear but should I remind that we aren't there only for the news." Spoke Asano-san.

Father put off his hand and I touched the spot where he patted me before turning to Asano-san.

"Why are we here Asano-san ?"

"Because I have a deal to propose to you and your father."

"A deal ?" Asked Gakushu and me at the same time.

"Yes. That includes you and the E Class. You'll be returning there but stayed part of the A Class."

"What ?!" Exclaimed Gakushu standing up.

"And how do you want to do that ?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"We'll say that you're here to help the students of the E Class improved with their grades but... You know what you really have to do." Explained my father.

I casted a quick glance at Gakushu from the corner of my eyes then put my hand on my chin to think.

'In that way the Rakuen's name will be honoured and this is better benefice because it'll look like we're helping people in distress and if I killed that octopus everything would be accomplish.' I thought.

"And what would we do for events at school ?"

"You'll choose if you want to participate with the E Class or the A Class."

"And for the lessons ?"

"Gakushu will help you. After all, the both of you are smart."

I stayed silent for a few seconds before saying : "I accept."

All of us finally got home and I prepared myself to go back to the E Class.

Me : Here it is. I know it's short but I wanted you to know how Tokoyami got back to E Class and in the next chapter you'll see the reactions of the E Class for her return but also for the news.

Hope you like it.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now