Omake : Chibi

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Me : Sorry that this isn't an update of the story but since I still some things to do before continuing to write the next chapter.
I decided to do an Omake, I hope that it'll help you wait and sorry for the time.

Tokoyami's POV:

We were now in Science with the octopus and he assigned us to do some experiences by a group of four. Luckily for me, I was assigned with Okuda-san but unluckily for us we were also assigned with the idiot that is Terasaka and the lazy red head that is Karma.

And of course, Terasaka decided to have a fight with Karma while Okuda and me were working, the poor Okuda-san tried to calm them but with a shy voice. It wasn't going to happen soon so after watching the three for a moment with a blank look I decided to step in.

"You really think that you should fight now, Senpai ?" I asked the boys.

The three of them looked at me, Okuda-san looked relieved, Karma was smirking, amused and Terasaka.... was being Terasaka.

"Don't tell me what to do you damn brat !" He yelled pointing a finger at me but he also threw the vial that Okuda-san had in her hands towars me and all the liquid got on my head.

3rd person's POV:

When the liquid landed on Tokoyami, there was smoke so nobody could see him anymore. Karma, Okuda and Terasaka waited that the smoke cleared to reveal a 5 years old child with long and messy black hair, a fringe over his left eye and his right eye was strange, it wasn't only one color.

 Karma, Okuda and Terasaka waited that the smoke cleared to reveal a 5 years old child with long and messy black hair, a fringe over his left eye and his right eye was strange, it wasn't only one color

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The child was also wearing clothes too big for him and stared at the three teenagers with a blank look. The three teens looked around to see if someone noticed what was happening but they were all entranced in their work, Karma took the child and the four got in a corner.

They all stared at the child with a surprised and confused look while the child remained emotionless.

"To... Tokoyami-kun ?" Okuda called out shyly and to the surprise of the two boys.

They were even more surprised when the child anwered. "What is it Okuda-san ?"

Terasaka face-palmed as Karma took out his phone with a grin and began to take pictures. "We're damned..." The idiot groaned as he passed a hand in his hair. "The octopus and that weird new girl are gonna kill us when they'll see what happened."

"Why ? What happened ?" Asked the child now known as Tokoyami as she tilted her head. Karma took more pictures with his phone.

"Well... What do you remember, Tokoyami-kun ?" Asked Okuda as she fidgeted because of the awkward situation.

"I remember the idiot having a fight with the strawberry, you trying to calm them down, me stepping in, the idiot yelling and the liquid that we did got on me." Tokoyami told them bluntly and Terasaka popped a vein each time that he was called an idiot while Karma sweatdropped at the nickname he was given.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now